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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

Detroit Tigers Team Notes

Tigers lose to indians in cleveland again.

Tigers' Rick Porcello rocked as Detroit suffers 13th consecutive road loss to Indians. Last win at the 'mistake by the lake' was May 8, 2010.
from Mlive

jimenez and rookie kipnis/krapnis help down Tigers 10 - 3.
from the freep

Tigers await for Justin Verlander after getting shelled by indians.
from the detnews
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

Tigers Brennan Boesch leaves game after reaggravating right thumb sprain
from Mlive

Tigers slugger Brennan Boesch leaves game with thumb injury.
from the detnews

Boesch exits after aggravating thumb sprain.
Tigers left fielder replaced by Kelly in second inning Wednesday.
from the Tigers official site
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

August 11 in Tigers history :

1914: After missing 6 weeks