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Culture Thread: Libtards and Republitards are Killing the US


I don?t even know what that means.

Give us an example, and explain/describe the process of the whole ?siphoning? thing?

Not that it doesn?t happen; here in Los Angeles, City Council members routinely go to jail for siphoning.

This isn't the first time this baseless claim has been proffered. I do wonder though if those LA City Council members have MBAs. Maybe the ones with MBAs only siphon money from public schools into charter schools that are also public schools but happen to massively outperform public schools in virtually every metric.
This isn't the first time this baseless claim has been proffered. I do wonder though if those LA City Council members have MBAs. Maybe the ones with MBAs only siphon money from public schools into charter schools that are also public schools but happen to massively outperform public schools in virtually every metric.

Here in Los Angeles all charter schools are all run exclusively by the Los Angeles unified school district, so any siphoning of public money for ill-gotten gains regarding charter schools would be being done by the same pack of crooks that are siphoning it regarding the rest of the school.

I did a little looking up. Most states don?t allow for profit charter schools. I found a few examples of folks who had managed to legally ?game the system? to turn a buck regarding not for profit charter schools - this type of thing happen I guess. Close the loophole.

I don?t know that it?s the most onerous thing about our schools.

EDIT: The LAUSD is pretty much its own separate entity. A completely different pack of crooks than the city council.
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Here in Los Angeles all charter schools are all run exclusively by the Los Angeles unified school district, so any siphoning of public money for ill-gotten gains regarding charter schools would be being done by the same pack of crooks that are siphoning it regarding the rest of the school.

I did a little looking up. Most states don?t allow for profit charter schools. I found a few examples of folks who had managed to legally ?game the system? to turn a buck regarding not for profit charter schools - this type of thing happen I guess. Close the loophole.

I don?t know that it?s the most onerous thing about our schools.

EDIT: The LAUSD is pretty much its own separate entity. A completely different pack of crooks than the city council.

but, do they have MBAs? we need to know if they're qualified to deal with gender confused children or not...
but, do they have MBAs? we need to know if they're qualified to deal with gender confused children or not...

None of Mark Ridley Thomas, Jose Huisar nor Mitch Englander has an MBA. Those are the crooks from the city Council.

Jose Cole Gutierrez, who heads up to charter school division of the LAUSD, also does not have an MBA.

He has still yet to be indicted or convicted of anything.
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None of Mark Ridley Thomas, Jose Huisar nor Mitch Englander has an MBA. Those are the crooks from the city Council.

Jose Cole Gutierrez, who heads up to charter school division of the LAUSD, also does not have an MBA.

He has still yet to be indicted or convicted of anything.

No MBAs? Looks like the trans kids in LAUSD are f****d. Poor bastards.
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No MBAs? Looks like the trans kids in LAUSD are f****d. Poor bastards.

Maybe not.

It?s California.

Maybe instead of radical medical treatment for children too young to join the military, too young to buy beer, to young literally make the choice to legally engage in sexual actual activity, we?ll come to the realization ?ya know? Maybe we should have a qualified objective mental health care professional talk to them first.?

There's literally no way anyone coulda seen this coming. In fairness though, the facility houses 28 transgender individuals and so far only one of them (that we know of) has impregnated "actual" female inmates, so the program is basically working (using quotes around actual because we all know, trans women ARE real women).
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Another example of this happening that proves it's definitely not happening. So what if a few girls get injured, this person is living his truth, and that's what matters. If you're a mom or a dad who doesn't want your biological female daughter getting hospitalized by a boy playing on a girls team, shut up transphobe!
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Another example of this happening that proves it's definitely not happening. So what if a few girls get injured, this person is living his truth, and that's what matters. If you're a mom or a dad who doesn't want your biological female daughter getting hospitalized by a boy playing on a girls team, shut up transphobe!

