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Culture Thread: Libtards and Republitards are Killing the US

So...this is this is about as good a thread for Hollywood jibber jabber as any...so apparently J-Lo and Ben Affleck might be a thing again?

I am so sick of reruns.


Meanwhile, the wife was asking about J-Lo?s recent breakup with A-Rod ?isn?t he known for cheating??

I was like ?what? He was busted for steroids TWICE!?
Commodity Prices going nuts, food prices are going to skyrocket this summer.
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There?s talk of hyper-inflation, and there?s responses of that that talk is all hype. I don?t know either way.
There?s talk of hyper-inflation, and there?s responses of that that talk is all hype. I don?t know either way.

it's all a plandemic by design into global reset, out the other side comes a new digital blocked in chains fed coin system and digital tattoo. It's going to enslave the world. This will occur by no later than 2030. Hopefully ill be dead by then. I don't' want to live in that world. It's complete chicom style oppression and enslavement.
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There?s talk of hyper-inflation, and there?s responses of that that talk is all hype. I don?t know either way.

"don't believe the hype"
- Flava Flav or was it Paul Krugman? It doesn't matter actually - they both have a roughly equal grasp of economics.
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it's all a plandemic by design into global reset, out the other side comes a new digital blocked in chains fed coin system and digital tattoo. It's going to enslave the world. This will occur by no later than 2030. Hopefully ill be dead by then. I don't' want to live in that world. It's complete chicom style oppression and enslavement.

A lot of people are buying crypto to escape the government monetary cage. Do you think for a moment that most Americans will tolerate this brand of enslavement?

Would you not want to go down fighting for your freedom? Or win the battle to preserve it? I would.
A lot of people are buying crypto to escape the government monetary cage. Do you think for a moment that most Americans will tolerate this brand of enslavement?

Would you not want to go down fighting for your freedom? Or win the battle to preserve it? I would.

The majority already are tolerating it, the plandemic predecessors, mask and vaccine requirements today, chip tomorrow and there isn't going to be any crypto escape all that does is condition. The millennials think it's cool and will happily comply. The millennial generation is larger than the baby boomers by 2030 all boomers will be over 65 and on their way out there isn't going to be much fight, those numbers will be small shunned and outcast by society by the time they all figure out what's really going on it'll be too late.
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The majority already are tolerating it, the plandemic predecessors, mask and vaccine requirements today, chip tomorrow and there isn't going to be any crypto escape all that does is condition. The millennials think it's cool and will happily comply. The millennial generation is larger than the baby boomers by 2030 all boomers will be over 65 and on their way out there isn't going to be much fight, those numbers will be small shunned and outcast by society by the time they all figure out what's really going on it'll be too late.

You might be surprised someday. There are, I expect a lot of people from the generation we sired that will not go quitely.
You might be surprised someday. There are, I expect a lot of people from the generation we sired that will not go quitely.

It'll be Gen Z'ers leading that charge, I do see hope there. That won't come until after everything has been laid to waste though. The authoritarians are on the march, the shunning phase is already starting to rumble it's just getting warmed up.

CNN?s Michael Smerconish launched into a rant Wednesday encouraging viewers to ?shun? their friends and family who have not taken the COVID-19 shot.

?A lot of folks just aren?t going to do it,? Smerconish lamented, referring to folks taking the COVID jab.
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It'll be Gen Z'ers leading that charge, I do see hope there. That won't come until after everything has been laid to waste though. The authoritarians are on the march, the shunning phase is already starting to rumble it's just getting warmed up.

CNN?s Michael Smerconish launched into a rant Wednesday encouraging viewers to ?shun? their friends and family who have not taken the COVID-19 shot.

?A lot of folks just aren?t going to do it,? Smerconish lamented, referring to folks taking the COVID jab.

