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Culture Thread: Libtards and Republitards are Killing the US

The Utah legislature overrode their governor's veto and passed their anti-trans kid sports ban (link).

If it's not a "ban on them playing high school sports," maybe take that up with CNN or the author's of the bill? (assume it's some national GOP lobby group that wrote up model legislation for each state to kick around):
Utah's law states that "a student of the male sex may not compete, and a public school or (Local Education Agency) may not allow a student of the male sex to compete, with a team designated for students of the female sex in an interscholastic athletic activity." It defines "sex" as "the biological, physical condition of being male or female, determined by an individual's genetics and anatomy at birth."​
The Utah legislature overrode their governor's veto and passed their anti-trans kid sports ban (link).

If it's not a "ban on them playing high school sports," maybe take that up with CNN or the author's of the bill? (assume it's some national GOP lobby group that wrote up model legislation for each state to kick around):
Utah's law states that "a student of the male sex may not compete, and a public school or (Local Education Agency) may not allow a student of the male sex to compete, with a team designated for students of the female sex in an interscholastic athletic activity." It defines "sex" as "the biological, physical condition of being male or female, determined by an individual's genetics and anatomy at birth."​

Where it?s allowed, do high school chicks born with dicks have to take hormonal altering meds to qualify to compete against chicks born with the vag? And they get to? Minor children?

That?s just sick. What a sick culture we?re become.

Once you?re a grown ass adult, do whatever the hell you want to.

An adult aiding a minor to modify their body - in that way - with medications is a drug dealer, a child abuser and a pedophile.
The Utah legislature overrode their governor's veto and passed their anti-trans kid sports ban (link).

If it's not a "ban on them playing high school sports," maybe take that up with CNN or the author's of the bill? (assume it's some national GOP lobby group that wrote up model legislation for each state to kick around):
Utah's law states that "a student of the male sex may not compete, and a public school or (Local Education Agency) may not allow a student of the male sex to compete, with a team designated for students of the female sex in an interscholastic athletic activity." It defines "sex" as "the biological, physical condition of being male or female, determined by an individual's genetics and anatomy at birth."​

How about I take it up with people who are either intentionally misrepresenting the law or just too dumb to understand it (take your pick). I?ll type slow so the dumb ones can understand?

The law says boys can?t compete in girls sports. It doesn?t prevent trans girls from playing in sports, it says they have to play in boys sports- BECAUSE THEY'RE BOYS. They clearly can still compete in sports - that?s not difficult to understand.

Also, protecting women?s rights isn?t anti-trans or transphobic. That?s not how it works, it?s just your MO to vilify the opposition and falsely claim the moral high ground with yet another immoral position.
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How about I take it up with people who are either intentionally misrepresenting the law or just to dumb to understand it (take your pick). I?ll type slow so the dumb ones can understand?

The law says boys can?t compete in girls sports. It doesn?t prevent trans girls from playing in sports, it says they have to play in boys sports. They clearly can still compete in sports - that?s not difficult to understand.

Also, protecting women?s rights isn?t anti-trans or transphobic. That?s not how it works, it?s just your MO to vilify the opposition and falsely claim the moral high ground with yet another immoral position.

Imagine what it?s going to be like when they show back up to practice with boys (who also have dicks)?

A teenage guy who thinks he?s a girl has a lot more shit going on than not being allowed to compete in sports against humans born with vaginas. No one is saying people like this shouldn?t be treated with compassion or understanding. When they reach the age of responsibility, they absolutely have the right to make various life altering decisions they choose.

Again, that person has bigger shit going on than only being allowed to choose to participate in sports with other humans born with the cock.
A teenage guy who thinks he?s a girl has a lot more shit going on than not being allowed to compete in sports against humans born with vaginas. No one is saying people like this shouldn?t be treated with compassion or understanding. When they reach the age of responsibility, they absolutely have the right to make various life altering decisions they choose.

Again, that person has bigger shit going on than only being allowed to choose to participate in sports with other humans born with the cock.

Careful, you risk being labeled transphobic if you keep making such common sense posts.
This is downright sick. This is clearly health care driven by activism, science be damned.

I don?t see a problem.

In most states, teenagers under 18 technically aren?t legally allowed to choose to engage in sex?but they?re allowed to choose to ?CHANGE? their sex.

Also, adults who engage in sex with minors are predatory felons?but adults who engage in ?CHANGING? a minor?s sex are lauded and heralded?by no less than the President of the United States.

