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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

February 27 in Tigers and mlb history:

1901 - The National League Rules Committee decrees that all foul balls are to count as strikes, except after two strikes. To cut the cost of lost foul balls, the committee urges that batsmen who foul off good strikes are to be disciplined. The American League will not adopt this rule for several years.
Other new rules: catchers must play within 10 feet of the batter; a ball will be called if the pitcher does not throw to a ready and waiting batter within 20 seconds, and players using indecent or improper language will be banished by the umpire. A ball will be called when a batter is hit by a pitch, but, in a mail vote, the owners will rescind this in April, and a HBP will earn a batter first base.

1908: The sacrifice fly rule is adopted. No time at bat is charged if a run scores after the catch of a fly ball. The rule will be repealed in 1931, then reinstated (or changed) several times before gaining permanent acceptance in 1954.

1948 - Newly elected to the Hall of Fame are Herb Pennock and Pie Traynor. Needing 91 votes for selection, Pennock, who died a month before, gets 94 votes, Traynor 93. Just missing are Al Simmons, Charlie Gehringer and Bill Terry.

Tigers players, coaches, and executives birthdays:

Walter Briggs co-owner and owner 1920-1952.

Cy Perkins 1934.

Johnny Pesky 1952-1954.

John Wockenfuss 1974-1983.

Greg Cadaret 1994.

Matt Stairs 2006.

Craig Monroe 2002-2007.

Anibel Sanchez 2012-present.

from Baseball Reference