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Nice job.

From the CDC for 2017, 7,708 deaths per day.

That?s everything; it would appear abortion aren?t counted though.

And there seems to be quite a lot of those.

Another 2,330 per day.

I expect there will be a "new way" to contract the Coronavirus announced sometime next week.
I expect there will be a "new way" to contract the Coronavirus announced sometime next week.

Nope, Gates already told us there is a new pig flu on the way next. Covid as weakened, 50k new cases today, nobody will need the vaccine by the time one comes out so they have to release another one now.
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Nope, Gates already told us there is a new pig flu on the way next. Covid as weakened, 50k new cases today, nobody will need the vaccine by the time one comes out so they have to release another one now.

Was that the fluff interview with the slappy from the US Chamber of Commerce where he actually smiled when he talked about "preparing for the next one?"
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Assimilation is inevitable; resistance is useless. The collective will prevail.

"One of the problems we face in the United States is that unfortunately, there is a combination of an anti-science bias that people are -- for reasons that sometimes are, you know, inconceivable and not understandable -- they just don't believe science and they don't believe authority," Fauci said.​

The new god is "science," which has been so right since its inception. Bow down to it.

"So when they see someone up in the White House, which has an air of authority to it, who's talking about science, that there are some people who just don't believe that -- and that's unfortunate because, you know, science is truth," Fauci said.​

This sort of statement merits a ridge hand to this liar's adam's apple. My hair is standing on its edge.

"It's amazing sometimes the denial there is. It's the same thing that gets people who are anti-vaxxers, who don't want people to get vaccinated, even though the data clearly indicate the safety of vaccines," Fauci added. "That's really a problem."​

No, you charlatan, the problem is you and your ilk. The "people" you refer to are children, you dismissive rat. Vaccines are so safe that manufacturers and "covered persons" are exempt from liability.

$4,000,000,000 in payouts and the deck is stacked. Link

So are all COVID-19 related countermeasures. (exempt from liability)
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Sgg already gave a heads up on three new ways - auto accidents, abortions and black on black crime.

but not protests against things that don't exist - there's a built in immunity to anything with the right intentions, like burning down a Wendy's or tearing down statues of abolitionists to fight white supremacy. Apparently the folks at the Wuhan lab were able to splice a social justice gene into the virus' DNA before the US military stole it and released it in a Wuhan wet market.
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$4,000,000,000 in payouts and the deck is stacked. Link

Part of that is the average payout being $1 million.


That's an average of 124 payouts a year for 29 years - for all vaccines. You are 100% right that this kind of shielding from liability is a lot of power that should be scrutinized and policed, but the impact of the entire program is far less than the terror of polio.
but not protests against things that don't exist...

Hmmm...not so sure - doesn?t seem as likely to spread the Covid as car crashes, abortions or black on black crime.

Let?s take the case of George Floyd, for example - the people he was trying to pass the phony money on were also black, and he ended up being Covid positive at the time he died.
Part of that is the average payout being $1 million.


That's an average of 124 payouts a year for 29 years - for all vaccines. You are 100% right that this kind of shielding from liability is a lot of power that should be scrutinized and policed, but the impact of the entire program is far less than the terror of polio.

'Since 1988, over 19,098 petitions have been filed with the VICP. Over that 29-year time period, 17,003 petitions have been adjudicated, with 5,872 of those determined to be compensable, while 11,131 were dismissed."

And this Vaccine Injury Table by default disqualifies a lot of cases, as does this: "According to HHS, moreover, “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported,” and studies confirm that many health providers are unfamiliar with the system for reporting vaccine injuries."

The burden of proof on the plaintiffs is high, even with documented medical evidence.

As for Polio? I'll get back to you on that.
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Assimilation is inevitable; resistance is useless. The collective will prevail.
"One of the problems we face in the United States is that unfortunately, there is a combination of an anti-science bias that people are -- for reasons that sometimes are, you know, inconceivable and not understandable -- they just don't believe science and they don't believe authority," Fauci said.​
The new god is "science," which has been so right since its inception. Bow down to it.
"So when they see someone up in the White House, which has an air of authority to it, who's talking about science, that there are some people who just don't believe that -- and that's unfortunate because, you know, science is truth," Fauci said.​
This sort of statement merits a ridge hand to this liar's adam's apple. My hair is standing on its edge.
"It's amazing sometimes the denial there is. It's the same thing that gets people who are anti-vaxxers, who don't want people to get vaccinated, even though the data clearly indicate the safety of vaccines," Fauci added. "That's really a problem."​
No, you charlatan, the problem is you and your ilk. The "people" you refer to are children, you dismissive rat. Vaccines are so safe that manufacturers and "covered persons" are exempt from liability.

