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Culture Thread: Libtards and Republitards are Killing the US

Remember my post from a year ago (maybe? my sense of time has gotten distorted due to the pandemic), where the MI GOP was proposing a ban, and the head of the MHSAA was quoted as saying that wasn't necessary, these occurences were rare, and they already had an established written protocol for dealing with transgender athletes in high school sports?

I remain unconvinced it's a problem worthy of legislation... but I'm not one of those idiots who chases political footballs around, so... yeah, if you want the moral panic, ask zyxt, and mack why this is such a big deal.

I have the same knee jerk reaction - we don't need top down governance every time something happens that seems unfair. But it seems like stories of new records being set keep appearing every so often. Maybe it's just people on this board that are obsessed - because that's where I hear about it, but each of these stories seem like a case where common sense didn't prevail, and things carried along to the point of unfairness. I don't want to overreact to a little unfairness, but I also don't think we shouldn't let it be persistent (if it is actually persistent.)
Remember my post from a year ago (maybe? my sense of time has gotten distorted due to the pandemic), where the MI GOP was proposing a ban, and the head of the MHSAA was quoted as saying that wasn't necessary, these occurences were rare, and they already had an established written protocol for dealing with transgender athletes in high school sports?

I remain unconvinced it's a problem worthy of legislation... but I'm not one of those idiots who chases political footballs around, so... yeah, if you want the moral panic, ask zyxt, and mack why this is such a big deal.

yeah, I remember that but as I recall, the MHSAA policy didn't actually deal with the problem. Didn't it allow for athletes to compete on the team consistent with their gender identity? This isn't ISO 9000 where just because you've documented a policy or procedure, it's been dealt properly or at all. There's no basis in reality or science or common sense that would support that policy. The people who advocate for these policies aren't doing so because of science, they're doing it because they're activists. And it penalizes actual women and girls by costing them opportunities they've fought for decades to get.

Finally, you don't need legislation, you just need sane, cooler heads to prevail to stop this nonsense. But what's wrong with legislating to protect the equality that half the population deserves if that's the route people choose to stop this activism? One state law does the job for tens of thousands of kids in hundreds of school districts.
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because no one really cares that much, and this is not a big deal.

850,000 American people dying of Covid is a big deal. A trans female winning an athletic contest here or there is not a big deal. or a problem. or worth worrying about, unless you have shit fer brains.

Apparently some people (including you) are able to focus on multiple issues and not hyperfocus on one specific thing that becomes an obsession that makes them oblivious to everything else. So, since you have demonstrated the ability to discuss different topics, why is it that I, or anyone else, is not allowed to do the same?

And again, why is it so complicated to simply add a 3rd gender category for Trans athletes? If the Trans were beating women's records by a small, near insignificant amount then I wouldn't say it is an issue. But they are obliterating women's records. To suggest that women are not being negatively impacted by this is the most misogynistic thing a person can say.
I have the same knee jerk reaction - we don't need top down governance every time something happens that seems unfair. But it seems like stories of new records being set keep appearing every so often. Maybe it's just people on this board that are obsessed - because that's where I hear about it, but each of these stories seem like a case where common sense didn't prevail, and things carried along to the point of unfairness. I don't want to overreact to a little unfairness, but I also don't think we shouldn't let it be persistent (if it is actually persistent.)

Like Covid, it is something that starts as something small, nearly insignificant.

How long until this impacts the Olympics? With all the drugs teams have given women to improve their performance, why would they not instead take the males who place...say...5th? and worse... have them undergo Trans surgery so they can go win the women's side of the sport?

And what about a sport with males and females on the same team? As a loose example, Pairs Figure Skating...where having the part of the female being a Trans provides an advantage?

To think nations will not pursue such things if they are allowed is naive at best. All of it diminishes women's power, pride, and identity.

Not saying Trans do not deserve to compete, just do it in the appropriate category, a 3rd category. They claim they want to be supported, respected, and allowed to be identified without discrimination... so why should they desire to hide who they are? If they are going to be truly respected, it can only happen through accepting them for who they are. They are not genetic women, they are Trans. I fully accept that. I've worked side by side with several and never discriminated against them.

And that's the thing Champ does not get. Identifying them for who they are is not discriminating against them, it is accepting them for who they are and the choices they have made. It is also respecting and identifying genetic women for who they are. Each person should be accepted and allowed to be who they choose. But a man deciding to become Trans does not make them a woman, it makes them a Trans... and that's OK.

Don't remove the T from LGBTQ+. Accept it, acknowledge it. Allow it. And that means providing them their own category for sports competitions. Champ views it as a discriminatory thing, it is not. It is an acknowledgment thing. It is an acceptance thing. It is providing them equal status that they deserve to have, and preserves the equal status that genetic women deserve.

I've always supported the concept of a Women's Rights Amendment, though I understand that enough laws have passed now that basically have resulted in the equivalence of that. But I still support the concept of it. I would equally support an Amendment for Trans to be considered an equal, 3rd gender identification group.
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Like Covid, it is something that starts as something small, nearly insignificant.

How long until this impacts the Olympics? With all the drugs teams have given women to improve their performance, why would they not instead take the males who place...say...5th? and worse... have them undergo Trans surgery so they can go win the women's side of the sport?

And what about a sport with males and females on the same team? As a loose example, Pairs Figure Skating...where having the part of the female being a Trans provides an advantage?

To think nations will not pursue such things if they are allowed is naive at best. All of it diminishes women's power, pride, and identity.

