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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

Detroit Tigers Team Notes

September 12 in Tigers history :

1925 - In Detroit's Game One loss to Cleveland 3 - 1 in 13 innings, Detroit's Jackie Tavener hits ML-record tying three triples. Detroit then takes the nitecap 3 - 2.

1974: Detroit P John Hiller picks up his 17th win in relief, an American League record, as he beats Milwaukee 9 - 7.

Tigers players birthdays :

Boss Schmidt 1906-1911.

Charlie Keller 1950-1951.

Mickey Lolich 1963-1975.

from baseball reference
Detroit Tigers Team Notes

Longest winning streak
The Tigers have won nine in a row but still are short of the longest winning steak in team history: Twice the team has won 14.

Aug. 19-Sept. 2, 1909

July 31-Aug. 14, 1934.