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Culture Thread: Libtards and Republitards are Killing the US

how often has this actually happened?

when did the hysterics about transgender men going into women's bathrooms start? I can't remember off hand, but it was probably some years ago now.

And this kind of thing has happened like once? maybe twice?

However many times it?s happened, should it be viewed as criminal in every event that intent to indecently expose oneself was the purpose can be proven beyond reasonable doubt?
how often has this actually happened?

when did the hysterics about transgender men going into women's bathrooms start? I can't remember off hand, but it was probably some years ago now.

And this kind of thing has happened like once? maybe twice?

I'm sure this is the first and only time in the last "some years." How often do transgender men go into women's bathrooms? how often does it have to happen? What about women's rights to privacy? Their right to feel safe? Be safe?
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I'm sure this is the first and only time in the last "some years." How often do transgender men go into women's bathrooms? how often does it have to happen? What about women's rights to privacy? Their right to feel safe? Be safe?

Well, there are no single stall women?s rooms in California since March 2017, even if no one?s changed the sign yet.

But a person with a penis regardless of their gender identification obviously needs to be respectful to make sure any bathroom isn?t occurred by anyone of any gender before entering.
So the piece of shit Communist Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio termed out at ball drops.

Best wishes to NYC Mayor Eric Adams - he cannot possibly be any worse.

Fuck off.
Here's another genius declaring racism a public health crisis.

How these people get this far in life is a complete mystery. I mean how does someone this dumb make it this long without accidentally kill themselves? These are the people that plug in radios next to the bathtub, right? If Hochul wasn?t a Democrat in NY I would have captioned the article ?Idiot asks herself ?how can I implode my career in one sentence?? But she'll probably receive more praise than ridicule from the NY elites - which makes me think we need a new definition of "elite."
it doesn't matter...nobody cares about women's sports anyway. :lmao:

First, Caitlin Jenner wins woman of the year, then a transgender fighter shatters a few women?s skulls in sanctioned fights, trans athletes dominate CT H.S. Girls track, another shatters women?s records in cycling, another qualifies for the Olympics in weight lifting and now this swimmer. It?s settled, men are better at everything - we?re even better than women at being women.
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That trans swimmer from Penn who caused all that brouhaha lost a race the other day. Pretty cool that a woman was able to beat that Trans in swimming.

Wait, what??? The woman who beat the Trans woman was... a Trans woman swimmer at Yale, not an actual woman???

Well shit.

You know what? I think Michael Phelps should undergo Trans process and return to the Omympics and win another 20+ medals.
That trans swimmer from Penn who caused all that brouhaha lost a race the other day. Pretty cool that a woman was able to beat that Trans in swimming.

Wait, what??? The woman who beat the Trans woman was... a Trans woman swimmer at Yale, not an actual woman???

Well shit.

You know what? I think Michael Phelps should undergo Trans process and return to the Omympics and win another 20+ medals.

Seems to be an Ivy League thing.

Will not truly have arrived until it gets to Harvard.
UM is pretty liberal, will not surprise me if they and the many other Liberal universities begin actively pursuing these Trans swimmers.

At some point one will set the world record. Not for women, but for all genders. At that point the Liberal brainiacs will proclaim that women are finally equal to men or some other BS.

They just need to create a separate category for Trans, separate from men and women. Why that is so damn difficult is beyond me.
UM is pretty liberal, will not surprise me if they and the many other Liberal universities begin actively pursuing these Trans swimmers.

At some point one will set the world record. Not for women, but for all genders. At that point the Liberal brainiacs will proclaim that women are finally equal to men or some other BS.

They just need to create a separate category for Trans, separate from men and women. Why that is so damn difficult is beyond me.

because no one really cares that much, and this is not a big deal.

850,000 American people dying of Covid is a big deal. A trans female winning an athletic contest here or there is not a big deal. or a problem. or worth worrying about, unless you have shit fer brains.
because no one really cares that much, and this is not a big deal.

850,000 American people dying of Covid is a big deal. A trans female winning an athletic contest here or there is not a big deal. or a problem. or worth worrying about, unless you have shit fer brains.

It's not as big a deal, but it should still probably be banned. Seems like there's been a steady trickle of these kinds of stories. My mind could be changed (again) with some numbers.
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"It's always a great idea to wait until something is a big problem before doing anything about it."
- Anthony Fauci (probably)
because no one really cares that much, and this is not a big deal.

850,000 American people dying of Covid is a big deal. A trans female winning an athletic contest here or there is not a big deal. or a problem. or worth worrying about, unless you have some sense of fairness - but only if no one is dying of any disease anywhere, there are no billionaires (except Bernie Sanders if he becomes one, because he would have earned it), the climate hoax is solved and we're all communists. Until then double mask, stay in your house and don't talk about anything else.

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It's not as big a deal, but it should still probably be banned. Seems like there's been a steady trickle of these kinds of stories. My mind could be changed (again) with some numbers.

Remember my post from a year ago (maybe? my sense of time has gotten distorted due to the pandemic), where the MI GOP was proposing a ban, and the head of the MHSAA was quoted as saying that wasn't necessary, these occurences were rare, and they already had an established written protocol for dealing with transgender athletes in high school sports?

I remain unconvinced it's a problem worthy of legislation... but I'm not one of those idiots who chases political footballs around, so... yeah, if you want the moral panic, ask zyxt, and mack why this is such a big deal.