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Culture Thread: Libtards and Republitards are Killing the US

This is a funny story.


The Times mistakenly put in a picture of her sister. Of course Serena implies that that the mistake was because they are both black.

"No matter how far we come, we get reminded that it's not enough. This is why I raised $111M for @serenaventures. To support the founders who are overlooked by engrained systems woefully unaware of their biases. Because even I am overlooked. You can do better, @nytimes"

So a mistake is because she is black? So fucking stupid.

They do tend to look alike.

Siblings I mean.

Because they share a lot of the same DNA.

That?s not politics - that?s science.
we've - well... oil and car companies' lobbysists have - DESIGNED our entire society such that you NEED A CAR, and you HAVE TO DRIVE AND USE GAS EVERYWHERE and to do just about everything.

I don't see that changing, ever, voluntarily. So we're going to continue to need a lot of oil, all the time, and are completely at the whim of oil companies here, and oil producers abroad. At least until it all falls apart from the sheer weight of all these roads and sprawl being impossible to fund and maintain... then who knows? The future does not look promising though. The tax burdens are going to get insanely burdensome, and that's a "best case" scenario in my opinion. Worst case is like... Mad Max or something.
WSJ just had an article that almost 78% of all vehicles sold in the US last year were SUVs or large pickup trucks.

So not only are we completely reliant on car transportation, we're maximizing our use of gasoline in that regard!

Like... the bridge is out ahead, and our solution is to FLOOR IT, even though it's not one of those bridges you can jump. We're going to plunge straight into a canyon, explode, and die on impact.
WSJ just had an article that almost 78% of all vehicles sold in the US last year were SUVs or large pickup trucks.

So not only are we completely reliant on car transportation, we're maximizing our use of gasoline in that regard!

Like... the bridge is out ahead, and our solution is to FLOOR IT, even though it's not one of those bridges you can jump. We're going to plunge straight into a canyon, explode, and die on impact.


there's a bunch of youtube videos of failed car jumps. In real life - even the jumps that succeed - are a lot shittier looking.
WSJ just had an article that almost 78% of all vehicles sold in the US last year were SUVs or large pickup trucks.

Top 3 SUV sales 2021 are all small SUVs

Toyota Rav4 (27/35 MPG)
Honda CRV (28/34)
Nissan Rouge (25/32)

These SUVs get similar fuel economy as a typical sedan that has a 4cyl engine.
Top 3 SUV sales 2021 are all small SUVs

Toyota Rav4 (27/35 MPG)
Honda CRV (28/34)
Nissan Rouge (25/32)

These SUVs get similar fuel economy as a typical sedan that has a 4cyl engine.

As a driver of a similiar class of SUV, I can tell you those numbers drop pretty aggressively around year 4. Especially if you go with a smaller engine.
WSJ just had an article that almost 78% of all vehicles sold in the US last year were SUVs or large pickup trucks.

So not only are we completely reliant on car transportation, we're maximizing our use of gasoline in that regard!

Like... the bridge is out ahead, and our solution is to FLOOR IT, even though it's not one of those bridges you can jump. We're going to plunge straight into a canyon, explode, and die on impact.

It's not identical but it feels similiar to 2008 in many ways. We don't seem to have learned much at all.

Soon there will be a big run on more gas mileage friendly vehicles (when the car dealerships actually have cars to sell lol) and then a few years after there will be a huge run on over sized vehicles for that one camping trip families may or may not make each year.
Utah governor Spencer Cox - a Republitard who has a modicum of common sense and decency apparently - vetoed his state's ban on transgender athlete's playing high school sports.

From his letter to his fellow Republitards in the state senate (link):
In a letter to the state's Senate president and House speaker, Cox told his fellow Republicans that he was moved by data showing that among 75,000 kids playing high school sports in Utah, only four were transgender, with just one involved in girls sports.

"Four kids and only one of them playing girls sports. That?s what all of this is about. Four kids who aren?t dominating or winning trophies or taking scholarships. Four kids who are just trying to find some friends and feel like they are a part of something. Four kids trying to get through each day," he wrote. "Rarely has so much fear and anger been directed at so few."
Damn. How are you guys going to light him up for being a decent human being with common sense? More base homophobia and hate speech? Or empty emotional conjecture about how unfair this all is to the hypothetical little girl who won't get to fulfill her dream of swimming for Shithead State University because she came in 17th in the backstroke, while a transgender kid came in 16th?

I love the disconnect in basic math, statistics and common sense here. Cobbling together a handful of stories out of millions of high school athletic contests and outcomes to justify a nationwide campaign, spending untold amounts of money changing laws, and wasting legislatures time on this bullshit. Numbers, man. How do they work? How run country to address real problems millions of people actually face? How do that? Us not understand.
Utah governor Spencer Cox - a Republitard who has a modicum of common sense and decency apparently - vetoed his state's ban on transgender athlete's playing high school sports.

