I'd be pretty okay with that at this point for free agents.
I am not a believer in targeting specific positions in specific rounds of the draft. You can't say "get an OT in round 1" because you don't know that an OT you like, that's worth a 1st rounder, will be there when you pick in round 1.
The best drafters are flexible. They make decisions based on how much better one guy is than another, and is there another player later down the board that can replace that guy, with how much of a dropoff in talent.
Round 3 RB? Maybe. Might be a guy there in round 6 that is just as good, or not noticeably worse.
Best plan is to shore up your holes as best you can before the draft, and then try to upgrade or plan for the future come draft time. Don't tie the horse to a cart just because you need a cart.