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Right. And if youre one of those fuckers that wants to blame the data (not saying you are tinsel)... "WAHHHHH...the data isnt accurate....WAHHHHHH" ....then shouldnt you do the right things in order to limit that false data. Namely, take the proper precautions to limit the infections so we dont have to deal with poor data in the first place!

so pointing out obvious flaws in the data is being a crybaby? I suppose screaming obscenities at people who don't think others should be forced to wear masks makes you the adult in the room. Is that about right, Karen?

Also, I think I've said about 30 times now that I wear a mask and follow all the other protocols.
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so pointing out obvious flaws in the data is being a crybaby? I suppose screaming obscenities at people who don't think others should be forced to wear masks makes you the adult in the room. Is that about right, Karen?

Also, I think I've said about 30 times now that I wear a mask and follow all the other protocols.

The dead people dont care why they are dead. They dont care if it was corona....or some weird spike in pnemonia thats never been seen before in the history of the planet that just happens to coincide with a global pandemic that gives pnemonia like symptoms or can also cause pnemonia. Who the hell cares how they code the death....the fact is theres a lot of sick people dying.

Im not sure what any of that has to do with the fact a majority of the people in this stupid fucked up country struggle with the simple premise of being courteous to others right now. Its simple! Its not complicated. But instead they take that simple thing...and try to turn it into science and data. Dumb people trying to turn something simple into science and data...and you wonder why we lead the world in dead people?!

Theres no science needed to understand that when you sneeze i dont want your nasty ass snot, breath and virus infested germs on me. I dont want them anywhere near me. I dont want them in the air. How much science do you need to understand putting something over your face helps reduce that number of snot, breath and virus infested germs in the air that others breath in?
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The dead people dont care why they are dead. They dont care if it was corona....or some weird spike in pnemonia thats never been seen before in the history of the planet that just happens to coincide with a global pandemic that gives pnemonia like symptoms or can also cause pnemonia. Who the hell cares how they code the death....the fact is theres a lot of sick people dying.

Im not sure what any of that has to do with the fact a majority of the people in this stupid fucked up country struggle with the simple premise of being courteous to others right now. Its simple! Its not complicated. But instead they take that simple thing...and try to turn it into science and data. Dumb people trying to turn something simple into science and data...and you wonder why we lead the world in dead people?!

Theres no science needed to understand that when you sneeze i dont want your nasty ass snot, breath and virus infested germs on me. I dont want them anywhere near me. I dont want them in the air. How much science do you need to understand putting something over your face helps reduce that number of snot, breath and virus infested germs in the air that others breath in?

Right, dead people don't care about anything because they're dead. no one is worried about what dead people care about. But the people who are alive should care whether those people died of corona or something else and they're death is being attributed to corona so the government can take more and more of their freedom away, or so they can politicize it, have the media tell you over and over again it's because of Trump, so they can win an election - and then take more and more of individual freedom away from you. Well, not you - they don't have to take it from you because you're willfully ceding it to them every chance you get.

The next two paragraphs are too dumb to reply to other than to say, I didn't want you (or anyone else) sneezing your snot on me before the pandemic. COVID 19 has done nothing to change my expectation that you, out of courtesy to others, cover your mouth when you sneeze.
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I know, right?

I posted pretty much the same thing in #998.

I sometimes think some people read posts here pretty selectively.

I have not doubt about that. I just wonder if they do it because they're morons or because they're Alinsky-ites, which I guess would make them morons. So they're morons of one variety or another.
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I know, right?

I posted pretty much the same thing in #998.

I sometimes think some people read posts here pretty selectively.

It's too close to a really a popular take I've seen elsewhere "I totally wear masks all the time, but here's post number 10 from my homeopathy crystal supplier about how masks kill people."
so pointing out obvious flaws in the data is being a crybaby?

Crybaby isn't the right word, but what would you call someone that takes an item in a store to the cash register and says "The sign says $10, but the sticker says $8. I think that means it's free."
Crybaby isn't the right word, but what would you call someone that takes an item in a store to the cash register and says "The sign says $10, but the sticker says $8. I think that means it's free."

