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Culture Thread: Libtards and Republitards are Killing the US

To be fair, if I had made the meme, it would have read Tucker Carlson and not conservatives.

And it sounds like you were far better at baseball. I couldn't hit anything. I would've needed a designated fielder position to make a team beyond 6th grade.

"average at best" is me being generous to myself - in order for that to be remotely true, it would have to ignore my infield skills. As a kid I was terrified of getting hit by grounders - I played the infield like a matador. And unless the first baseman was Plastic Man, I wasn't throwing anyone out.
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So I guess everyone knows Whoopi Goldberg has been temporarily cancelled; no link necessary.

However bad or good that is.

It?s never too late to get more woke.
So I guess everyone knows Whoopi Goldberg has been temporarily cancelled; no link necessary.

However bad or good that is.

It?s never too late to get more woke.

I like her role on Star Trek a lot better than the view. she should just stick to that and call it a wrap. I saw a Picard season 2 preview she was in.
I like her role on Star Trek a lot better than the view. she should just stick to that and call it a wrap. I saw a Picard season 2 preview she was in.

There are things a person could like less than the view, but you kind of got a put your mind to coming up with any and even then, there?s really nothing anyone would want to admit to thinking of.
that word... "scientifically" does not belong there. They can have gender re-assignment surgery, and pretty much check all the boxes of what counts as a male or female. You wouldn't know by physically examining them.

Maybe you should word it as "I personally choose to believe they will never be that opposite sex"

Trans swimmer Lia Thomas' ranking goes from #462 as a man to #1 as a woman. Oddly, her teammates don't think it's fair and asked the University to not sue the NCAA to force them to allow Lia to compete as a woman. All those biological female swimmers at an uber liberal ivy league school must be a bunch of right wing reactionary misogynists. It's weird that they care because Lia could pretty much check all the boxes of what counts as female and pass the eye test, which according to the scientifically minded on DSF, makes them the sex they identify as. Again, dude moved 461 spots in tha rankings just by changing his bathing suit.
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Creepy Porn Lawyer Guilty as charged. The guy Main Stream Left Media once held up on a pedestal cuz, you know, orange man bad trumps all journalistic integrity
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It's weird that they care because Lia could pretty much check all the boxes of what counts as female and pass the eye test, which according to the scientifically minded on DSF, makes them the sex they identify as.

Apparently Lia likes to let it all hang out in the locker room.

Sharing a locker room with transgender swimmer Lia Thomas has become a point of contention for some of her University of Pennsylvania teammates, who feel uncomfortable changing in the private space with someone undergoing gender transition, the DailyMail.com can reveal.

'It's definitely awkward because Lia still has male body parts and is still attracted to women,' one swimmer on the team told DailyMail.com in an exclusive interview.

Lia has told her teammates that she dates women.

While Lia covers herself with a towel sometimes, there?s a decent amount of nudity, the swimmer said. She and others have had a glimpse at her private parts.

She stated that team members have raised their concern with the coach, trying to get Thomas ousted from the female locker room, but got nowhere.

'Multiple swimmers have raised it, multiple different times,' the UPenn swimmer said. 'But we were basically told that we could not ostracize Lia by not having her in the locker room and that there's nothing we can do about it, that we basically have to roll over and accept it, or we cannot use our own locker room.'

'It's really upsetting because Lia doesn't seem to care how it makes anyone else feel,' the swimmer continued. 'The 35 of us are just supposed to accept being uncomfortable in our own space and locker room for, like, the feelings of one.'

of course it's not at all erasing women or the rights they fought so hard for from suffrage to Title IX, because Lia, even w/ her twig and berries dangling in their faces in their locker room is essentially a woman, just like them. Their right to privacy and a "safe space" is subordinate to Lia's right to force them to go along with mainstreaming "her" delusions.

MC says you could examine her and not be able to tell she's not a woman - maybe he was absent the day they taught the difference in male and female genitalia in health class.
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Thomas Lia is killing it in the pool. But now it's really getting confusing.

From an ESPN article.

'Thomas could either compete in the 100 freestyle Saturday against Yale's Iszac Henig, the event's top qualifier, or the 1,650 freestyle in which Thomas in ranked No. 1. Henig, who is a transgender man, is swimming for Yale's women's team while transitioning to male and beat Thomas in the 100 freestyle at a meet last month. Thomas finished sixth.

They need to let us know if they are cutting dicks off or adding dicks
Thomas Lia is killing it in the pool. But now it's really getting confusing.

From an ESPN article.

'Thomas could either compete in the 100 freestyle Saturday against Yale's Iszac Henig, the event's top qualifier, or the 1,650 freestyle in which Thomas in ranked No. 1. Henig, who is a transgender man, is swimming for Yale's women's team while transitioning to male and beat Thomas in the 100 freestyle at a meet last month. Thomas finished sixth.

They need to let us know if they are cutting dicks off or adding dicks

So either way, you just want to be informed about all the dicks right?
Thomas Lia is killing it in the pool. But now it's really getting confusing.

From an ESPN article.

'Thomas could either compete in the 100 freestyle Saturday against Yale's Iszac Henig, the event's top qualifier, or the 1,650 freestyle in which Thomas in ranked No. 1. Henig, who is a transgender man, is swimming for Yale's women's team while transitioning to male and beat Thomas in the 100 freestyle at a meet last month. Thomas finished sixth.

They need to let us know if they are cutting dicks off or adding dicks

It?s not well known, but the official medical/clinical name for the procedure is addadichotome.
Thomas Lia is killing it in the pool. But now it's really getting confusing.

From an ESPN article.

'Thomas could either compete in the 100 freestyle Saturday against Yale's Iszac Henig, the event's top qualifier, or the 1,650 freestyle in which Thomas in ranked No. 1. Henig, who is a transgender man, is swimming for Yale's women's team while transitioning to male and beat Thomas in the 100 freestyle at a meet last month. Thomas finished sixth.

They need to let us know if they are cutting dicks off or adding dicks

some of Lia's teammates said "she" completely sandbagged that race last month because "she" was getting too much heat for dominating every race "she" was in.
This is a funny story.


The Times mistakenly put in a picture of her sister. Of course Serena implies that that the mistake was because they are both black.

"No matter how far we come, we get reminded that it's not enough. This is why I raised $111M for @serenaventures. To support the founders who are overlooked by engrained systems woefully unaware of their biases. Because even I am overlooked. You can do better, @nytimes"

So a mistake is because she is black? So fucking stupid.