Rugby is a rough sport, these female players need to man up! :cheers:
tell us again how you've approached this issue out of a sincere concern for women's rights.

most people probably don't need this explained to them, but that was a joke about the delusional male athlete and his moronic enablers (people like you) thinking it's fair for him to compete against women while claiming he's a woman, when clearly he is not. But most people aren't as dumb as you so one more time, to be clear I was making fun of the imposter and people like you, not the women he's putting in the hospital - they're clearly the victims here.
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Meanwhile back at the ranch; we used to have Jackie Robinson Day; this season, apparently it?s the entire weekend.

Talk about woke culture run amok.

The actual guy who made the remark about everyone wearing #42 to ?camouflage? Jackie from potential assassins was Gene Hermanski.

Now going forward every year on Jackie Robinson day you can tell people this, and you?ll seem very smart because not very many people know this.

Maybe it will even help some of you get laid - especially if you?re looking to get into the panties of a social justice warrioress.
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Buncha dumbass libdems

The number of black Americans murdered has jumped by 32 per cent, with experts blaming the rise on cops not patrolling high crime areas thanks to Black Lives Matter-endorsed ?defund the police? activism.


Here is a much more credible source.

Mother Jones is reporting that defunding the police isn?t the cause of the rise in crime, and as we know, pretty much whatever mother Jones reports, the opposite is true.
Here is a much more credible source.

Mother Jones is reporting that defunding the police isn?t the cause of the rise in crime, and as we know, pretty much whatever mother Jones reports, the opposite is true.

It's crazy more people decided to start committing crimes because 2 years ago, people protested against police brutality, after people watched a video of a cop suffocate a man to death with his knee on the man's throat, in broad daylight, in the middle of dozens of witnesses, which is bad (right?) but only like ONE GUY, they killed, and so not that big a deal.

Cops should be paid more and get more machine guns and tanks to fight all this crime.
It's crazy more people decided to start committing crimes because 2 years ago, people protested against police brutality, after people watched a video of a cop suffocate a man to death with his knee on the man's throat, in broad daylight, in the middle of dozens of witnesses, which is bad (right?) but only like ONE GUY, they killed, and so not that big a deal.

Cops should be paid more and get more machine guns and tanks to fight all this crime.

That?s not why people are committing crimes now.

That unfortunate event perpetrated by one psychotic criminal asshole who never should have been given a badge - and has been justifiable convicted and had been put away for a long time - caused weak kneed politicians like LA Mayor Garcetti to try to distance themselves from the rule of law, and enabled crime victim ignoring prosecutors like LA County ?Prosecutor? George Gascon (who the voters are going to recall) to be elected. The current soft on crime environment is emboldening criminals.

No one?s committing crimes now because of what happened two years ago.

Those crimes were being committed two years ago.

I guess there?s a degree of cause and effect. The baby was thrown out with the bath water.

EDIT: My bad. It should have been ?whom.?

And for all you pedantic nerds who picked up on my grammatical error before I did, fuck off.
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That?s not why people are committing crimes now.

That unfortunate event perpetrated by one psychotic criminal asshole who never should have been given a badge - and has been justifiable convicted and had been put away for a long time - caused weak kneed politicians like LA Mayor Garcetti to try to distance themselves from the rule of law, and enabled crime victim ignoring prosecutors like LA County ?Prosecutor? George Gascon (who the voters are going to recall) to be elected. The current soft on crime environment is emboldening criminals.

No one?s committing crimes now because of what happened two years ago.

Those crimes were being committed two years ago.

I guess there?s a degree of cause and effect. The baby was thrown out with the bath water.

Crime is absolutely spiking including murders. Deaths on roadways are spiking as well - up more than 10% (25% for black Americans) in 2020. Pete Buttegieg says its because American roads are racist - even though all those roads were in place for decades before this recent spike. In both cases (crime and vehicular deaths) it?s a direct result of lax policing and dangerously stupid prosecutors. We saw a similar spike in crime and deaths that also affected black Americans disproportionately in the wake of the lies told about the Michael Brown death that led to a similar neutering of police and inaction by leftist prosecutors (virtually all of them backed by George Soros). But really it?s because roads are racist, they?re just now starting to show their racism - probably because they were emboldened by Trump.
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