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That was sarcasm/exaggeration as I thought you were being sarcastic in the comment I quoted. No offense meant.

I'm not hard core anti-mask. My stance on masks is fairly consistent with my generally sceptical approach to most things people politicize and freak out over. Similarly, I don't think COVID is a hoax, nor do I think the President does, but I am highly sceptical of the numbers - for example, I have a hard time believing that our numbers are that many times worse on a gross and per capita basis than the rest of the world - especially China. I'm also skeptical of the prescriptions for battling the virus or at least certain aspects of them. I do think it's very possible that this is being politicized and overblown both as a power grab and strategy for placing blame to win an election.

I am hard core anti-tattle tale assholes. If you're social distancing at your kids game and keeping your kids socially distanced and the lack of social distancing you're witnessing doesn't involve a robbery or assault or some other criminally dangerous behavior, mind your own business.

Although I'm skeptical, I still follow the protocols because my wife's parents are part of the most vulnerable cohort and I want to coach my kid's teams or watch them play.

I wonder why you have a hard time believing that our Country that basically does nothing to stop the disease from spreading would be in that much more worse of a Covid situation than a country that put out speakers in each of their cities saying basically to "stay inside or we will kill you." Is it really that hard to believe. Americans...the dumbasses that have parties to see who can get covid first....you have a hard time believing our numbers would be worse?
I wouldn't say I've welded, but I've used welding equipment and created something that looked like a sci-fi molten metal monster sneezed.

Wearing a mask for like up to 45 minutes isn't bad. Wearing one for an entire shift would probably be unpleasant.

If there's no football, I'm probably blaming all the mask-skeptics.
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it's way harder than it looks.

It really is. I need an undo tool. Usually when I've made a mistake or realize I've made a mistake, it's not something I can fix easily.


Welding as a hobby.

Actually I did a search engine search and looks like it is a thing.

I started doing more woodworking in my spare time and that went really well. It gave me the confidence to do more metalwork. Very misplaced confidence.
I wonder why you have a hard time believing that our Country that basically does nothing to stop the disease from spreading would be in that much more worse of a Covid situation than a country that put out speakers in each of their cities saying basically to "stay inside or we will kill you." Is it really that hard to believe. Americans...the dumbasses that have parties to see who can get covid first....you have a hard time believing our numbers would be worse?

Reminds me of that scene in The Newsroom where Jeff Daniels has a less than expected response to a sorority chick's question "Why is America the greatest country in the world."

Wearing a mask for like up to 45 minutes isn't bad. Wearing one for an entire shift would probably be unpleasant.

I wear one for 8-plus hours each night, and let me just say this...you get used to it.

It's nowhere near as bad as some crybabies make them out to be, and yes the effectiveness of them is not 100% certain, but like seatbelts do not guarantee that you will survive a car crash, the smart thing to do is wear one anyways.
I wonder why you have a hard time believing that our Country that basically does nothing to stop the disease from spreading would be in that much more worse of a Covid situation than a country that put out speakers in each of their cities saying basically to "stay inside or we will kill you." Is it really that hard to believe. Americans...the dumbasses that have parties to see who can get covid first....you have a hard time believing our numbers would be worse?

I have a hard time believing our numbers are multiple times worse. I don't believe anything that comes out of the CCP. Also the idea that we've done basically nothing to stop the disease from spreading is just moronic.
I wear one for 8-plus hours each night, and let me just say this...you get used to it.

It's nowhere near as bad as some crybabies make them out to be, and yes the effectiveness of them is not 100% certain, but like seatbelts do not guarantee that you will survive a car crash, the smart thing to do is wear one anyways.

Seat belts have been clearly shown to reduce the risk of injury or death in the event of a car crash. No one disagrees on the effectiveness of seat belts at doing that. Whereas with the mask, there is plenty of disagreement among the scientific community as to the effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of the virus. You just don't hear about it because it's now about politics and control.

I wear one as recommended because my wife is at her parents' house 3+ times a week helping them, but I don't feel like anyone who doesn't have those risks should have to wear a mask if they don't want to - we're years away from a vaccine for this thing so herd immunity is the way to go. If masks are effective, they're probably just slowing that process.
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I?ve been to that QD before


This is a good example of why cops sometimes shoot the perp what seems like an excessive number of times, cuz they just keep coming takes more than a couple to stop em

I think this is in the wrong thread.

anyway, cops should carry at least a .357 of 45 instead of a 9mm.

on a side note, I haven't seen a concrete driveway in years - everyone out here has ashphalt, there's even few really old school gravel driveways in my neighborhood - i know it's cheaper but it doesn't last nearly as long and doesn't look nearly as good.
I wear one as recommended because my wife is at her parents' house 3+ times a week helping them, but I don't feel like anyone who doesn't have those risks should have to wear a mask if they don't want to - we're years away from a vaccine for this thing so herd immunity is the way to go. If masks are effective, they're probably just slowing that process.

