People should remember that new contracts are usually light early on.
Lets say Avril signs a 5 year, $40 million dollar deal with a $20 million dollar signing bonus. The salaries, by year, would probably be something like $1 mil, $3 mil, $4 mil, $5 mil, $7 mil. Add a $4 mil cap hit per year for the signing bonus, and you see that his first year only hits $5 million, even though he's getting $8 million per year.
Deals usually work something like this. Houston counted $2 million last year, and $4 million this year.
This hurts the Lions in the future, but the cap should go up a lot in the future, and teams prepare for that.
So, signing guys like Avril and Tulloch won't hurt the Lions this year as much as people think. Both can easily be brought back if Calvin is restructured. Its not all gloom and doom.