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Culture Thread: Libtards and Republitards are Killing the US

I think of libtards and Republitards as being boiler plate, talking points tardisans?I guess when libtards and Republitards are on the same page, we could call that bitardisanship?

I used to think there was still a difference, but the Trump/Russiagate bullshit broke the brains of a lot of liberals. Made it clear to me who among those I knew could actually think for themselves, and who were just the MAGA equivalent of college-educated urbanites.

I also noticed my friends who more or less "flunked out" of their careers gravitated to this place; the ones who were more Conservative with a capital C to begin with went full-blown angry Trump supporter, and the ones who were liberals went full blown Capital L Liberal. I don't know exactly where the former are right now... I guess getting over their Trump hangovers and trying to figure out who to be angry at now...
the Republitards will struggle with that. It's different when they do it, you see.

Cops and Feds only lie when infiltrating Right wing protests & riots, but tell the truth when they claim "Antifa" or "BLM" knocked over a phone booth or broke a store window and they have to beat everyone and conduct mass arrests of everyone on the street. and they never use informants against Left wing movements, no sir...

Do you have any examples of cops beating everyone and conducting mass arrests of Antifa and BLM protesters? We had mostly peaceful riots all over the country all summer long last year. Can you give us one example? How about an example of the FBI infiltrating and orchestrating a plot to entrap Antifa or BLM folks?
Do you have any examples of cops beating everyone and conducting mass arrests of Antifa and BLM protesters? We had mostly peaceful riots all over the country all summer long last year. Can you give us one example? How about an example of the FBI infiltrating and orchestrating a plot to entrap Antifa or BLM folks?

No, I just completely made all that up.
No, I just completely made all that up.

I know, that's why I asked the question. I remember you blaming the Ferguson riots on the mere presence of police. No police brutality or mass arrests there or any of the "social justice" mostly peaceful riots since either. It's just your MO - cops are bad, corporations are evil, America is irredeemably racist, men can be women, murder is healthcare, government is amazing at solving problems, Bernie Sanders isn't a moron, yada, yada, yada...
the Republitards will struggle with that. It's different when they do it, you see.

Cops and Feds only lie when infiltrating Right wing protests & riots, but tell the truth when they claim "Antifa" or "BLM" knocked over a phone booth or broke a store window and they have to beat everyone and conduct mass arrests of everyone on the street. and they never use informants against Left wing movements, no sir...

How would cops or feds infiltrate riots? The riots are already going on.

Spike lee finally won his Oscar for collaborating on a screenplay based on a historic event about a Jewish guy and a black guy infiltrating the Ku Klux Klan. I think they Feds.

We definitely had a good amount of domestic terrorism going on right here in los Angeles last year connected with the George Floyd murder ? we can call it that now; there definitely were some arrests and I think some of the terrorists might have gotten injured; good on the police for that I say.

Fuck those terrorists and fuck the terrorist at the capital on January 6.
How would cops or feds infiltrate riots? The riots are already going on.

Unless you're the guy who gets the ball rolling.

oh, here you go, sound like there was a theory at some point that this guy wasa cop. I'd never heard that one.
Many falsely identified the man as a St. Paul police officer, causing the department to release surveillance footage showing the officer during the time of the protest.
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Unless you're the guy who gets the ball rolling.

oh, here you go, sound like there was a theory at some point that this guy wasa cop. I'd never heard that one.

and I didn't say they infiltrate riots anyway, I said movements.

but there were legions of videos of cops beating protestors or DRIVING CARS INTO PROTESTORS last summer.

There's almost no question they provoke violence at riots or even peaceful protests to justify their reaction to them. I don't know how anyone could question that at this time, especially when they'll all hot and bothered about FBI involvement in the Whitmer plot and on 1/6...

The government, "our government," will not pull punches when the people in it feel threatened... or just want to knock a few skulls for fun.
and I didn't say they infiltrate riots anyway, I said movements.

but there were legions of videos of cops beating protestors or DRIVING CARS INTO PROTESTORS last summer.

