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Some of the videos last election of guys just dumping massive amounts of ballots into a box in the middle of the room while people watched was like from a sitcom.

Was just missing the track suit.

not sure if it was the last election or one before but I recall hearing that Putin got 100% of the vote - EVERY SINGLE VOTE - from the home town of a very popular opposition candidate. I remember thinking holy crap, that's f'n gangster - Putin was clearly telling his opponent and the world "yeah, we cheated. Waddayagonnadoaboutit?"
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not sure if it was the last election or one before but I recall hearing that Putin got 100% of the vote - EVERY SINGLE VOTE - from the home town of a very popular opposition candidate. I remember thinking holy crap, that's f'n gangster - Putin was clearly telling his opponent and the world "yeah, we cheated. Waddayagonnadoaboutit?"

because he either kills, poisons, or throws anyone that opposes him in jail lol.

Last i checked trump is still american, and is a former president. He has all the authority in the world to go meet with drinking pal Putin if he wished....he hasnt done shit.

Biden Sucks.

I dont think Putin really gives a shit about the Ukraine...hes using them to start a fight and hope is escalates so he can bomb the shit out of the rest of Europe or the USA with his hypersonic missles so he can show everyone how strong he is.

Here we go policing the world again in the name of democracy....when we cant even get our inhouse stuff right. Dumb ass americans wasting american lives and money.

Our country is fucking dumb and is about to get snookered into a world war.
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We did most of the inventing and building of the internet. How the hell can't we overwhelmingly dominate the online, wild-west, no-convention-restriction aspect of these conflicts? What are we waiting for?
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We did most of the inventing and building of the internet. How the hell can't we overwhelmingly dominate the online, wild-west, no-convention-restriction aspect of these conflicts? What are we waiting for?

In all honesty, there is a limited number of exploits that the government knows about while others do not. Supposedly.

So you have to be careful about what you do and how you do it.

Remember the Iranian centrifuges that kept failing and delaying Iran's ability to acquire weapons grade fission materials? That was due to a hack that the US had implemented, but they were using it in a very controlled manner which was baffling the Iranians. Then the US provided the info to Israel, and the Israelis were not as willing to use the code as slowly as the US was. So Israel starts causing more and more frequent failures, and that is when Iran figured out what was happening.

Just because things are not being reported or known doesn't mean that things are not going down. And the same is true in reverse. It is inevitable that if we perform an action that the Soviets....err...Russians will launch an attack of their own. I know we hear about attacks from Russia and China all the time, but I'm not so naive as to believe we are not continually doing the same thing to them... we just try to have things in place that they do not know about so we can use them when it is absolutely warranted.

Right now, the Ukraine is not really our battle. They did not join NATO for starters. IF Putin decides he wants more, More, MORE! and goes after a NATO member... well, that is when I would expect to see some of our cyber teams use a few of their tricks.

None of this is to say the US is better than others at cyber, just more cautious about exposing what hacks are in place.

In all honesty though, the group that I'm surprised has yet to unleash something is Anonymous. I would think this kind of event would get their passions flowing. Russia wants to do something, let a group like Anonymous initiate attacks that shut down a bunch of the shit inside Russia. Let the people lose power, lose their internet, lose communications... but let Anonymous do the dirty work such that the US itself is not considered responsible and can easily blame it on a fringe group of hackers who are well recognized for performing such attacks. And don't have only Anonymous do it, but every hacker worth their salt should shut down as much of Russia as possible. Hell, just overwhelm their entire DNS structure with DDoS attacks. Piss off the people of Russia, make it clear that it is the fault of Putin's actions. Get the people mad enough that they will revolt against him and - preferably - kill him. That said, we supposedly do not know who the leader(s) is/are of Anonymous. Their current silence makes one wonder whether they are from Russia or China.

Ah, the world of cyber is full of intrigue and mystery! The modern day spies are cyber experts for certain.
... but let Anonymous do the dirty work such that the US itself is not considered responsible and can easily blame it on a fringe group of hackers who are well recognized for performing such attacks. And don't have only Anonymous do it, but every hacker worth their salt should shut down as much of Russia as possible. Hell, just overwhelm their entire DNS structure with DDoS attacks. Piss off the people of Russia, make it clear that it is the fault of Putin's actions. Get the people mad enough that they will revolt against him and - preferably - kill him. That said, we supposedly do not know who the leader(s) is/are of Anonymous. Their current silence makes one wonder whether they are from Russia or China.

