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Let?s pray it all works out well for the world in the end as Ukraine appears to be putting up a good resistance.

If the US helps it will start a nuclear world war. If the US doesn't help Ukraine has already stated they will get nuclear weapons and start a nuclear world war. Your boy putin knows this already.... he's a lunatic. You and all of your putin supporters should move there.
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Just wondering since the impression you're trying to create is we were stronger under trump. What exactly screams strength from "failed businessman reality TV star."
Just wondering since the impression you're trying to create is we were stronger under trump. What exactly screams strength from "failed businessman reality TV star."

For one we'd have the Keystone XL Pipeline. Which could supply energy to everyone in the world for 100 years. Instead of relying on Russian and others. Stupid dems.
Ukraine is putting up a very legit fight.

I will not be surprised if Ukraine beats back the Russian armies.

Actually, I feel like if they hold out for at most 2 weeks, the citizens of Russia will revolt and call for Putin's head.

Putin signed his death warrant invading Ukraine.
For one we'd have the Keystone XL Pipeline. Which could supply energy to everyone in the world for 100 years. Instead of relying on Russian and others. Stupid dems.

That Alexandria Ocasio Cortez could sure be using? that keystone pipeline right about now. She has a pretty big carbon footprint, always ridin? around in taxis, and jettin? off to Florida, and shit.

According to that one guy, I think he was a congressman himself, who twittered about it, apparently her boyfriend has a pretty big carbon footprint himself.
Just wondering since the impression you're trying to create is we were stronger under trump. What exactly screams strength from "failed businessman reality TV star."

Just out of curiosity can you name one thing trump did you agreed with and one thing Biden has done right?
Warped sense of priorities

Biden admin says it will keep working with Putin in ?important areas,? likely climate change


Biden Admin Launches ?Mostly Symbolic? Sanctions Against Putin, Report Says



Memo sent to CBP agents on southern border asks for volunteers to go to Poland


Trump knew China wasn?t a friend why doesn?t buck?


Even as Russian tanks roll toward Kyiv, the US is still buying a lot of Russian oil (Update: Psaki speaks)



Yes, he really said that. As we now know, nothing would happen in Ukraine during Trump's final year in office. Like every other year of President Trump's time in the White House, Putin stayed within his own borders and didn't seek to take territory by force as he'd done during the Obama-Biden administration. And just after Biden stumbled past the his first anniversary in the White House, Russia would invade Ukraine.


The Biden administration's energy policy ? from canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline to acquiescing to Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline and canceling federal oil and gas leases ? has helped enrich and embolden Russian President Vladimir Putin, facilitating his invasion of Ukraine, critics argue
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Just out of curiosity can you name one thing trump did you agreed with and one thing Biden has done right?

Politics hasn't dune much of anything right the last 2 presidency. Republicans and democrats alike are terrible for this country and have done nothing but divide us. They should all be let go of their jobs... every single one of them. The only thing biden has done right is everytime I look at social media hes not on there saying something stupid or gloating about how he's the best at something dumb.

Both killed alot of Americans cause they couldn't stop the spread of a virus.

Both contributed to extreme inflation.

Both crippled the supply chain.

One president is an ego maniacal dumbass that caters to skin heads and dictators . One is a dementia patient. Yay america.... we're #1.
Politics hasn't dune much of anything right the last 2 presidency. Republicans and democrats alike are terrible for this country and have done nothing but divide us. They should all be let go of their jobs... every single one of them. The only thing biden has done right is everytime I look at social media hes not on there saying something stupid or gloating about how he's the best at something dumb.

Both killed alot of Americans cause they couldn't stop the spread of a virus.

Both contributed to extreme inflation.

Both crippled the supply chain.

One president is an ego maniacal dumbass that caters to skin heads and dictators . One is a dementia patient. Yay america.... we're #1.

And the other half? One thing you think trump did right? Just one?
And the other half? One thing you think trump did right? Just one?

Almost every notable thing he built.... he also destroyed in his last year due to mismanaging corona. So I would have answered unemployment, middle class incomes rising and stock market. But he then proceeded to destroy all 3 of those. So meh...I got nothing.
Almost every notable thing he built.... he also destroyed in his last year due to mismanaging corona. So I would have answered unemployment, middle class incomes rising and stock market. But he then proceeded to destroy all 3 of those. So meh...I got nothing.

I don?t think he mismanaged that at all, his big mistake was listening to fraudchi. IMO. I was grateful Biden said no US troops will be sent into Ukraine. I wish he?d at least now reopen American energy sector and secure our own broader. I won?t hold my breath though in either of those things
Trump alienated the US from our allies and several of our pacts. You don't think those bonds being destroyed were a perfect reason putin thought this was the right time to start war? You're blind if you think that has 0 to do with it.
Trump alienated the US from our allies and several of our pacts. You don't think those bonds being destroyed were a perfect reason putin thought this was the right time to start war? You're blind if you think that has 0 to do with it.

Disagree, he got many to step up and start paying more of their share
Bank Runs Underway In Russia As US & EU Agree To Cut Off Country From SWIFT System
Remember when trump blackmailed Ukraine by withholding hundreds of millions of military funding unless they conducted an investigation on biden. Good job trump! Way to start a war fuck bag.
Wait, what?

We all know you?re an unapologetic troll, but can?t you try to be possibly a little less wrong?


Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman served as the director of European affairs on Trump?s National Security Council, and was on the call when Trump pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to ?do us a favor? and dig up dirt on now-President Joe Biden.

Trump was impeached by the House in late 2019 for demanding that Ukraine investigate Biden while withholding hundreds of millions of dollars? worth of military aid the embattled country needed to defend itself against Russia. The Trump administration eventually released the aid, but not before a lengthy delay that strained the countries? relations and clearly emboldened Putin.