I know it's not the right word, the idea is wrong too which is why I mocked the stupidity of his post. As for your example, if that were to happen, I would tell that person it's not free. If they then tried to say, it's just like doubting data the providers of the data tell you isn't accurate to justify not paying for the item, I'd tell them they really need to work on their analogy skills.
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Right, dead people don't care about anything because they're dead. no one is worried about what dead people care about. But the people who are alive should care whether those people died of corona or something else and they're death is being attributed to corona so the government can take more and more of their freedom away, or so they can politicize it, have the media tell you over and over again it's because of Trump, so they can win an election - and then take more and more of individual freedom away from you. Well, not you - they don't have to take it from you because you're willfully ceding it to them every chance you get.

Are you really concerned about that? For real. You go on through your day....and it comes to mind that: "Awww man....those 2000 dead people today....20 of them could have been pnemonia not caused by covid at all?" You really let that bother you? Who the fuck cares!

Walmart telling you to wear a mask or dont fucking come in here. That has nothing to do with your freedom. That has everything to do with THE RIGHT of a company to decide who they will and will not allow into their place of business. Why?...cause all the category insights tell major companies that 1) consumers care about feeling safe 2) consumers are going to less and less number of outlets and trust/safety is one of the major factors in where they go. 3) a majority of people are sane and can follow simple rules

Then you get the crazy ass white bitch Karen videos on Youtube. The SAAAAME mother fuckers that were complaining about how BLM protests were destroying the public.....ya...those dumb fucking Karens are now the SAAAAAME people that are in stores on video destroying shit because some $12/hr cash register person told them to wear a mask.
If they then tried to say, it's just like doubting data the providers of the data tell you isn't accurate to justify not paying for the item, I'd tell them they really need to work on their analogy skills.

Wow. And you think I'm bad at analogies...WAIT! Is that sarcasm!?! You know I can't tell! A bad analogy about bad analogies might even be irony. How am I supposed to keep up with that?
a majority of people are sane and can follow simple rules

...a majority of the people in this stupid fucked up country struggle with the simple premise of being courteous to others right now. Its simple! Its not complicated.

Posts #1003 and #1009.

A little contradictory, no?

You made these two claims an hour and a half apart from each other.
Pelosi wants to enact a Federal Mask Law. Thoughts? Because it would show less of her face, I might support this.
Pelosi wants to enact a Federal Mask Law. Thoughts? Because it would show less of her face, I might support this.

I'm in favor of masks of course, but it really does seem like a local jurisdiction issue to me. All things being equal, I'd say no.

I'm not opposed to the federal government having so much power they could enact such a rule for a virus that bad, but this one doesn't even seem unmanageable. Most nations can handle it and local rules should be enough to do the trick.

So, optimist that I am, I say 'no'. BUT, seeing how bad we've done with it, if you give me a time machine and offer me the chance to do a national mask law back when this started? Heck yeah. I would Monday morning QB that.
I mean, people are going to wear masks now right? Trump wore a mask. Most republican officials will now promote masks. Who's against a mask at this point? Maybe it's too late to save football, but we're going to start now, right?
Pelosi wants to enact a Federal Mask Law. Thoughts? Because it would show less of her face, I might support this.

Mask today
Vaccine tomorrow
Followed by it’s just a chip
Then your soul
Very few will resist
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Pelosi wants to enact a Federal Mask Law. Thoughts? Because it would show less of her face, I might support this.

If she wants to show solidarity with the new base in her party, she should call for the mandate of the hijab.
I mean, people are going to wear masks now right? Trump wore a mask. Most republican officials will now promote masks. Who's against a mask at this point? Maybe it's too late to save football, but we're going to start now, right?

This has nothing to do with masks. If it did, the protests would have been suppressed with extreme prejudice. This is about social control. As rioters and protesters were massing in the streets, people could not attend Mass.
Wow. And you think I'm bad at analogies...WAIT! Is that sarcasm!?! You know I can't tell! A bad analogy about bad analogies might even be irony. How am I supposed to keep up with that?

I don?t know if you?re bad at analogies but that one sucked.
I know we’re not supposed to care about the accuracy of data because there’s a spike in deaths so we have to do everything a government official tells us to do, and there is an election to win but I thought I’d post this anyway. Maybe Florida isn’t such a hot spot after all and maybe the US numbers aren’t multiple times worse than everywhere else. I know, data doesn’t matter, back to mask shaming, Karens.

I wonder if there is a data on the political leanings of the people running these testing sites
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