Ah, the world of cyber is full of intrigue and mystery! The modern day spies are cyber experts for certain.

Had not seen this on my earlier searches...


There we go. Nice to see them in the mix!!! Go fuck up their entire nation!!!!!
so sorry you feel that way Bob. we'll agree to disagree, I think you are incorrect. You do know trump already had a ton of sanctions on Russia before Buck got in there and reversed everything right?



Buck helped make it all possible IMO

lets see what he does next, Open Americas energy back up so our prices don't sky rocket and so that we don't need to import jack shit from Russia. You think he could do that at least?

EDIT: Nope just more sanctions but not willing to cut off SWIFT. won't accomplish much, get ready to pay through the nose for food & energy as Americas energy remains closed and off limits. Nov can't come soon enough.

Anyone paying lip service like you do and others do for Trump and his criminal empire can fuckng have him. Just like every republicans President in my life the democrats have to fix the Colossal mess the previous President left. That shit stain even tried to start a Coup on January 6th 2021 and he still isn?t in jail. Shame old circle over and over again and shameful republicans won?t even stand up to that Piece of shit. What happened to republicans? Siding With fucking Putin over any President republican or democrat is just flat out shameful.
Anyone paying lip service like you do and others do for Trump and his criminal empire can fuckng have him. Just like every republicans President in my life the democrats have to fix the Colossal mess the previous President left. That shit stain even tried to start a Coup on January 6th 2021 and he still isn?t in jail. Shame old circle over and over again and shameful republicans won?t even stand up to that Piece of shit. What happened to republicans? Siding With fucking Putin over any President republican or democrat is just flat out shameful.

Nobody is siding with Putin bob and it?s not the same Democratic Party you grew up with. They?ve been taken over by the woke mob left
Nobody is siding with Putin bob and it?s not the same Democratic Party you grew up with. They?ve been taken over by the woke mob left

That just isn?t true. It?s what the far right wants you to believe. Stop watching and supporting Guys like Steve Bannon, and that other clown Alex Jones. How Bannon ended up a free man is disgrace. But that is what the far right GOP is now. The cult of Trump supporting Putin.

Plus you didn?t think there would be blow back for a super majority Supreme Court that is out of touch with The American people. Just ridiculous how that last Supreme Court Justice was picked after what McConnell did to Garland.

Maybe we should be teaching proper history and not cover up every thing like some states do.
I don?t give a shit who a person loves or wants to have sex with.
I don?t give a shit if a person wants to change from male to female or female to male.
I don?t give care what a women does with her OWN Body.
I would like to see less gun shooting Violence on the streets. Maybe a novel concept revisit the
Antiquated 2 Amendment that was made when there no machine guns.
Hall of fame boxers taking up arms against Russia.

Hall of Fame boxers Vitali, Wladimir Klitschko plan to fight for Ukraine.


The Republican Party I know would never stand for Russia expansion into Ukraine. The Regan administration for all his fucked up faults at least
Understood Russia. Trump would have just let it happened. Frustrating we can?t all come together.
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Why Putin's 'de-Nazification of Ukraine' argument makes no sense.

announcing an unprovoked military assault on Ukraine Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said he was acting to prevent "genocide" against Russian-speaking people in the sovereign nation and aiming for the ?de-Nazification of Ukraine.?

?Its goal is to protect people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide," Putin said in the televised address moments before airstrikes began. "And for this we will strive for the demilitarization and de-Nazification of Ukraine.?

Putin's claim that he wanted to ?de-Nazify? Ukraine was striking ? and in opposition to reality. For one thing, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who was democratically elected to office in 2019, is Jewish.