Makes perfect sense.
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I don?t see a problem.

In most states, teenagers under 18 technically aren?t legally allowed to choose to engage in sex?but they?re allowed to choose to ?CHANGE? their sex.

Whenever I took a standardized test, and they had those check boxes "Sex: []Male [] Female" I'd write over it "YES PLEASE" hurr
This is downright sick. This is clearly health care driven by activism, science be damned.

I don't have a dog in the fight, I don't have an educated opinion on the topic. But I thought at the very least I'd share the actual release from the White House that does actually have scientific citations and data. Seems weird to not cite the actual White House release, doesn't it?

I imagine people that eat up an article from the DailyWire that just cites itself over and over (peak Ben Shapiro btw) will find a way to dismiss the White House citations as liberal nonsense or whatever and that's ok. Just wanted to put it out there.

I don't have a dog in the fight, I don't have an educated opinion on the topic. But I thought at the very least I'd share the actual release from the White House that does actually have scientific citations and data. Seems weird to not cite the actual White House release, doesn't it?

I imagine people that eat up an article from the DailyWire that just cites itself over and over (peak Ben Shapiro btw) will find a way to dismiss the White House citations as liberal nonsense or whatever and that's ok. Just wanted to put it out there.


no it doesn't because that data is complete bullshit - they claim a reverse transition rate of under 1% which is a complete and total lie. It also cites the positive impact of "gender affirming care" on mental health which is not only vague but also a lie. First, what is "gender affirming care"? Support? Hormonal therapy? Puberty blockers? Genital mutilation surgery? And second, multiple studies have shown there's no reduction in suicide modality among trans people post transition, with or without mutilating surgery. It also completely ignores the fact that, without "medical" intervention, over 90% of gender confused youth end up identifying as the gender of their sex assigned at birth. Transgender kids are not attempting suicide because of bullying - tens of thousands of non-transgender kids are bullied, they don't attempt suicide at nearly the same rates as kids with what up until about a minute ago was correctly treated as a mental disorder but is now delusion being made mainstream by charlatans.

This is exactly what Rand Paul was warning us about when questioning Rachel Levine when HE was appointed by Biden to be the first female 4 star admiral in public health service - and sure enough, now we have it. We're being lied to by activists posing as scientists perpetuating a fraud that is going to destroy lives.
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I don't have a dog in the fight, I don't have an educated opinion on the topic. But I thought at the very least I'd share the actual release from the White House that does actually have scientific citations and data. Seems weird to not cite the actual White House release, doesn't it?

I imagine people that eat up an article from the DailyWire that just cites itself over and over (peak Ben Shapiro btw) will find a way to dismiss the White House citations as liberal nonsense or whatever and that's ok. Just wanted to put it out there.


I perused it. I didn?t see much science.

Ben Shapiro absolutely believes a teen who wants to be the opposite gender should access to an objective mental health care professional, which is among the things called for in the document.

Some teen guys want to be women. Some teen guys want to be soldiers.
When I was a teen I wanted to be in Hollywood.

There?s a minimum age for a guy to choose to be a soldier.

Why shouldn?t there be a minimum age to choose choose to irrevocably alter one?s body?
I perused it. I didn?t see much science.

Ben Shapiro absolutely believes a teen who wants to be the opposite gender should access to an objective mental health care professional, which is among the things called for in the document.

Some teen guys want to be women. Some teen guys want to be soldiers.
When I was a teen I wanted to be in Hollywood.

There?s a minimum age for a guy to choose to be a soldier.

Why shouldn?t there be a minimum age to choose choose to irrevocably alter one?s body?

literally no one disagrees with this, but if you disagree with any of the rest of it you're anti-trans...
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no it doesn't because that data is complete bullshit - they claim a reverse transition rate of under 1% which is a complete and total lie. It also cites the positive impact of "gender affirming care" on mental health which is not only vague but also a lie. First, what is "gender affirming care"? Support? Hormonal therapy? Puberty blockers? Genital mutilation surgery? And second, multiple studies have shown there's no reduction in suicide modality among trans people post transition, with or without mutilating surgery. It also completely ignores the fact that, without "medical" intervention, over 90% of gender confused youth end up identifying as the gender of their sex assigned at birth. Transgender kids are not attempting suicide because of bullying - tens of thousands of non-transgender kids are bullied, they don't attempt suicide at nearly the same rates as kids with what up until about a minute ago was correctly treated as a mental disorder but is now delusion being made mainstream by charlatans.