$4,000,000,000 in payouts and the deck is stacked. Link

So are all COVID-19 related countermeasures. (exempt from liability)

Eventually they will pass forced inoculations. I will fight it till my dying day, I will not take the population control shot. Fauci can GFH right along with his pink sweater wearing smiling devil Mr. Gates
As for Polio? I'll get back to you on that.

It's the over 29 years part the changes the impact of those stats. 19,098 claims is 659 a year - which isn't nothing, but in comparison to the good done, which is a high bar, not just 1:1 or 2:1, it's still worth it. If the harm resulting from care had to be nearly zero or not take the benefit into account, we'd have to look at all the medical malpractice in the country and do away with hospitals altogether.
It's the over 29 years part the changes the impact of those stats. 19,098 claims is 659 a year - which isn't nothing, but in comparison to the good done, which is a high bar, not just 1:1 or 2:1, it's still worth it. If the harm resulting from care had to be nearly zero or not take the benefit into account, we'd have to look at all the medical malpractice in the country and do away with hospitals altogether.

I mentioned that this approximates 1% of all potential claims. I wonder who would willingly volunteer to be permanently damaged -- or volunteer their child to be -- in exchange for the rest of the population to be "cured" or "immune".

There's ample fraud alleged as well that affected 5,000 petitions. P3 has the most central info but it's brief in total.
I mentioned that this approximates 1% of all potential claims. I wonder who would willingly volunteer to be permanently damaged -- or volunteer their child to be -- in exchange for the rest of the population to be "cured" or "immune".

There's ample fraud alleged as well that affected 5,000 petitions. P3 has the most central info but it's brief in total.

Not many would volunteer knowing damage is a certainty. But most do knowing things are as they are, where damage is exceedingly rare.

So...the 99% that aren't reported. What are you proposing is going on with these 60,000 people a year?
Not many would volunteer knowing damage is a certainty. But most do knowing things are as they are, where damage is exceedingly rare.

My doctor always pushes me to get a flu shot. I never have; and I have not had the flu for decades. Not making the connection, just saying that I should not ever be obligated to get a shot. I am interested in what his approach will be when I see him next month. I was watching West Wing yesterday. Bartlett's personal doctor pulls out a syringe and Bartlett asks: "What's that?" "It's a flu shot." In it goes, and Bartlett says nothing. To me, another example of suggestion for the masses. Call me paranoid, but I can't abide in mass anything, except for Daily Mass.

I realize that I in no way addressed your point.

So...the 99% that aren't reported. What are you proposing is going on with these 60,000 people a year?

They don't make the connection. They don't think they have recourse. They don't know they have recourse. There's a difference. They are compliant. They don't think for themselves. Many possibilities why.
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Hmmm...not so sure - doesn?t seem as likely to spread the Covid as car crashes, abortions or black on black crime.

Let?s take the case of George Floyd, for example - the people he was trying to pass the phony money on were also black, and he ended up being Covid positive at the time he died.

but there was no car crash, abortion or black-on-black crime involved in the George Floyd getting COVID either - at least as far as we know.
so cases are setting records every day. Are governors going to take steps backwards and start shutting down?
so cases are setting records every day. Are governors going to take steps backwards and start shutting down?

Well, they should let the "science" determine that:

Accuracy of Data

CDC does not know the exact number of COVID-19 illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths for a variety of reasons. COVID-19 can cause mild illness, symptoms might not appear immediately, there are delays in reporting and testing, not everyone who is infected gets tested or seeks medical care, and there may be differences in how jurisdictions confirm numbers.​

Yet, it posts exact numbers on its website.

A1. Clinical Criteria for Reporting
In outpatient or telehealth settings at least two of the following symptoms: fever (measured or
subjective), chills, rigors, myalgia, headache, sore throat, new olfactory and taste disorder(s)
? at least one of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing​

So if someone has a headache, a sore throat and a cough, they have COVID 19.