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Ferguson, MO

Interesting that somebody named Nixon could elected to high
office in this country.

I wonder if he's related to the former president?

As time goes on, more voters know him as this guy:

What do you mean trolling? That is the story Wilson gave in his report. His story didn't change. And the chief was right. The stop had to do with them in the middle of the street. Not seeing what you're getting at.

I'm ashamed of Liberals when they ignore facts in favor of what fits their idea of police.

Am I missing something? At first they said he pulled Brown aside and shot him only because he was walking in the street. That looks pretty bad. The police look incompetent and violent.

Another day goes by and they claim the cop knew about the robbery, saw Brown with a cigar and moved to arrest him because of that. If the facts were on their side, they wouldn't still be playing fast and loose with them, and they would've simply released the police report immediately.

it's not hard. The police shoot and kill people everyday, and we don't see riots. I'm not ignoring anything, and in fact I think you are. The story from the cops is highly suspect, and coupled with the fact that they started showing up in fatigues & riot gear & teargassing before there was even a riot...

I'm guessing you wouldn't get the humor in this post either, and figure it's just good advice.

... A white kid was killed in utah over the weekend by a cop. Where's the blind rage?


this is the same crap excuse we were hearing over the Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin shooting. You don't get it: it's not the fact that the police killed a black kid that's the problem. It's that it appears there was no justification for the shooting, and the police are simply protecting their own. There is no justice and no accountability from the police.

Zimmerman shot and killed an unarmed black kid, and walked... the police didn't even bother conducting a formal investigation and presenting the facts to the DA to weigh charges.
Am I missing something? At first they said he pulled Brown aside and shot him only because he was walking in the street. That looks pretty bad. The police look incompetent and violent.

Another day goes by and they claim the cop knew about the robbery, saw Brown with a cigar and moved to arrest him because of that. If the facts were on their side, they wouldn't still be playing fast and loose with them, and they would've simply released the police report immediately.

it's not hard. The police shoot and kill people everyday, and we don't see riots. I'm not ignoring anything, and in fact I think you are. The story from the cops is highly suspect, and coupled with the fact that they started showing up in fatigues & riot gear & teargassing before there was even a riot...

I'm guessing you wouldn't get the humor in this post either, and figure it's just good advice.

this is the same crap excuse we were hearing over the Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin shooting. You don't get it: it's not the fact that the police killed a black kid that's the problem. It's that it appears there was no justification for the shooting, and the police are simply protecting their own. There is no justice and no accountability from the police.

Zimmerman shot and killed an unarmed black kid, and walked... the police didn't even bother conducting a formal investigation and presenting the facts to the DA to weigh charges.

I'm really disappointed in you. Actually, I'm disappointed in a lot of atheists that I see posting about this. You're all making the same mistake that Christians make when defending their bible. You ignore facts and think with your heart and not your head.

First of all, the officer's story was related to a radio station by a friend of his. It was then put to a source with the police and he/she confirmed that it is the story that Darren Wilson gave to police.

I'm not sure what the police chief was thinking when he talked about whether or not Wilson knew about the robbery. He didn't do a good job making himself clear and clouded the whole public image of things. IMO, he's a horrible public speaker and should allow someone else to communicate in his place. Wilson did not know about the robbery when he first confronted Michael Brown, according to the friend's statement.

He pulled along side them, told them to get out of the street. When he started to drive off, the radio mentioned the robbery of the cigars at that convenience store. He had seen Brown carrying the cigars, so he pulled into reverse and that's when the confrontation started.

He tried to get out of the car, but Brown slammed the door on him. He tried again, but Brown punched him and pushed him back into the car. Wilson then went for his gun and then he and Brown wrestled with it. The gun went off (not clear if the shot hit him or not) and that's when Brown and his friend took off running.

Wilson got out with his gun drawn and yelled Freeze. The two of them stopped, turned around and Michael brown started taunting him, saying that he wasn't going to shoot him. That's when Brown bum rushed him. Wilson shot him 6 times. The first 4 were in the arm. That seems to me that he was trying to immobilize him. When that didn't stop him, he shot two more times. They both struck him in the head and fell just a couple feet in front of him.

Now, assuming that story is correct, Would you say it was justified? I would. Brown had already gone for his gun once and was 6'4 and 300lbs.

The witnesses (who are Brown's friends) say that Wilson told them to get the fuck out of the street and then got out of his car with his weapon drawn already. Then Brown put his hands up to surrender and Wilson shot him 6 times.

Seriously? Why would the cop shoot him 4 times in the arm before killing him "execution style"? What seems more logical to you?

Now, one thing I want to point out that protesters are so angry about when people on my side point out. Brown had just robbed the store. He was going to be defensive. I keep hearing "Oh, Brown didn't have a criminal record". Well, shit! He's 18 years old. What about his juvenile record? Dont' give me that sorry story that he was going to college and was such a good kid.

Did you see the video of the robbery? Did it look to you like he was doing that for the first time? He looked like a seasoned pro. There was no hesitation, no nerves, no sympathy for anyone. Protesters keep crying about the media and police painting him like a bad guy...well, that's what he was.

It doesn't justify him being killed, but if Wilson's story is true, I absolutely do not blame him for killing the guy.

You people keep talking about justice. There are two separate investigations going on at the moment. They need to figure out if there is enough evidence to take it to trial. There can only be justice if there is guilt. None of that has been determined.

Most of the time, I side with the victims. The man in NY that was killed after being put in a chokehold, Trayvon Martin, and a friend of mine that was beat up by a cop. In this ONE case, I see a lot of holes in eye witnesses story and believe that the officer involved has the more probable story. Let the investigations conclude and see what happens.