I appreciate your passion and interest on the topic. Would love to see where you got the information that conflicts so strongly with what the White House provided. As I said before, this is not my lane at all. I'm impressed how educated you and so many others seem to be on this topic. Strong opinions all around.

I perused it. I didn?t see much science.

More data than science I suppose if you want to be pedantic. I did say both. Still, more than provided in the other link. Which isn't saying much since anything is more than zero.

Ben Shapiro absolutely believes a teen who wants to be the opposite gender should access to an objective mental health care professional, which is among the things called for in the document.

Cool. My comment was more in regards to his ego. I don't know much about where he stands on most things to be honest. Nothing against him really, I don't partake in newstainment for the most part.

Why shouldn?t there be a minimum age to choose choose to irrevocably alter one?s body?

There is. And even the White House statement said as much, did it not? Unless we're debating what constitutes 'irrevocably altering one's body'? Then I'm sure there's yet another lively debate to be had. I myself had questions about how puberty blockers would be considered 'reversible' according to the information I briefly looked over.
There is. And even the White House statement said as much, did it not? Unless we're debating what constitutes 'irrevocably altering one's body'? Then I'm sure there's yet another lively debate to be had. I myself had questions about how puberty blockers would be considered 'reversible' according to the information I briefly looked over.

I guess I missed it. What are the age qualifications to be eligible for the various types of gender affirming health care?
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I appreciate your passion and interest on the topic. Would love to see where you got the information that conflicts so strongly with what the White House provided. As I said before, this is not my lane at all. I'm impressed how educated you and so many others seem to be on this topic. Strong opinions all around.

mostly from studies cited in articles, conversations I've had w/ parents of gender confused kids (my neighbor's daughter identified as a boy for several years but reverse transitioned in middle school). Many of these stats were cited by Rand Paul during the Rachel Lavine confirmation hearings.

There is. And even the White House statement said as much, did it not? Unless we're debating what constitutes 'irrevocably altering one's body'? Then I'm sure there's yet another lively debate to be had. I myself had questions about how puberty blockers would be considered 'reversible' according to the information I briefly looked over.

I don't see where it puts a minimum age on surgery or puberty blockers or hormone therapy. The closest reference to an age is "...on a case by case basis in adolescents." This whole things is a lot of smoke and mirrors coming out of the white house. They pack a few reasonable points about anti-discrimination in with a bunch of extreme, unscientific garbage and then say if you oppose it because it's too extreme, you're a bigot who hates trans people. Rachel Levine and many people in schools across America support helping kids in schools transition not only without telling their parents, but actively hiding it from parents - they've literally documented how to hide students transition from their parents in some cases. That's not science, that's outright activism taken to psychotic levels.

Here's one example of how extreme these psychos are. The idea that a bunch of people with bachelors degrees in education are given this much power over the mental health of other people's children is truly insane. They accept no responsibility for that girls death and don't question for a second the legitimacy of their actions and views - anyone who dares disagree is a transphobe. And there are countless cases of people who regretted their transition and ultimately reverted back to their gender at birth who are summarily silenced by the trans activists pushing feelings as science. It's all politicized activism with no basis in reality pushed as "science." This is what happens when too many stupid and useless people get sociology degrees and we end up needing to find something for them to do. Yet another unintended negative consequence of artificially low interest rates and the notion that everyone needs to go to college.
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Here's one example of how extreme these psychos are. The idea that a bunch of people with bachelors degrees in education are given this much power over the mental health of other people's children is truly insane... .

Yeah! only MBAs (the "expert at everything" degree) that are siphoning money from public schools into their for-profit charter schools should have power over the mental health of other people's children. anybody who knows anything knows that
Yeah! only MBAs (the "expert at everything" degree) that are siphoning money from public schools into their for-profit charter schools should have power over the mental health of other people's children. anybody who knows anything knows that

This is a pretty weak defense of incompetent cultural marxists indoctrinating vulnerable youth with garbage masquerading as science, even for you. I'd give it more strawmen (or do you prefer the genderless "strawpeople") but this is the most I can find in a single image.

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Yeah! only MBAs (the "expert at everything" degree) that are siphoning money from public schools into their for-profit charter schools should have power over the mental health of other people's children. anybody who knows anything knows that


I don?t even know what that means.

Give us an example, and explain/describe the process of the whole ?siphoning? thing?

Not that it doesn?t happen; here in Los Angeles, City Council members routinely go to jail for siphoning.