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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

Detroit Tigers Team Notes

That should cover it for now.
One other enjoyable aspect of posting all the Tigers news I can find here, is unlike espn, there are no filters to block out baseball sites that have the word blogspot, hardballtimes, isportsweb, hardballtalk, and most important is for players links from places like baseball reference and fangraphs that have the letter pos in the link which espn also blocks out due to the letters are used to describe people like, well like jz. lol.

Taking a break.
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

Whew. You did well. Thanks for all the work. Looking forward to all the daily info. Thanks again.
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

Sounds as if Tigers Dombrowski was confident about extension:
"I've always thought things would work out," he said.
Dombrowski on accountability added by lame duck status: "I think you
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

[color=#006400 said:
Mitch[/color]]Whew. You did well. Thanks for all the work. Looking forward to all the daily info. Thanks again.

Thanks Mitch.
7 hours later, 2 cigars, 2 food breaks, 2 whiz breaks, lol.
I think we're all set.
Relax now, and check on the minors and other sections of the forum later.
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

lol THIS is why i wanted KC! Amazing! Great job!

Detroit Tigers Team Notes

[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]lol THIS is why i wanted KC! Amazing! Great job!


Thankyou monster, Wish I knew how do do those moving pics.
and thanks Russell.
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

I did it, Success, learned something new,
Thanks Monster
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

lol did you click it twice? because the img parts are still there. Also, when you copy the image location...if you put that in your avatar URL...you'll have your avatar.
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

wait, i see what you did. You have to put the address in between the ] and the other [ otherwise it doesn't post correctly.
Detroit Tigers Team Notes


that's what it should look like on here.