But I’m hearing that herd immunity won’t happen because there are just some people who will never become immune.

They’ll just keep getting the symptomless Covid over and over and over again their whole entire lives, until they’re like 90 years old with a whole bunch of co-morbidities and they get the Covid again one last time and it finally kills them.

Then those bastards will learn that they should’ve been wearing the fuckin’ mask.
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Whereas with the mask, there is plenty of disagreement among the scientific community as to the effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of the virus. You just don't hear about it because it's now about politics and control.

I wear one as recommended because my wife is at her parents' house 3+ times a week helping them, but I don't feel like anyone who doesn't have those risks should have to wear a mask if they don't want to - we're years away from a vaccine for this thing so herd immunity is the way to go. If masks are effective, they're probably just slowing that process.

The scientific community seems to be just as (if not more) certain about the effectiveness of masks against Covid-19 than they are the effectiveness of herd immunity.

Herd immunity can be very powerful against many viruses/bacteria/etc but it is effected by how long antibodies last, how fast/easily the disease spreads and other variables. Scientists are still trying to get a firm handle on all of these.

I don't understand how you can be so adamant that masks are so unproven that it's ridiculous to require them but in the same breath be so certain that herd immunity is the answer. Do I want Covid-19 to respond to herd immunity like MERS and Smallpox? Absolutely. But if it ends up behaving like meningococcal diseases or whooping cough, chest bumps at a Little League game are going to seem like an awful idea.
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Herd immunity can be very powerful against many viruses/bacteria/etc but it is effected by how long antibodies last, how fast/easily the disease spreads and other variables. Scientists are still trying to get a firm handle on all of these.

Herd immunity isn’t a strategy, it happens organically in nature.

The pathogen kills everybody it’s going to kill, those it doesn’t kill develop an immunity to it so they can no longer be a viable host, and once the pathogen has killed every viable host, well, it’s kind of fucked itself and becomes extinct.

Antibiotics to kill meningitis and whooping cough have been around a while, and there are vaccines for them also; if that weren’t the case those would have likely gone out the herd immunity route also.

Here a lauded specialist in contagion outbreaks explains the curve of the pathogen as it bends from inception to extinction:

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Herd immunity isn?t a strategy, it happens organically in nature.

Just because it happens in nature doesn't mean we can be strategic in working around it or maximizing it's potential. It's not something that happens over night and deaths can be prevented until then or by other means.

Antibiotics to kill meningitis and whooping cough have been around a while, and there are vaccines for them also; if that weren?t the case those would have likely gone out the herd immunity route also.

You either severely underestimate how vaccinations drastically improve the effectiveness of herd immunity or you are aware of the deaths that would occur and simply accept this collateral damage of "organic herd immunity". If it's the latter, this image won't mean much to you.


The pathogen kills everybody it?s going to kill, those it doesn?t kill develop an immunity to it so they can no longer be a viable host, and once the pathogen has killed every viable host, well, it?s kind of fucked itself and becomes extinct.

Tell that to Syphilis and Chlamydia which were almost gone in the US but is now at some of it's highest rates in 20 years. The measles were considered eradicated in 2000 and now the CDC has featured spots on it frequently. As far as I'm aware, no pathogen becomes truly extinct. Dormant at best.
Just because it happens in nature doesn't mean we can be strategic in working around it or maximizing it's potential. It's not something that happens over night and deaths can be prevented until then or by other means.

You either severely underestimate how vaccinations drastically improve the effectiveness of herd immunity or you are aware of the deaths that would occur and simply accept this collateral damage of "organic /herd immunity". If it's the latter, this image won't mean much to you.


Tell that to Syphilis and Chlamydia which were almost gone in the US but is now at some of it's highest rates in 20 years. The measles were considered eradicated in 2000 and now the CDC has featured spots on it frequently. As far as I'm aware, no pathogen becomes truly extinct. Dormant at best.

First of all, I no longer talk to syphillis and chlamydia, much in the way I no longer talk to Jimmy Kimmel, although not really for the same reasons.

I get the feeling you thought I was being argumentative with you - I wasn?t- I was being darkly satiric - sardonic is the specific word.

Before medicine - like real medicine - herd immunity was the only way species - not just humans - survived pathogens. It wasn?t strategic; it just happened.
Here?s an example of herd immunity before medicine:


The dead succumbed (or were murdered); those who didn?t die developed the herd immunity.

Really not a pretty picture, but it is the way shit went down back in day.

Obviously in the age of medicine, one would hope we would find a reasonable treatment/vaccination before herd immunity kicks in, just as you demonstrate in your various models.
There's no guarantee herd immunity is even possible in part because we don't know how long immunity lasts, if it lasts at all. Are there any nations with a large-ish percentage of their population with antibodies? I thin Spain did a randomized sample and was somewhere around 5%. Have only 5% been infected or do the antibodies just not persist?

Same problem could impact vaccine effectiveness.
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