Now listen to what this guy says. Listen to how credible he is. He pretty much agrees how everything starts. Then he says, "He reached his arm out the window and put his hand around his neck" - LOL seriously? Brown is 6'4. How the hell could a cop sitting in a patrol car reach high enough to choke him. Then the rest of his story seems completely suspect. He tried to open up his car door and it ricocheted off of them? You actually believe this idiot?
I'm not saying who I believe. I've said the same thing all along: how does a police stop for jaywalking end up with an unarmed 18-year-old getting shot six times?

and the police response is a travesty.

hey, maybe Brown is the baddest guy who ever lived and the shooting was justified, but you wouldn't suspect it from how the Ferguson PD has acted.

and I'm not sure how this has anything to do with atheism...
I'm not saying who I believe. I've said the same thing all along: how does a police stop for jaywalking end up with an unarmed 18-year-old getting shot six times?

and the police response is a travesty.

hey, maybe Brown is the baddest guy who ever lived and the shooting was justified, but you wouldn't suspect it from how the Ferguson PD has acted.

and I'm not sure how this has anything to do with atheism...

again, you're not allowing for the cop's story to be true. If a 6'4 300lb person charges you after already trying to take your gun, what are you going to do? The cop shot him in the arm 4 times before giving the final two fatal shots. What else was he supposed to do?

There's ongoing investigations. What more are they supposed to do?

Now, if for some reason the other side's story is correct, Wilson needs to be strung up by his neck and beaten to death. That story seems like the biggest load of BS that I've seen, though.

I honestly don't see this as a cover up. I see it as the police chief is a moron and this is an inept department that doesn't know how to handle the media or situations like this. They've completely made themselves look like the bad guys by holding information back and tip toeing around the issue.
and I'm not sure how this has anything to do with atheism...

Oh, nothing, really. But atheists seem to be jumping on the side of Michael Brown without actually thinking the situation through. I hold atheists to a higher standard since we are evidence based thinkers.
Six more journalists arrested. Total: 11.


It's difficult to know what to think of the reporting when it looks like the authorities are trying to control the media.

from the article:
"Kerry Picket, a reporter for the conservative website Breitbart News, was arrested around the same time as Olson. She was held for "several hours," the website said.

"Picket was released when it was discovered that the trooper misunderstood directions from his superiors and was told to not allow vehicle traffic through but to allow foot traffic through. Both the arresting officer and his lieutenant apologized to Picket," Breitbart News added."
wow... they apologized??? She's lucky they didn't just SHOOT HER like SOME people we know...
from the article:
"Kerry Picket, a reporter for the conservative website Breitbart News, was arrested around the same time as Olson. She was held for "several hours," the website said.

"Picket was released when it was discovered that the trooper misunderstood directions from his superiors and was told to not allow vehicle traffic through but to allow foot traffic through. Both the arresting officer and his lieutenant apologized to Picket," Breitbart News added."
wow... they apologized??? She's lucky they didn't just SHOOT HER like SOME people we know...

They claim they're having trouble identifying legit press since anyone with a cell phone can claim to be press. I would guess that at some point the 11 arrested press people should have an opinion on how reasonable that claim is and how confused the police seemed on that point in their own cases.
They claim they're having trouble identifying legit press since anyone with a cell phone can claim to be press. I would guess that at some point the 11 arrested press people should have an opinion on how reasonable that claim is and how confused the police seemed on that point in their own cases.

maybe they should go back to arresting people the old fashioned "Constitutional" way: having probable cause the person is committing a crime.
Robert Klemko ✔ @RobertKlemko

I got tear-gassed good. Cop grabs me, drags me to truck and hands me water. "You media??" "YES" "hahahahaha Welcome to Ferguson!"


I have a friend in Istanbul who got tear gassed during the Taksim Square riots last year. He posted pics on facebook of him using lemon juice to make it better, and supposedly it works wonders. the locals told him not to use water.
I have a friend in Istanbul who got tear gassed during the Taksim Square riots last year. He posted pics on facebook of him using lemon juice to make it better, and supposedly it works wonders. the locals told him not to use water.

Lemon juice? I would not have guessed that.

I honestly don't see this as a cover up. ...

really? everything about the PD's public statements and comments screams "cover up" to me. Of course it's possible the shooting was justified, but like I said before, I've never seen it take this long to release the information justifying the shooting. Instead here, they released all sorts of circumstantial evidence about Brown, unrelated to the shooting itself. It's character assassination.

Many of their public statements keep getting retracted or contradicted, and some of their defenders in the media have backtracked as well.
Okay, so there was ANOTHER police shooting in the area:
"The suspect, who right now is described as a 23-year-old African-American, was acting erratically -- walking back and forth up and down the street," St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson told reporters.

"As officers arrived, the suspect turned towards the officers and started to walk towards them clutching his waistband. He then pulled out a knife ... and told the officers, 'Shoot me now. Kill me now,'" the chief said.

well, at least he made it easy for the police to decide to use deadly force. No investigation needed, right, Monster? The police themselves said the guy had a knife and asked to be shot. Hope no atheists complain about this one...
Okay, so there was ANOTHER police shooting in the area:
"The suspect, who right now is described as a 23-year-old African-American, was acting erratically -- walking back and forth up and down the street," St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson told reporters.

"As officers arrived, the suspect turned towards the officers and started to walk towards them clutching his waistband. He then pulled out a knife ... and told the officers, 'Shoot me now. Kill me now,'" the chief said.

well, at least he made it easy for the police to decide to use deadly force. No investigation needed, right, Monster? The police themselves said the guy had a knife and asked to be shot. Hope no atheists complain about this one...


I haven't heard too much about this, but I suspect that he did more than just pull out a knife and ask to be killed. Don't be a dick.