From his letter to his fellow Republitards in the state senate (link):
In a letter to the state's Senate president and House speaker, Cox told his fellow Republicans that he was moved by data showing that among 75,000 kids playing high school sports in Utah, only four were transgender, with just one involved in girls sports.

"Four kids and only one of them playing girls sports. That?s what all of this is about. Four kids who aren?t dominating or winning trophies or taking scholarships. Four kids who are just trying to find some friends and feel like they are a part of something. Four kids trying to get through each day," he wrote. "Rarely has so much fear and anger been directed at so few."
Damn. How are you guys going to light him up for being a decent human being with common sense? More base homophobia and hate speech? Or empty emotional conjecture about how unfair this all is to the hypothetical little girl who won't get to fulfill her dream of swimming for Shithead State University because she came in 17th in the backstroke, while a transgender kid came in 16th?

I love the disconnect in basic math, statistics and common sense here. Cobbling together a handful of stories out of millions of high school athletic contests and outcomes to justify a nationwide campaign, spending untold amounts of money changing laws, and wasting legislatures time on this bullshit. Numbers, man. How do they work? How run country to address real problems millions of people actually face? How do that? Us not understand.

The law doesn't ban them from playing high school sports - that's a complete lie. And there's no disconnect between basic math and common sense here. But there is a complete disconnect between basic, obvious science and the left's agenda around gender (and climate change). The issue isn't about only 4 reported cases nor is it about fear or anger. The issue is about fairness and women's rights. Men are not women and boys are not girls. If there was no difference or advantage, then there should be no sex-separated sports, period. But there is and there's a few millennia worth of evidence to prove this. This is a nationwide campaign by the ultra left to make their delusions mainstream. These campaigns have to be stopped by reasonable people who believe in basic biology and women's rights before they're a problem. You don't close the barn door after the horse has already gotten out.
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The law doesn't ban them from playing high school sports - that's a complete lie. And there's no disconnect between basic math and common sense here. The issue isn't about only 4 reported cases nor is it about fear or anger. The issue is about fairness and women's rights. Men are not women and boys are not girls. If there was no difference or advantage, then there should be no sex-separated sports, period. But there is and there's a few millennia worth of evidence to prove this. This is a nationwide campaign by the ultra left to make their delusions mainstream. These campaigns have to be stopped by reasonable people who believe in basic biology and women's rights before they're a problem. You don't close the barn door after the horse has already gotten out.

I don?t see how people don?t get this. Ya wanna be a girl? Go be a girl - but you don?t get to compete against girls in sports - it?s not fair.

When I do a search engine search for ?women athletes find transgender competition unfair? there are plenty of examples of humans born with the vag who feel this way - don?t they deserve a voice?


zyxt and byco have both suggested that the most fair thing is give trans their competition category - that would be fine.
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Utah governor Spencer Cox - a Republitard who has a modicum of common sense and decency apparently - vetoed his state's ban on transgender athlete's playing high school sports.

From his letter to his fellow Republitards in the state senate (link):
In a letter to the state's Senate president and House speaker, Cox told his fellow Republicans that he was moved by data showing that among 75,000 kids playing high school sports in Utah, only four were transgender, with just one involved in girls sports.

"Four kids and only one of them playing girls sports. That?s what all of this is about. Four kids who aren?t dominating or winning trophies or taking scholarships. Four kids who are just trying to find some friends and feel like they are a part of something. Four kids trying to get through each day," he wrote. "Rarely has so much fear and anger been directed at so few."
Damn. How are you guys going to light him up for being a decent human being with common sense? More base homophobia and hate speech? Or empty emotional conjecture about how unfair this all is to the hypothetical little girl who won't get to fulfill her dream of swimming for Shithead State University because she came in 17th in the backstroke, while a transgender kid came in 16th?

I love the disconnect in basic math, statistics and common sense here. Cobbling together a handful of stories out of millions of high school athletic contests and outcomes to justify a nationwide campaign, spending untold amounts of money changing laws, and wasting legislatures time on this bullshit. Numbers, man. How do they work? How run country to address real problems millions of people actually face? How do that? Us not understand.

I want to know what kind of parents are allowing their young kids to transition during or before high school. It's beyond dumb.
I want to know what kind of parents are allowing their young kids to transition during or before high school. It's beyond dumb.

I imagine the same type that try to be the 'buddy parent'. Let's the kid have parties, buys alcohol/smokes for underage kids, etc.

Usually an outlier and very small minority but they stick out like a sore thumb.
It's not fair, but it's also not something that should play a big role in political discourse. We've got American and global economics changing, the climate changing, Russian war and the impending food shortages associated with that and the people we're going to put in charge of all that are going to have to be the ones that voice the best sound bites that make people feel good about how angry we should be over unfairness in sports.