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Boldened 1 - it?s the way it?s been done going over the course of the last three centuries - when the opposition party controls the Senate in an election year, the nomination is deferred.

Could the Republicans have explained that when Garland was rebuffed, rather when Coney Barrett was confirmed? Yeah, that would have been nice.

the point was made but surprisingly ignored by 80% of the popular media.

Boldened 2 - Has anybody on this board expressed giving a crap how any adult changed their own body? I haven?t seen it.

has anybody taken the other side of any of those points? Not forcing bakers and photographers to participate in events they object to doesn't mean they care who has sex with whom. Even the abortion argument - it's not about body autonomy and old white men telling women what to do with their bodies. It's all false moral preening.
Are any of them "standing for Russia" right now? I hear a lot of people blaming Biden's weakness, including Gabbard but I haven't read any remarks about people standing for Putin or Russia.

What was Tulsi?s response to the Afghan withdrawal? I think I read she said it should have happened years ago - maybe it should have, and well and good - but it didn?t.

I guess I could look it up.
Hall of fame boxers taking up arms against Russia.

Hall of Fame boxers Vitali, Wladimir Klitschko plan to fight for Ukraine.


The Republican Party I know would never stand for Russia expansion into Ukraine. The Regan administration for all his fucked up faults at least
Understood Russia. Trump would have just let it happened. Frustrating we can?t all come together.

??? We are in the twilight zone again, who just did let it happen? If Buck we're serious about making things difficult for Putin we'd open up our energy sector again and drop the price of oil back to the floor but we don't, why is that?

The Oligarchy running this rock aren't serious about damaging Putin.

I don't know if it's true or not fog of war and all that but
According to New York Post journalist Michael Goodwin, Donald Trump told Vladimir Putin he would order the bombing of Moscow if Russia attacked Ukraine. During a recent conversation with the journalist at Mar-a-Lago, Trump made it clear what he thought about current developments.

The former president slammed Biden?s first year in office as an unmitigated disaster, asserting, ?I never thought anything like this could happen to us.?

He then skewered Biden?s utter weakness when it comes to foreign policy, the catastrophe in Afghanistan and how both Putin and President Xi have been emboldened by his administration?s impotence.

Trump labeled the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan as ?the single biggest embarrassment in our history,? although what he reportedly said about Russia and China given Moscow?s attack on Ukraine raises eyebrows.

After saying that he ?got along great? with Putin and ?respected? him, Goodwin drew attention to other comments Trump reportedly made to the Russian president.

?If you move against Ukraine while I?m president,? Trump allegedly stated, ?I will hit Moscow.?

After Putin scoffed and said, ?No way!? Trump responded, ?All those beautiful golden turrets will be blown up.?

During Chinese President Xi Jinping?s visit to Mar-a-Lago in 2017, Trump also apparently warned Xi that, ?any military move against Taiwan would be met with an attack on Beijing,? a remark that left Xi stunned.

?While it is also possible that both accounts are exaggerated, it is a fact that neither man made the moves Trump is said to have warned against,? notes Goodwin.
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That just isn?t true. It?s what the far right wants you to believe. Stop watching and supporting Guys like Steve Bannon, and that other clown Alex Jones. How Bannon ended up a free man is disgrace. But that is what the far right GOP is now. The cult of Trump supporting Putin.

Plus you didn?t think there would be blow back for a super majority Supreme Court that is out of touch with The American people. Just ridiculous how that last Supreme Court Justice was picked after what McConnell did to Garland.

Maybe we should be teaching proper history and not cover up every thing like some states do.
I don?t give a shit who a person loves or wants to have sex with.
I don?t give a shit if a person wants to change from male to female or female to male.
I don?t give care what a women does with her OWN Body.
I would like to see less gun shooting Violence on the streets. Maybe a novel concept revisit the
Antiquated 2 Amendment that was made when there no machine guns.

You don't really need to look any further than Ukraine right now as to why the 2 amendment is anything but antiquated.
He's making the mistake, as many others are, of considering talking heads on Fox the Republican Party.

The names that keep getting floated like Trump, Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, etc...none of what they say should be attributed to The Republican Party in my opinion.

DeSantis/Gabbard 2024!
Are any of them "standing for Russia" right now? I hear a lot of people blaming Biden's weakness, including Gabbard but I haven't read any remarks about people standing for Putin or Russia.

I've seen a few make comments praising Putin's ability to lead, Ukraine not actually being a real sovereign country, etc. Russia has already used video of Carlson, Gabbard, and others for their propaganda to show justification for their efforts. I can't imagine it's hard to find, but when I get home I'll find one of the reports in my history.

Have I read/heard anyone say "We stand with Russia"? No.
yes, its Biden's weakness that a mad man is trying to start a world war lmao. Youguys really are fucking idiots arent you?
yes, its Biden's weakness that a mad man is trying to start a world war lmao. Youguys really are fucking idiots arent you?

Did they try to do this before Buck? what about the last time Buck was in office? What did they do then?
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What does that have to do with anything?


Yes this picture is exactly why our country is so fucking stupid....a bunch of losers sitting there blankly just blaming other political parties pointing the fingers at each other. Theyll go as far as to praise dictators just so they dont have to side with our president. lol fucking losers.
Did they try to do this before Buck? what about the last time Buck was in office? What did they do then?

Are you serious? I'm going to give you a bit to think (Google more likely) about Putin in the 25 years and what he's done similiar to this.

I'll even help you out. 'Georgia' 'Crimea' 'Syria'

Start there.
Are you serious? I'm going to give you a bit to think (Google more likely) about Putin in the 25 years and what he's done similiar to this.

I'll even help you out. 'Georgia' 'Crimea' 'Syria'

Start there.

If those topics don't pop up in the search bar on InfoWars or C2C he's not going to find them.
Are you serious? I'm going to give you a bit to think (Google more likely) about Putin in the 25 years and what he's done similiar to this.

I'll even help you out. 'Georgia' 'Crimea' 'Syria'

Start there.

I think when our friend TigerMud talks about ?the last time? he?s taking about Crimea and Syria, when ol? Buck was the VP.
I think when our friend TigerMud talks about ?the last time? he?s taking about Crimea and Syria, when ol? Buck was the VP.

I hope not considering that would be completely irrelevant. I'll wait for him to answer for himself.
I hope not considering that would be completely irrelevant. I'll wait for him to answer for himself.

It?s not irrelevant. Biden is seen as weak trump was not Russia did not start their preparation troop movements on Ukraine until after trump was out, that?s all I?m saying and you don?t have to go to IW or C2C to get that same opinion although I still don?t understand why thumb lumps C2C into this


Let?s pray it all works out well for the world in the end as Ukraine appears to be putting up a good resistance.
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