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Ferguson, MO

Interesting how there are completely different accounts from different witnesses. You could come to any conclusion you want based on witness testimony
Interesting how there are completely different accounts from different witnesses. You could come to any conclusion you want based on witness testimony

Thankfully there is scientific evidence that discredits some of the testimony that was absolute horseshit.
from what I understand there was an altercation in the car where deadly force was justified. He ends up shooting him after they're both out of the car and brown is a minimum of 30 ft away from Wilson unarmed. All witnesses say that brown was not charging Wilson, some say he was standing still some say he was staggering.

I do feel for Wilson in that your adrenaline is pumping in that situation and you're not thinking straight.

Unless some earth shattering new information comes out you'd think he should be charged with manslaughter at a minimum.

All? Some said he was not charging, not all. The info and the stuff they gathered showed Brown did move towards the police officer. It's hard being a cop, especially a white cop in a black neighborhood. Wouldn't do it for anything..
Interesting how there are completely different accounts from different witnesses. You could come to any conclusion you want based on witness testimony

That's why there's evidence. Some witnesses were shown to change their minds, some were hearsay from other people and others just flat out lied.
God damn, I'm glad I'm not out there…i'm really happy to be able to be enjoying this from the safety and comfort of my own living room…
I didn't think grand juries were convened to assess innocence or guilt but to simply say whether the evidence warrants a trial.

Can't fathom this shouldn't have gone to trial.
All? Some said he was not charging, not all. The info and the stuff they gathered showed Brown did move towards the police officer. It's hard being a cop, especially a white cop in a black neighborhood. Wouldn't do it for anything..

Definitely hard. Certainly a lot harder when you do stupid things like...

1. Confront an individual for jaywalking
2. Confront that individual from an open window while seated in a police cruiser after cutting him off with said cruiser
3. Don't immediately drive away when someone outside your vehicle reaches (allegedly) inside your vehicle
4. Fire bullets inside the vehicle while the danger man's body is still outside the vehicle.
5. Chase somebody you just shot on foot after exiting your perfectly nice and safe vehicle
6. Fire 8 shots at a wounded individual running from you because he turned to face you

I know a lot of police officers. I'm confident in saying that nearly all of that would fall into horrible police work by most discerning law enforcement officers.

I also understand why it wasn't charged. Officers are given a lot of discretion with the use of force and not having many if any reliable witnesses is going to prevent a possible court proceeding in most cases. Very surprised none of this was caught on camera, like say, from a dash cam on the officers vehicle that he exited. For all these people who were on scene you would think one would pop open their cell phone camera.
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It reminds me of the kid in Cleveland who was killed because he was waving a fake gun at pedestrians, and put it in his pants (like a holster), took it out and waved the gun at the rookie cop. After the cop said put it down etc.

I don't get why kids just cant put their hands up, step away and say nothing when a cop asks..
The bottom line is this, if you are an officer, and you turn a jaywalking offense into a dead body. You did a bad job. Duties = failed. Time to move to desk work.

That is not the kind of guy that you, me or anybody else would ever want to encounter on the street. White/black/whatever, this guy will look for a reason to crank up an encounter which is the opposite of what good police work is.
The bottom line is this, if you are an officer, and you turn a jaywalking offense into a dead body. You did a bad job. Duties = failed. Time to move to desk work.

That is not the kind of guy that you, me or anybody else would ever want to encounter on the street. White/black/whatever, this guy will look for a reason to crank up an encounter which is the opposite of what good police work is.

But you can't be a wise ass because you see a cop. Just recently, cop pulled over someone..dark windows, cop got closer and bam..he dead.

Just sit on your ass. But many of these kids are brainless..
I didn't think grand juries were convened to assess innocence or guilt but to simply say whether the evidence warrants a trial.

Can't fathom this shouldn't have gone to trial.

*ding* *ding* *ding*

We have a winner.
Maybe they want to save on tax money not having a trial ..either way a young kid dies and it sucks.
Did they implement the martial law thing yet?

This will prolly give the Econ a boost rebuilding entire cites?

Why did they wait for the weather to warm back up before announcing the decision? Put it off till prime time even as well.
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