the lack of logic here is shocking... I remember Louie Gohmert got it, but said he'd use the same mask all the time and take it on and off without washing his hands.
Like... I thought most people understood the mask wasn't magic; it made in-person transmission less likely, but not impossible, and certainly didn't mean
you wouldn't infect yourself if you, say, picked your nose without washing your hands first.
The 50-75% of Americans who are too stupid to think for themselves obviously needed a lot of hand holding to coach them on this.
If Trump - who was notoriously a germophobe himself - could've just changed his tone a bit back in February... and
NOT given his followers the idea that COVID was completely made up and they should be aggressive and obnoxious about it... he would have been re-elected!
He would still be president and could keep making money off it by having the secret service stay at his hotels and getting open cash handouts/bribes (like
this one) from foreign leaders!
This new coronavirus is very dangerous. We're taking this very seriously. Wash your hands and wear a mask. Don't be an idiot. Listen to the CDC."
That's ALL he had to do! Hell, he could've even kept calling it the "Chinese Virus" if he wanted, as long as he encouraged people to take it seriously and not pretend it was made up!!!
Fuck!!! 250,000 (at least) Americans dead and counting...