Eventually the rhetoric will exhaust itself. But I?d like to know who?s feeding this automaton this line of propaganda.
it's all a plandemic by design into global reset, out the other side comes a new digital blocked in chains fed coin system and digital tattoo. It's going to enslave the world. This will occur by no later than 2030. Hopefully ill be dead by then. I don't' want to live in that world. It's complete chicom style oppression and enslavement.

It's pathetic that we're closing in on 600,000 dead Americans in a little over a year. And if you left your bubble for more than 15 minutes, you could talk to someone who could verify the reality on the ground... yet you still keep calling it a plandemic and pretending the misery millions of Americans have been dealing with was all made up.
It's pathetic that we're closing in on 600,000 dead Americans in a little over a year. And if you left your bubble for more than 15 minutes, you could talk to someone who could verify the reality on the ground... yet you still keep calling it a plandemic and pretending the misery millions of Americans have been dealing with was all made up.

nobody dies from the flu or pneumonia anymore either, it's all covid, global eugenicist lead plandemic designed to reduce global population, the eugenicist types don't believe one has a right to still be here once you can no longer contribute to the greater good clog of the machine. The vaccine will become a yearly requirement maybe even as many as 5 per year, Good luck with the cytokine storms down the road, all planned and by design the death cult eugenicist are in control of this fallen rock.

not allowed to know what's in it
exempt from liability
long term effects unknown
Sign me right up!

No thank you. but it's patriotic, it's about protecting those around you, a perfectly planned eugenicist dream do de do de der

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Prince Charming not so Woke

Baby, it?s cold outside...

what would she be saying about the princes if they didn't kiss those girls knowing they were the only ones who could wake them from the sleeping death? What if one or both were somnambulists? It would be irresponsible to not wake them for their own safety. Or what if the prince was in a committed relationship with another woman (or a dude) and didn't want to cheat on his significant other just to wake some random hoochie from a coma? I guess if you're a prince, you're damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Also, this is nothing compared to the way my wife or I wake the other from a deep slumber from time to time - the thought of calling the cops let alone complaining never once crossed my mind.
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why are Republitards complaining about Disney and it's lame ass amusement parks so much lately?

it you don't like their corporate decisions, just don't go. Right? go to The Creation Museum, if you need a safe space, away from fake-ass corporate tolerance pandering and what not.
why are Republitards complaining about Disney and it's lame ass amusement parks so much lately?

it you don't like their corporate decisions, just don't go. Right? go to The Creation Museum, if you need a safe space, away from fake-ass corporate tolerance pandering and what not.

Hmmm...not sure if you?re referring to the link I posted in #115, but if you are, it has nothing to do with the parks not being open.

It?s about a professor at the University of Osaka accusing Prince Charming of rape.

It?s a reasonable conclusion she?s born, raised and lives in Japan; probably not a registered Republican.

This seemed like a good thread for the anecdote; we could have a thread about how Republitards are also killing this country; or we could just use this existing thread to post examples, I?ll start:

Republitards nominated Donald Trump for president in 2016.

Then, to add insult to injury, they did it again in 2020.

EDIT: Oh, as far as visiting the Creation Museum, nah. I never liked being inside with a crowd of people even before the Covid.

I doubt I?m going to do very in Hell.

Or maybe He?ll won?t be inside? I don?t know.

I guess we?ll see.
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why are Republitards complaining about Disney and it's lame ass amusement parks so much lately?

it you don't like their corporate decisions, just don't go. Right? go to The Creation Museum, if you need a safe space, away from fake-ass corporate tolerance pandering and what not.

funny that the guy who is always complaining about racism without any actual evidence of it is whining about people pointing out actual blatant racism, revisionist history and general stupidity on the part of a company they patronize, or used to patronize.
funny that the guy who is always complaining about racism without any actual evidence of it is whining about people pointing out actual blatant racism, revisionist history and general stupidity on the part of a company they patronize, or used to patronize.

there's no evidence of racism, except years of examples of racism, in numerous threads, posted by multiple posters here, that you choose to willingly ignore.