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Culture Thread: Libtards and Republitards are Killing the US


I forgot about the equally assured misery part.

Their economic system is so terrible, ours has to spend billions of dollars villifying it.
All this "controversy" because Tucker Carlson can't rub one out to a 'less sexy' green M&M. Wild.
All this "controversy" because Tucker Carlson can't rub one out to a 'less sexy' green M&M. Wild.

I think I must be in my own special "safe space" b/c usually I see some comment informing me of the reasons for some dumb controversy. But this one, the M&M thing, I saw nothing about it (regardless of the viewpoint: left, liberal, or Republitard), other than mud's editorial cartoon.

Gotta hand it to those marketing guys at M&M... they know how to reach audiences.

Except me. I'm immune (or would be, if I stop posting here. DSF is my last link to the Stupid).
I think I must be in my own special "safe space" b/c usually I see some comment informing me of the reasons for some dumb controversy. But this one, the M&M thing, I saw nothing about it (regardless of the viewpoint: left, liberal, or Republitard), other than mud's editorial cartoon.

Gotta hand it to those marketing guys at M&M... they know how to reach audiences.

Except me. I'm immune (or would be, if I stop posting here. DSF is my last link to the Stupid).

LOL, you're not immune, you are the stupid on DSF.
Back in my day, M&M's weren't anthropomorphic. We just heard the jingle about the milk chocolate melting in your mouth, instead of your hand.

I always thought that was kind of a dumb thing to promote. Like their target audience is people too dumb to eat the chocolate in their hand before it melts and gets sticky? FUCK!

But I was just a kid in the late 80's... little did I know like 80% of Americans really are that dumb, the powers that be had already flushed & our country was already swirling the toilet.
that word... "scientifically" does not belong there. They can have gender re-assignment surgery, and pretty much check all the boxes of what counts as a male or female. You wouldn't know by physically examining them.

Maybe you should word it as "I personally choose to believe they will never be that opposite sex"

that's funny. "I'm pretty much male" :lmao:
Despite being arguably more conservative (he refers to himself as libertarian) than most Hollywood types, Adam Corolla seems to be friendly libs in Hollywood. Here Adam and Matt Damon goof on their lib friends Jimmy Kimmel.

Chalk one up to civility.

Wait...He can't do that. I'm pretty sure that's against the rules.
You can?t call them racist now, because Cardi B and the brown M&M are both women of color. Check mate you liberal atheist heathen.

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I was always terrible at baseball.

Damn. You were totally the target audience too!

I wasn't great at it either - hit for power but had average at best fielding skills, strong arm but questionable accuracy - not really questionable, pretty awful accuracy, really. But I do get most of the references.

do you really think that pointing out the glorification of "Wet a$$ p*$$*" is a sign of cultural decay and the absurdity of M&Ms going woke with nonbinary chocolate candies is actually contradictory or hypocritical? that's the only point I'm making - the meme seems like a weak attempt to paint conservatives as hypocritical prudes.
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I wasn't great at it either - hit for power but had average at best fielding skills, strong arm but questionable accuracy - not really questionable, pretty awful accuracy, really. But I do get most of the references.

do you really think that pointing out the glorification of "Wet a$$ p*$$*" is a sign of cultural decay and the absurdity of M&Ms going woke with nonbinary chocolate candies is actually contradictory or hypocritical? that's the only point I'm making - the meme seems like a weak attempt to paint conservatives as hypocritical prudes.

To be fair, if I had made the meme, it would have read Tucker Carlson and not conservatives.

And it sounds like you were far better at baseball. I couldn't hit anything. I would've needed a designated fielder position to make a team beyond 6th grade.