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Tigers vs. whitesox Game Thread September 4

LOL Guys!

You gotta catch a plane to Shittown later tonight, let's put this to bed.

Plus, Fister is going to go psycho if he gets no runs tomorrow.
If Leyland left someone in this long, the board would be blowing the F up.
Up 2 touchdowns!

You think anyone on the tigers remembers ozzie rearranging his pitching lineup at the end of 2009 just to fuxk with the tigers?
sggatecl said:
If Leyland left someone in this long, the board would be blowing the F up.

Except, of course, nobody would be complaining.

Seriously, why the fuck even bring that up?
I know he probably doesn't want to use up the BP because they have a double header tomorrow but he has to go get him. He can't get anyone out.
Let Donny Kelly catch the rest of this, and give Alex an early shower.....no better time.
Sox have a doubleheader with Minny tomorrow. That's why this poor kid is still in there.
This reminds me of the Red Wings back in 2001 winning 7-0 against Roy and the Avalanche in game 7 of the western conference finals..