There's almost no question they provoke violence at riots or even peaceful protests to justify their reaction to them. I don't know how anyone could question that at this time, especially when they'll all hot and bothered about FBI involvement in the Whitmer plot and on 1/6...

The government, "our government," will not pull punches when the people in it feel threatened... or just want to knock a few skulls for fun.

So if there are legions of videos of cops beating protestors, let's see them.

What's your basis for saying there's almost no question police provoke violence? It's the cops fault that their presence inciting people to riot, not the rioters. Do you really not see how dumb that is?

also, anyone who reads that article, which contains zero evidence to support it's claims and thinks, "hmmm sounds reasonable, that guy probably is a Hells Angel and a white supremacist AND he is almost singularly responsible for inciting the rioting and millions of dollars of destruction" is a complete dumbass. He's probably the lone hipster Hell's Angel that owns a pair of skinny jeans.
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and I didn't say they infiltrate riots anyway, I said movements.

but there were legions of videos of cops beating protestors or DRIVING CARS INTO PROTESTORS last summer.

There's almost no question they provoke violence at riots or even peaceful protests to justify their reaction to them. I don't know how anyone could question that at this time, especially when they'll all hot and bothered about FBI involvement in the Whitmer plot and on 1/6...

The government, "our government," will not pull punches when the people in it feel threatened... or just want to knock a few skulls for fun.

Except you said ?protests & riots? in post #197, and I quoted it in #206.

You may have meant to say movements, but you said what you said. That why I started #206 the way I did.

I didn?t hear anything about police officers driving cars into the terrorists. I know there were some incidents involving of terrorists and vehicles driven by civilians, accounts varied. Some said the terrorists were terrorizing the motorists; some said the motorists were trying to run over the terrorists.
So if there are legions of videos of cops beating protestors, let's see them.

What's your basis for saying there's almost no question police provoke violence? It's the cops fault that their presence inciting people to riot, not the rioters. Do you really not see how dumb that is?

also, anyone who reads that article, which contains zero evidence to support it's claims and thinks, "hmmm sounds reasonable, that guy probably is a Hells Angel and a white supremacist AND he is almost singularly responsible for inciting the rioting and millions of dollars of destruction" is a complete dumbass. He's probably the lone hipster Hell's Angel that owns a pair of skinny jeans.
fucking imbecile... search "police attack george floyd protestors." there are hundreds of videos and articles on this. You want me to post every one? I'm not going to.

I'd really hate to ruin your idea of the police as these gentle snowflakes just trying to do their job, except for one day, 1/6/21, when they were bad.
Well, we know police used force when events assumed to be by many of the participants peaceful protests turned violent because the protests were infiltrated by domestic terrorists - we talked about this ad nauseam on the riot (aka Ferguson MO) thread as it was going on over a year ago now.

Rubber bullets, tear gas - or shit that did a lot of the shit that tear gas is used for - whether it was tear or not was a huge subject of debate itself.

I was right there a few times doing business as participants and police were gathering for activities that were obviously going to devolve into riots; I got as far away as fast as I could as soon as I could.

That would still be my advice to everyone - stay away. Protest on your living room couch.
fucking imbecile... search "police attack george floyd protestors." there are hundreds of videos and articles on this. You want me to post every one? I'm not going to.

No, I don't want you to post every one. In post #203 I clearly asked you for one example to which you responded their were legions, so I challenged you again to post some. It shouldn't be hard for you to come up with one or even a few that would support your case if there are legions of them. Since you're too lazy or you actually tried to back up something you assumed had to be true and found out it wasn't but chose to attack me instead of admitting you're wrong, I actually tested your "legions" hypothesis by doing what you suggested and LOLOLOLOLOL, here are 2 of the first 3 videos that come up with that exact search phrase, one from CNN and the other from ABC local in NY:

Police officer attacked during protest in LA


the third is a video of the George Floyd arrest.

You did it again - f'ing hilarious, you can't make this stuff up. I did EXACTLY what you told me to do and the results support my side, not yours. You're constantly stepping in piles of your own shit - you're such a moron.

Anyway, cops detaining violent protestors isn't evidence of police brutality and they're aren't "legions of videos" of anything like what you claim. People who hit cops, throw objects at them, assault or threaten them with weapons shouldn't expect to be treated with kid gloves and using force to subdue them isn't police brutality. How dumb do you have to be to not see that?

I'd really hate to ruin your idea of the police as these gentle snowflakes just trying to do their job, except for one day, 1/6/21, when they were bad.

I certainly don't think cops are gentle snowflakes - it's a tough, dangerous job and sometimes they deal with bad, violent people. I'm just not one of those soft, doughy leftist morons who thinks cops never have to use violence or that every time they do, it's unjustified or excessive (that's ANTIFA's job, right?). And I'm 100% in favor of the dangerous situations they're put in NOT being a remotely fair fight - if cops are going into a dangerous situation, I want them to have every advantage to make sure they're the ones who don't get hurt.
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This is good.

A step in the right direction.

I'm not seeing the good here. A guy walks around a woman's section of a spa with his schlong hanging out and other transgenders are upset that he was arrested?

And still any man who identifies as a "woman" can still in the woman's section so long as he doesn't flap about? The women in the women's section are okay with that?
I'm not seeing the good here. A guy walks around a woman's section of a spa with his schlong hanging out and other transgenders are upset that he was arrested?

And still any man who identifies as a "woman" can still in the woman's section so long as he doesn't flap about? The women in the women's section are okay with that?


He has finally been charged with a crime for doing it, as he should be. That?s what?s good.

No, nothing about what he did was good. No crime is good.

Charging him appropriately for the crime is what?s good.

The fact that he did that has been an ongoing story for a while, maybe at least a month or two.

He has only finally been charged with a crime within the last 24 hours or so.

That?s what?s good.

The fact that he is finally being charged is actually breaking news.

I guess it?s not that good that it has taken this long, but it?s good that it has finally happened.

Better late than never.

EDIT: Who could have possibly foreseen that some pervert(s) would choose to take advantage of the new ?self identification ?norms?? simply to pursue their perverted proclivities? Oh I, know - every sentient person!!

Not that I care if a person has a kink - just go do where you?re not bothering anyone - there?s lots of options.
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He has finally been charged with a crime for doing it, as he should be. That?s what?s good.

No, nothing about what he did was good. No crime is good.

Charging him appropriately for the crime is what?s good.

The fact that he did that has been an ongoing story for a while, maybe at least a month or two.

He has only finally been charged with a crime within the last 24 hours or so.

That?s what?s good.

The fact that he is finally being charged is actually breaking news.

I guess it?s not that good that it has taken this long, but it?s good that it has finally happened.

Better late than never.

EDIT: Who could have possibly foreseen that some pervert(s) would choose to take advantage of the new ?self identification ?norms?? simply to pursue their perverted proclivities? Oh I, know - every sentient person!!

Not that I care if a person has a kink - just go do where you?re not bothering anyone - there?s lots of options.

well, not every sentient person. At least 2 posters here on DSF discounted this concern as just more made up, overblown, hyperbole from reactionaries and their irrational fear of "progress."
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how often has this actually happened?

when did the hysterics about transgender men going into women's bathrooms start? I can't remember off hand, but it was probably some years ago now.

And this kind of thing has happened like once? maybe twice?
well, not every sentient person. At least 2 posters here on DSF discounted this concern as just more made up overblown, hyperbole from reactionaries.

Hmmm?.we?ll, based on this, I?ll conjecture that was naive.

Whoever they are, maybe they?re young. Optimism is not a bad characteristic in youth.

Unfortunately it?s often susceptible to na?vet?.

I was certainly both more optimistic and naive myself back in the once upon a time.

The guy being charged has two indecent exposure convictions if I read it right, going back over 15 years.

According to the woman in the video, she witnessed him exposing his male genitalia to underage women.

So we?ll see where the evidence leads law enforcement.