So let me get this right Mr Putin . You want to kick out a Jewish President because he is a Nazi ? Talk about needing medication Vladimir. We all always knew Putin would be a issue. Should handled this back when The former Soviet Union collapsed.
That just isn?t true. It?s what the far right wants you to believe. Stop watching and supporting Guys like Steve Bannon, and that other clown Alex Jones. How Bannon ended up a free man is disgrace. But that is what the far right GOP is now. The cult of Trump supporting Putin.

Plus you didn?t think there would be blow back for a super majority Supreme Court that is out of touch with The American people. Just ridiculous how that last Supreme Court Justice was picked after what McConnell did to Garland.

Maybe we should be teaching proper history and not cover up every thing like some states do.
I don?t give a shit who a person loves or wants to have sex with.
I don?t give a shit if a person wants to change from male to female or female to male.
I don?t give care what a women does with her OWN Body.
I would like to see less gun shooting Violence on the streets. Maybe a novel concept revisit the
Antiquated 2 Amendment that was made when there no machine guns.

stop watching CNN and MSNBC Bob, you clearly don't understand any of these issues - this is nothing more than misrepresenting issues for more BS moral preening.
Hall of fame boxers taking up arms against Russia.

Hall of Fame boxers Vitali, Wladimir Klitschko plan to fight for Ukraine.


The Republican Party I know would never stand for Russia expansion into Ukraine. The Regan administration for all his fucked up faults at least
Understood Russia. Trump would have just let it happened. Frustrating we can?t all come together.

what Republicans currently in office are standing for Russian aggression and expansion?
what Republicans currently in office are standing for Russian aggression and expansion?

bob doesn't know. He just regurgitates the same lines over and over again. "republicans bad"
"Trump is the worst and it isn't even close"
what Republicans currently in office are standing for Russian aggression and expansion?

He's making the mistake, as many others are, of considering talking heads on Fox the Republican Party.

The names that keep getting floated like Trump, Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, etc...none of what they say should be attributed to The Republican Party in my opinion.
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He's making the mistake, as many others are, of considering talking heads on Fox the Republican Party.

The names that keep getting floated like Trump, Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, etc...none of what they say should be attributed to The Republican Party in my opinion.

Considering she ran for the Democratic nomination for president and got 100% more delegates than the current Democratic VP who also sought the nomination, I would say no?what Tulsi says should not be attributed to the Republican Party.

I don?t watch her on Fox News. I know from other media she ain?t crazy about US military intervention into the conflict between ?two corrupt governments? - about that - she ain?t entirely off the mark.

Tulsi has more ground to talk of such things than most.
Considering she ran for the Democratic nomination for president and got 100% more delegates than the current Democratic VP who also sought the nomination.

Yeah, now that you mention it, she should totally run for office in American Samoa. Could be a real launching point for any future presidential campaign.
That just isn?t true. It?s what the far right wants you to believe. Stop watching and supporting Guys like Steve Bannon, and that other clown Alex Jones. How Bannon ended up a free man is disgrace. But that is what the far right GOP is now. The cult of Trump supporting Putin.

Plus you didn?t think there would be blow back for a super majority Supreme Court that is out of touch with The American people. Just ridiculous how that last Supreme Court Justice was picked after what McConnell did to Garland.

Maybe we should be teaching proper history and not cover up every thing like some states do.
I don?t give a shit who a person loves or wants to have sex with.
I don?t give a shit if a person wants to change from male to female or female to male.
I don?t give care what a women does with her OWN Body.
I would like to see less gun shooting Violence on the streets. Maybe a novel concept revisit the
Antiquated 2 Amendment that was made when there no machine guns.

Boldened 1 - it?s the way it?s been done going over the course of the last three centuries - when the opposition party controls the Senate in an election year, the nomination is deferred.

Could the Republicans have explained that when Garland was rebuffed, rather when Coney Barrett was confirmed? Yeah, that would have been nice.

Boldened 2 - Has anybody on this board expressed giving a crap how any adult changed their own body? I haven?t seen it.
He's making the mistake, as many others are, of considering talking heads on Fox the Republican Party.

The names that keep getting floated like Trump, Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, etc...none of what they say should be attributed to The Republican Party in my opinion.

Are any of them "standing for Russia" right now? I hear a lot of people blaming Biden's weakness, including Gabbard but I haven't read any remarks about people standing for Putin or Russia.