Not saying Trans do not deserve to compete, just do it in the appropriate category, a 3rd category. They claim they want to be supported, respected, and allowed to be identified without discrimination... so why should they desire to hide who they are? If they are going to be truly respected, it can only happen through accepting them for who they are. They are not genetic women, they are Trans. I fully accept that. I've worked side by side with several and never discriminated against them.

And that's the thing Champ does not get. Identifying them for who they are is not discriminating against them, it is accepting them for who they are and the choices they have made. It is also respecting and identifying genetic women for who they are. Each person should be accepted and allowed to be who they choose. But a man deciding to become Trans does not make them a woman, it makes them a Trans... and that's OK.

Don't remove the T from LGBTQ+. Accept it, acknowledge it. Allow it. And that means providing them their own category for sports competitions. Champ views it as a discriminatory thing, it is not. It is an acknowledgment thing. It is an acceptance thing. It is providing them equal status that they deserve to have, and preserves the equal status that genetic women deserve.

I've always supported the concept of a Women's Rights Amendment, though I understand that enough laws have passed now that basically have resulted in the equivalence of that. But I still support the concept of it. I would equally support an Amendment for Trans to be considered an equal, 3rd gender identification group.

Unfair sports is like a deadly contagious virus? All slopes are equally slippery and steep?
Unfair sports is like a deadly contagious virus? All slopes are equally slippery and steep?

Sorry, thought I clearly stated that both things start small and become more problematic as they become bigger issues.
FolLoW tHe ScIenCe!!!111

No...what I said was do not be a misogynistic POS who allows men to keep women down. Trans =/= women. Trans = Trans... hence the importance of the T in LGBTQ+. They are a self and universally acknowledged group separate but equal from males and females. At least IMO. Sorry if you prefer they be minimalized and forced into only m/f identification while simultaneously minimizing the significant and important achievements of women the way so many men have done throughout history.
No...what I said was do not be a misogynistic POS who allows men to keep women down. Trans =/= women. Trans = Trans... hence the importance of the T in LGBTQ+. They are a self and universally acknowledged group separate but equal from males and females. At least IMO. Sorry if you prefer they be minimalized and forced into only m/f identification while simultaneously minimizing the significant and important achievements of women the way so many men have done throughout history.

but that's not the way the trans community sees it. The message from the left is gender is a social construct not rooted in biology and Trans women ARE women. They don't believe this is even remotely unfair to women because they don't see a difference. They're the party of science though. Your solution is simple and makes perfect sense but it would be rejected outright by the Trans community - they don't want a separate category, they demand to be recognized as women.
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but that's not the way the trans community sees it. The message from the left is gender is a social construct not rooted in biology and Trans women ARE women. They don't believe this is even remotely unfair to women because they don't see a difference. They're the party of science though. Your solution is simple and makes perfect sense but it would be rejected outright by the Trans community - they don't want a separate category, they demand to be recognized as women.

While simultaneously demanding they be recognized as Trans through the LGBTQ+ movement, which is something I have personally always supported.

You are who you are. Lesbian, gay, bi, Trans, or whatever. These are scientific categories, not feelings categories. A Trans might feel like a person of the opposite sex, but they will never scientifically be that opposite sex. Those who apply science to their biological self to switch their gender are Trans. That is a scientific fact.

But some people have difficulty, you now, Following The Science.
While simultaneously demanding they be recognized as Trans through the LGBTQ+ movement, which is something I have personally always supported.

You are who you are. Lesbian, gay, bi, Trans, or whatever. These are scientific categories, not feelings categories. A Trans might feel like a person of the opposite sex, but they will never scientifically be that opposite sex. Those who apply science to their biological self to switch their gender are Trans. That is a scientific fact.

But some people have difficulty, you now, Following The Science.

that's probably true but there are limits - despite the fact that well over 90% of gender confused children end up identifying as the gender they were born into by the time they finish high school, there is a push to expose young kids to this radical Trans agenda. This ideology, not backed by any remotely credible science is being used to push an agenda that wants to deny parental rights and allow children as young as elementary school to make life altering, permanent decisions that research shows does nothing to reduce suicide modality, depression, etc and in the face of data that indicates many people who made these life altering decisions as adolescents regret them as adults -when it's too late. They may be a scientific category, but gender identity, like many things children are confused about, is far from permanent and it needs to be treated as such - children need to be protected from this madness.
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..., but they will never scientifically be that opposite sex. ...

that word... "scientifically" does not belong there. They can have gender re-assignment surgery, and pretty much check all the boxes of what counts as a male or female. You wouldn't know by physically examining them.

Maybe you should word it as "I personally choose to believe they will never be that opposite sex"
that word... "scientifically" does not belong there. They can have gender re-assignment surgery, and pretty much check all the boxes of what counts as a male or female. You wouldn't know by physically examining them.

Maybe you should word it as "I personally choose to believe they will never be that opposite sex"

so a gender reassigned man or any man can get a gender reassigned woman pregnant? A gender reassigned woman who went through puberty as a man doesn't have higher bone density, greater muscle mass? Or are those not some of the boxes? does "science" not go beyond what you can confirm with the eye test?
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Don't look now, here's the NCAA making a mountain out of a mole hill and taking steps to address a problem that doesn't exist. Of course, being the completely corrupt and incompetent organization they are, the NCAA is not going nearly far enough yet by taking a sport-by-sport approach to men being better than women at being women.
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Democrats and Republicans are a sick joke... both sides led by incompetent idiots. The result is now our media outlets are forced to defend their sick joke and point out how much of a sick joke the other side is. We had an election last year and got to choose between a dementia patient fossil. And a nutcase reality TV star that's claim to fame is bankrupting a professional football league. We are the detroit lions of the planet... literally nothing on the team to look forward to.

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