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Culture Thread: Libtards and Republitards are Killing the US

I don't care if the article is legit, I was merely commenting that all those fucktards in Portland can kill each other and I will support their actions 100%.

that's not very christian
the opposite of being anti-fascist is fascist.

Nah. You can oppose something and oppose those responding with violence at the same time. Taylor Lewan is anti-Spartan. I am anti-Taylor Lewan. That doesn't make me anti-anti-Spartan.
Nah. You can oppose something and oppose those responding with violence at the same time. Taylor Lewan is anti-Spartan. I am anti-Taylor Lewan. That doesn't make me anti-anti-Spartan.


Also you can call yourself Antifa and not necessarily be opposed to the some of the tenets of fascism.

If I call myself a helium balloon that doesn?t mean that if someone doesn?t hold me by a string I?m going to float away.

Also you can call yourself Antifa and not necessarily be opposed to the some of the tenets of fascism.

If I call myself a helium balloon that doesn?t mean that if someone doesn?t hold me by a string I?m going to float away.

I had a dream
that I was 300 pounds
and though I was very heavy,
I floated 'til I couldn't see the ground.
Nah. You can oppose something and oppose those responding with violence at the same time. Taylor Lewan is anti-Spartan. I am anti-Taylor Lewan. That doesn't make me anti-anti-Spartan.

is this a straw man argument?
is this a straw man argument?

considering the source the odds would say there's a pretty good chance it is, but in this case, no it's not. Keep trying - some day you'll be able to figure out what is and isn't a straw man argument all on your own and maybe then you'll stop making them.
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considering the source, the odds would say there's a pretty good chance it is, but in this case, no it's not. Keep trying - some day you'll be able to figure out what is and isn't a straw man argument all on your own and maybe then you'll stop making them.

Gulo posted it, and he said it's a straw man argument, so take it up with him.
the opposite of being anti-fascist is fascist.

Fascism means: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

so who are the fascists that antifa is opposing with their tactics that look an awful lot like aspects of fascism (i.e. the forcible suppression of opposition)?
so who are the fascists that antifa is opposing with their tactics that look an awful lot like aspects of fascism (i.e. the forcible suppression of opposition)?

We've been over this before. Off the top of my head, it was the ones banding together online to travel to Portland to beat up the people that lived there.
We've been over this before. Off the top of my head, it was the ones banding together online to travel to Portland to beat up the people that lived there.

yeah, we've known that's bullshit since day 1 - and we have a year of nightly riots and a 2,000% increase in the murder rate and increases across the board in violent crimes to so thoroughly disprove that nonsense that only an idiot would still be clinging to that story today.
yeah, we've known that's bullshit since day 1 - and we have a year of nightly riots and a 2,000% increase in the murder rate and increases across the board in violent crimes to so thoroughly disprove that nonsense that only an idiot would still be clinging to that story today.

I know it is difficult, but the best scenario is to just let these groups go about increasing crime in those areas. Let them fully experience what it means to Defund the Police.

I am all for the White Supremacists taking advantage of the lawlessness and adding not only their criminal behavior into the mix, but hopefully their deaths as well.

In an ideal outcome, the wacko extremist Left and wacko extremist Right kill each other until the last person is standing, but hopefully after receiving a mortal wound as well so even they perish from the event.

The saner, more middle ground can sit back and watch, waiting for these extremists to die off and then return to normal life without these idiots having so much influence. Sure, there will be costs in rebuilding, but worth every penny. Besides, both R and D are just printing money endlessly anyway, so not a big deal.
I know it is difficult, but the best scenario is to just let these groups go about increasing crime in those areas. Let them fully experience what it means to Defund the Police.

I am all for the White Supremacists taking advantage of the lawlessness and adding not only their criminal behavior into the mix, but hopefully their deaths as well.

In an ideal outcome, the wacko extremist Left and wacko extremist Right kill each other until the last person is standing, but hopefully after receiving a mortal wound as well so even they perish from the event.

The saner, more middle ground can sit back and watch, waiting for these extremists to die off and then return to normal life without these idiots having so much influence. Sure, there will be costs in rebuilding, but worth every penny. Besides, both R and D are just printing money endlessly anyway, so not a big deal.

I know it is difficult, but the best scenario is to just let these groups go about increasing crime in those areas. Let them fully experience what it means to Defund the Police.

I am all for the White Supremacists taking advantage of the lawlessness and adding not only their criminal behavior into the mix, but hopefully their deaths as well.

In an ideal outcome, the wacko extremist Left and wacko extremist Right kill each other until the last person is standing, but hopefully after receiving a mortal wound as well so even they perish from the event.

The saner, more middle ground can sit back and watch, waiting for these extremists to die off and then return to normal life without these idiots having so much influence. Sure, there will be costs in rebuilding, but worth every penny. Besides, both R and D are just printing money endlessly anyway, so not a big deal.

I don't disagree with your idea of letting bad people kill each other off, but I don't think this is a battle between two evils. White supremacy, particularly in Portland Oregon isn't a threat. According to the ADL, there are less than 30k members of white supremacy groups nationwide, less than 3k in the KKK. the idea that this is a threat in Portland of all places is absurd.

What's happening in Portland is a group of violent fascists ironically calling themselves antifascists are violently oppressing anyone who doesn't buy into their worldview. They're a bunch of anti-government ideological idiots and spoiled children destroying the lives of everyday citizens and making Portland an unlivable city. And it's all based on the myth of institutionalized white supremacy. If it was a battle of evil vs evil, I would agree - have at it, they could all kill each other off and let God sort them out. sadly, the victims aren't the bad guys or at least not all of them, not even the majority.

In places like California where you have millions of idiots electing people to enact policies based on these same myths, I say go ahead, let them have what they asked for. Let it all turn to complete shit until everyone finally opens their eyes and realizes what they asked for sucks and in order to fix it they have to completely tear it down and start over.
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I don't disagree with your idea of letting bad people kill each other off, but I don't think this is a battle between two evils. White supremacy, particularly in Portland Oregon isn't a threat. According to the ADL, there are less than 30k members of white supremacy groups nationwide, less than 3k in the KKK. the idea that this is a threat in Portland of all places is absurd.

What's happening in Portland is a group of violent fascists ironically calling themselves antifascists are violently oppressing anyone who doesn't buy into their worldview. They're a bunch of anti-government ideological idiots and spoiled children destroying the lives of everyday citizens and making Portland an unlivable city. And it's all based on the myth of institutionalized white supremacy. If it was a battle of evil vs evil, I would agree - have at it, they could all kill each other off and let God sort them out. sadly, the victims aren't the bad guys or at least not all of them, not even the majority.

In places like California where you have millions of idiots electing people to enact policies based on these same myths, I say go ahead, let them have what they asked for. Let it all turn to complete shit until everyone finally opens their eyes and realizes what they asked for sucks and in order to fix it they have to completely tear it down and start over.

Fortunately, the good people of Portland have the pan sexual graphic novel antiheroine Dex Parios to protect them from the chaos:
