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Borges GONE

From @footballscoop

"Sources tell us Alabama OC Doug Nussmeier will be the new OC at Michigan http://FootballScoop.com/the-scoop"
Though might be best to slow down.

CBS is much more reputable, and they erroneously reported Joe Paterno's death something like 36 hours before it happened.

They also had two stories on their homepage today. One said that PSU planned to interview 49'ers assistant for HC job. The other story said they already had.
And just as I type that, CBS reports Nussmeier to UM.

haha.....this is fun!
Well, I guess I got at least one reason right. Money.

I bet the total autonomy doesn't hurt either!

And if this brings in a 5 star QB in 2015, BAZINGA!
Lol at this one
@bobwojnowski: No, Doug Nussmeier would not be allowed to bring Alabama's offensive line with him to Michigan.