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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

Detroit Tigers Team Notes

Pitchers with 5, 17-win seasons before age 29 since 1969:
Verlander, Gooden, Clemens, Blue, Holtzman, Hunter, Seaver.
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

August 12 in Tigers and mlb history :

1912: Three men attack Ty Cobb on his way to the Detroit rail station. Cobb sustains a cut on his shoulder, but catches one of his attackers and pistol-whips him. Cobb then travels to Syracuse and gets two hits in an exhibition game.

1932: American League president Will Harridge upholds Detroit's protest of its August 1st game against New York and orders it replayed on September 8. Detroit had protested because Tony Lazzeri's and Ben Chapman's batting order was orally reversed after the lineup cards were handed in before the game.

1945: In the first of two games at Briggs Stadium