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Culture Thread: Libtards and Republitards are Killing the US

Spending is a problem for both democrats and republicans. Inflation is a real problem and will continue to be a problem.

Its time people talk about real problems and real solutions as opposed to just blaming whatever political affiliation they want to root against.

Yes, I?m sure you saw that I said Trump?s spending was also a problem, in the post right above this post that I?m holding.

I have zero trouble blaming everybody.
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Spending is a problem for both democrats and republicans. Inflation is a real problem and will continue to be a problem. This will make it even more difficult for those barely scrapping by. I work in an industry where cost on corn, aluminum, fuel...literally everything that goes into making products is increasing. We have idiot billionaires like Bezos who trashes the government and blames them for inflation. Seriously how to idiots like this get so rich if they are so dumb?...Does he really think govt policy is the cause for the inflationary market were going thru? Or just jumping on the chance to bash the current president for the hell of it?

Its time people talk about real problems and real solutions as opposed to just blaming whatever political affiliation they want to root against. Biden is not the reason China is in lockdown and cant make chips. Lazy americans that are too dumb to make their own and have too many rich billionaires who dont want to make them for cheap are the reason why America doesnt have any cars for sale on lots. Want to reduce the cost on corn...make more so theres an abundance.....awww poor americans dont want to work that hard do they. Want more aluminum so costs go down. Theres 2 ways....recycle what you have or mine more. Yet again...way to hard for americans. Gas is a problem? Dont use it. Theres no reason to put gas into a vehicle except theres too many billionaires that rely on selling it. Go 100% EV....yup...way too hard for Americans to figure out and the Billionaires that did figure it out like Musk jack up the cost so only a small %age of consumers can afford it.

government policy is a massive contributor to inflation, it's insane to think otherwise. Paying people not to work, pouring trillions of dollars into the economy, passing massive spending bills, limiting/delaying oil & gas leases, cancelling pipelines, etc is driving prices through the roof. And it would be worse if they had passed the Build Back Better nonsense. The problem with corn isn't that we don't grow enough, it's that we don't allow imports of corn or sugar based ethanol while requiring it's use in fuel so a disproportionate amount of US corn goes to ethanol, which is doing next to nothing to achieve their environmental goals, but we do it anyway. By the way, you can't just open an aluminum mine or smelter overnight nor can you go to 100% EV in a short period of time either.

Now the government is throwing tens billions of dollars at preferred industries to "fix" the supply chain issue. If the government has proven anything, they're really bad at picking winners when it comes to corporate subsidies. What they need to do is get rid of or at least massively reduce the corporate tax and then stay out of it and let the private sector figure out how to allocate capital most efficiently.
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government policy is a massive contributor to inflation, it's insane to think otherwise. Paying people not to work, pouring trillions of dollars into the economy, passing massive spending bills, limiting/delaying oil & gas leases, cancelling pipelines, etc is driving prices through the roof. And it would be worse if they had passed the Build Back Better nonsense. The problem with corn isn't that we don't grow enough, it's that we don't allow imports of corn or sugar based ethanol while requiring it's use in fuel so a disproportionate amount of US corn goes to ethanol, which is doing next to nothing to achieve their environmental goals, but we do it anyway. By the way, you can't just open an aluminum mine or smelter overnight nor can you go to 100% EV in a short period of time either.

Now the government is throwing tens billions of dollars at preferred industries to "fix" the supply chain issue. If the government has proven anything, they're really bad at picking winners when it comes to corporate subsidies. What they need to do is get rid of or at least massively reduce the corporate tax and then stay out of it and let the private sector figure out how to allocate capital most efficiently.

Seems to me the BBB was about a whole lot of money without many specifics, not unlike the ?let?s pass it to see what?s in it? ACA.

To be fair, Republicans have gone along with Pelosi et all on plenty of dumbass ideas, like TARP, and every politician of both parties, including the liar loan dealer in chief, President Bush, ran for reelection on a platform of how homeownership for Americans had hit record highs under their watch.


Because people were buying homes they couldn?t afford.

Hence the TARP.
What they need to do is get rid of or at least massively reduce the corporate tax and then stay out of it and let the private sector figure out how to allocate capital most efficiently.

We know how corporations will allocate the capital most effectively. It wont be to their people or their community when their costs are rising on literally everything. It will go directly to their EBITA.

Never trickle down economics!
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We know how corporations will allocate the capital most effectively. It wont be to their people or their community when their costs are rising on literally everything. It will go directly to their EBITA.

Never trickle down economics!

EBITA excludes taxes so eliminating corporate taxes wouldn't have an impact on it. It would go to their bottom line (and as anyone who reads DSF knows, the majority of it would go to bigger mega yachts).

Without corporate taxes, you avoid the double taxation of corporate earnings when dividends are paid and eliminate the perverse incentive to hoard cash to avoid another round of taxes. Then you can tax all income at the same rate whether it's from earnings, dividends or capital gains - no need for a dividend or capital gains rate. You get the benefit of more efficient capital allocation and a simplified tax code.

