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Tigers vs. whitesox Game Thread September 4

Tigers 6th inning,

Martinez walks,

Avila lines the first pitch fastball to the wall in left center for a double Martinez to third,

Peralta takes a strike, grounder past first for a double and both runners score,

Tigers lead 11 - 0,

Raburn strikes out swinging,

Inge with a single to center and Peralta scores,

Tigers lead 12 - 0,

Jackson full count grounder to third and another low throw Jackson is safe and Inge to third and Jackson to second single and E5,

Santiago pops up to second,

Young is pinch hit for by Dirks ground ball single to center and Inge and Jackson score,

Tigers lead 14 - 0,

This is Great!!!!

Cabrera fastball strike call on/off the corner, fastball swings and misses, fouled back, again, fastball high, fly to deepest part of center and Miguel has hit a 2 run homer!!!!!!!!!!!! replay shows great concentration by Miguel,

Tigers lead 16 - 0,

Martinez lines it to the wall in left for a double,

reminds me of a Zappa song "The torture never stops",

Avila strike call inside, ump wants to move it along, low, changeup low, swings and misses, line drive single to center Martinez to third,

Tigers now with 22 hits and 11 for 23 with risp,

Peralta pinch hit for by Rhymes fly to right,

Tigers lead 16 to 0.
Buster Olney with valuable insight....Miguel realized he was on deck, and it worked out well for him. Wow, without that tidbit of info, I wouldn't have realized a home run was a good thing.....
Rather surprised MAX is back out for the 7th, figures we can't get through a night without scratching our heads over another Jimmy Smokes WTF
mjsb2 said:
sggatecl said:
If Leyland left someone in this long, the board would be blowing the F up.

Except, of course, nobody would be complaining.

Seriously, why the fuck even bring that up?

I was just insinuating that White Sox fans are probably plotting Ozzie's death as they are less happy with Ozzie than we are about Leyland and Leyland isn't exactly breaking approval ratings records.

Chill the fuck out.
Scherzer back 7th inning, Dirks in left, Santiago to short, Rhymes to 2B,
Kelly 1B,

viciedo grounds out to short,

rios flys to Raburn,

deazza grounder to Rhumes,

whitesox in hurry up mode and can't wait to get out of Detroit,

Tigers lead 16 - 0.
Crap, it's only been 6.5 innings......

This game will go on till midnight.
TigerMud said:
Rather surprised MAX is back out for the 7th, figures we can't get through a night without scratching our heads over another Jimmy Smokes WTF

Big series with the Indians, make sure pen is rested? That's my thought.
Going to be interesting seeing the AAAA Mudhens out there the rest of the game.. HAHAHAHHAHA!!
by the way, today is hawk harrelson's birthday he is 70.
not what he hoped for....
tigers99888 said:
Going to be interesting seeing the AAAA Mudhens out there the rest of the game.. HAHAHAHHAHA!!
It's no different than most other Leyland Sunday lineups.
tigers99888 said:
Going to be interesting seeing the AAAA Mudhens out there the rest of the game.. HAHAHAHHAHA!!

Inge is still out there. Oh yeah..
[color=#006400 said:
KalineCountry[/color]]by the way, today is hawk harrelson's birthday he is 70.
not what he hoped for....

Couldn't write a better script!! Thanks for that tidbit. Too good!!
[color=#006400 said:
KalineCountry[/color]]by the way, today is hawk harrelson's birthday he is 70.
not what he hoped for....

I heard he was leafing through the Detroit Yellow Pages for Kervorkian's phone number.

They didn't have the heart to tell him...
This game goes on much longer, and I'm going to be a Demi-God tonight.