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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

Detroit Tigers Team Notes

August 8 in Tigers history :

1920: Detroit Tigers pitcher Howard Ehmke wins the American League's shortest game ever when he defeats the New York Yankees, 1 - 0, in one hour, thirteen minutes. With no outs and two on in the 5th inning
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

Detroit Tigers extend contracts of GM Dave Dombrowski, manager Jim Leyland.
from Mlive
Tigers extend contracts of Dave Dombrowski, Jim Leyland.
The Tigers also extended the contracts of assistant general manager Al Avila, vice president of amateur scouting David Chadd, vice president of player personnel Scott Reid and legal counsel John Westhoff. Terms of their deals were not immediately available.
from the freep
Tigers extend contracts of Dave Dombrowski, Jim Leyland.
from the detnews
Dave Dombrowski, Jim Leyland to stay with Tigers.
from espn
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

[color=#006400 said:
Victor Martinez's chances for Tuesday sound good.
from Jason Beck's Tigers blog

Well that's good news.
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

Why Tiger fans are perhaps underestimating the Indians
The numbers don't look good for the Cleveland Indians. They started the season 30-15 and held a 7-game lead in the American League Central on May 23. The common thought at the time is the Indians would fade.
And they have, posting a 26-41 record since, which leaves the Tribe 56-56 and four games behind the Tigers in the standings. Yeah. The Tigers made up 11 games on the Indians in that relatively short period of time.
But like the Tigers, the worst of the schedule is over for the Indians. Ten of their last 13 games were against the Angels, Red Sox and Rangers - the last seven at Boston and Texas.
Much has been made about the Tigers playing only three games against above .500 teams the remainder of the season - Tampa Bay. The Indians are in essentially the same spot. Other than their 12 remaining meetings with the Tigers, their only games against clubs currently above .500 will be on a trip to Texas in September.
And the Indians, like the Tigers, have improved their talent level. Second baseman Jason Kipnis and third baseman Lonnie Chisenhall were not rushed to the major leagues and are very talented rookies. Their play has been spotty since being called up, but the conditions for them to perform improve greatly. And the Indians did add at the trade deadline, front line starting pitcher Ubaldo Jimenez.
The Tigers have a better team than the Indians in just about every category except one: Bullpen. The Indians have very good bullpen depth.
At the beginning of the year, I made the colossal statement, "The Indians stink." I've been proven wrong. They've actually hung in there pretty well.
Do I think the Tigers will win the division? Yes. But don't be surprised if the Indians make them earn it. Or if the Tigers' falter down the stretch, the Tribe steal it.
That may sound ridiculous, but the landscape of this pennant race are going to change dramatically from this point forward because of the schedule.
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

Mike Ilitch's Tigers contract extensions for Dombrowski and Leyland send wrong message about accountability.
I understand why Tigers owner Mike Ilitch gave a long-term contract extension to general manager Dave Dombrowski, and another year for manager Jim Leyland.
Dombrowski has brought organization to the Tigers, who were decidedly dysfunctional before his arrival. Don't forget, he was hired as team president first. I would have given him an extension, too.
But I would have waited.
The longstanding professional sports theory is you don't want your manager or coach to be a lame duck. If that's the case, he loses his authority and the players don't tend to respect him when things go wrong. That's why Leyland got the year.
But I would have waited.
I did think Ilitch was doing something out of the box that was refreshing. He was holding his general manager and manager accountable for results. I mean, the Tigers should win the American League Central. They are the best team in the division, by a wide margin, and have a decent lead with not that much of the season remaining.
The Tigers have had numerous second-half collapses in recent years, though, the most notably in 2009 - after Leyland's contract was extended.
In that sense, I wish Ilitch had followed through and let the season play out before making any decisions. Sometimes a sense of urgency isn't a bad thing.
This was one of those times.