If a company doesn't have prospects for investing in projects to generate returns, shareholders would be incentivized to push companies to issue dividends or buy backs rather than sit on cash. Not to mention, certain projects that don't meet IRR requirements because of taxes could get greenlighted in the absence (or lowering) of corporate taxes, which would boost investment by the private sector, which is clearly preferable to government bureaucrats throwing taxpayer money to their cronies and pet industries.
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Looks like social security is run about as well as the Post Office. Trustee report for 2021 says the Trust Fund will be depleted by 2034 - one year later than last year's report but 10 years earlier than was thought in 2007. They're probably not overestimating SS solvency though because the Government never gets these kind of things wrong.
Looks like social security is run about as well as the Post Office. Trustee report for 2021 says the Trust Fund will be depleted by 2034 - one year later than last year's report but 10 years earlier than was thought in 2007. They're probably not overestimating SS solvency though because the Government never gets these kind of things wrong.

every ponzi scheme runs out of money eventually
I?m gonna be pissed when they shut down the program the day before I?m eligible to cash in.

I just know that?s going to happen.

I will be 66 in 2034...1 year before I can start collecting my "full amount"

An article that I read says after 2034 they are planning on paying 78% of what you are "entitled" to. :cheers:
I will be 66 in 2034...1 year before I can start collecting my "full amount"

An article that I read says after 2034 they are planning on paying 78% of what you are "entitled" to. :cheers:

As things stand now you already won?t be eligible for any amount when you turn 66 in 2034.

EDIT: My bad. I double checked. You won?t be eligible for the full amount at 66.
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As things stand now you already won?t be eligible for any amount when you turn 66 in 2034.

EDIT: My bad. I double checked. You won?t be eligible for the full amount at 66.

I think you are right. I think you need to be 67 to get your "full amount"
a "Ponzi scheme" that's existed for 90 years and kept tens of millions of elderly Americans alive and out of poverty...

if you're living on social security alone, you're pretty much living in poverty. But gee, doesn't it feel great that your government savings program dollars were given to people who never paid into it and there's nothing left when you're on a fixed income? At least the money you could have saved went to people who didn't save for themselves.

I know, I know, it's corporate America's fault for not paying workers wages and benefits forever.

Edit: and is it really keeping elderly Americans alive? Isn't our average life span declining because we live in a third world shithole? Doesn't seem like soc sec is doing a whole lot to stop that.
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if you're living on social security alone, you're pretty much living in poverty. But gee, doesn't it feel great that your government savings program dollars were given to people who never paid into it and there's nothing left when you're on a fixed income? At least the money you could have saved went to people who didn't save for themselves.

I know, I know, it's corporate America's fault for not paying workers wages and benefits forever.

Was the social eligibility age 65 when it was established in, was it 1934? Just checked - 1935. It was 65.

Those people are all pretty old now - like 153.

Nothing is perfect, and nobody has a crystal ball.

I?ve known a lot of people who became eligible for social eligibility, never heard one of them complaining the day they started to collect that people who have been dead a long time were able to start collecting - literally before World War II - who never paid into it.

Now, maybe they just never bitched about it in front of me, I don?t know.

EDIT: SSA passed in Congress, 1935, with pretty strong bipartisan support. Signed into law by POTUS FDR August 14, 1935.

So however good or bad Social Security is and has been, we have both long dead libtards and Republitards to give credit for it or blame for it.
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Was the social eligibility age 65 when it was established in, was it 1934? Just checked - 1935. It was 65.

Those people are all pretty old now - like 153.

Nothing is perfect, and nobody has a crystal ball.

I?ve known a lot of people who became eligible for social eligibility, never heard one of them complaining the day they started to collect that people who have been dead a long time were able to start collecting - literally before World War II - who never paid into it.

Now, maybe they just never bitched about it in front of me, I don?t know.

I guess I should have said "your government savings program dollars were given to people whose government savings program dollars were given to people whose government savings program dollars were given to people who never paid into it." Or just called it a ponzi scheme like Tom did.

But whether people complain about it or not isn't what makes it a bad idea. It was a poorly designed system that was doomed from the start - it only works while the labor force is increasing which means it doesn't really work, it just looks like it does temporarily. That became obvious as the population aged and the birth rate declined and has probably been exacerbated by the offshoring of high paying skilled labor jobs thanks to largely to unions and high corporate taxes.

There have been several attempts by people in Congress to extend social security benefits to people who never paid in as part of "immigration reform" and because it's a government program run by morons, it's rife with fraud and waste due to things like social security fraud via identity theft, often from illegal immigrants and foreign nationals. I definitely don't feel too good about my government savings program dollars going to pay for that, and I doubt most people except for possibly MC, do either.
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I will be 66 in 2034...1 year before I can start collecting my "full amount"

An article that I read says after 2034 they are planning on paying 78% of what you are "entitled" to. :cheers:

the piece I linked to said, based on current tax receipts social security payments of 77% of the promised amount will be paid out of tax receipts at that time (assuming they continue). So then it will literally be a pure ponzi scheme - taxing Peter to pay Paul.
The nation's two largest teachers' unions spend up to 50%+ of receipts on political activity (shockingly, most of the money went to left wing candidates and causes). In the case of the NEA, it's political spending dwarfed "representational activities" (member needs) by a factor of 5x. Link, link.

I don't know how anyone could possibly question the validity of these organizations, clearly they're all about the kids and education!
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