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Ferguson, MO

The bottom line is this, if you are an officer, and you turn a jaywalking offense into a dead body. You did a bad job. Duties = failed. Time to move to desk work.

That is not the kind of guy that you, me or anybody else would ever want to encounter on the street. White/black/whatever, this guy will look for a reason to crank up an encounter which is the opposite of what good police work is.

So it's the cops fault for Mike Brown sticking his hands in the car and beating him up? That's what escalated it. All that idiot had to do is comply with what the officer was saying and he'd be sitting in a sweet little jail cell for a few weeks/months and none of this shit would be happening.
I didn't think grand juries were convened to assess innocence or guilt but to simply say whether the evidence warrants a trial.

Can't fathom this shouldn't have gone to trial.

If it was a civilian, sure. You're right. However, this was an officer doing his job and if there is evidence that he was defending himself, there's no way this should go to trial.
You have a better idea? Might sound dumb but it's not out of this word that they wouldn't have a trial for that reason.

So the next time some guy gets busted with a trunkload of coke, he can just ask if they will skip the trail to save taxpayer money right?

We don't pick and choose what we can and can't afford to have trials for.
So it's the cops fault for Mike Brown sticking his hands in the car and beating him up? That's what escalated it. All that idiot had to do is comply with what the officer was saying and he'd be sitting in a sweet little jail cell for a few weeks/months and none of this shit would be happening.

It's the cop's fault for putting himself in a position to have an altercation happen from a situation that didn't require it. This doesn't happen to 99% of officers and it doesn't happen for good reason. Most officers wouldn't even be in a position for a suspect to do that or for the situation to escalate in that fashion. So you are damn right its his fault.

It's always a handful of guys that have the 'incidents' in any given department. The other 100 are just fine, never hear a peep from them in 20 years, and 4-5 will have a handful of major incidents. It is no accident. It is officers being reckless cowboys and disregarding every bit of good training they ever received. There is a reason it only happens to them.
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So the next time some guy gets busted with a trunkload of coke, he can just ask if they will skip the trail to save taxpayer money right?

We don't pick and choose what we can and can't afford to have trials for.

This is a bit different..don't you think.

In any event it sounds like the cop was not in the wrong. So GJ or trial..
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Definitely hard. Certainly a lot harder when you do stupid things like...

1. Confront an individual for jaywalking
2. Confront that individual from an open window while seated in a police cruiser after cutting him off with said cruiser
3. Don't immediately drive away when someone outside your vehicle reaches (allegedly) inside your vehicle
4. Fire bullets inside the vehicle while the danger man's body is still outside the vehicle.
5. Chase somebody you just shot on foot after exiting your perfectly nice and safe vehicle
6. Fire 8 shots at a wounded individual running from you because he turned to face you

1. Well, if they're walking in the middle of the street and they fit the description of robbery suspects...yeah.
2. How else was he going to confront the individual? Stop the car and get out with his gun drawn?
3. If someone reaches into your car and grabs you around the head (as the report states) is it really a good idea to start driving? #1, you can't see. #2, if he somehow grabs your gun, you'll drive away and he has a gun to shoot at you with.
4. If that man is going for your gun and has just demonstrated that he's willing to fight you and is 6'4 300lbs and likely stronger than you, do you really give a shit where you shoot him? Fuck no. You're going to protect yourself.
5. Why would you not chase someone after you shot them after getting beat up? If he stayed in the car, what was he going to do? Run him over?
6. I don't think this is what happened in the report. I could be wrong. But the guy just beat your ass, tried to take your gun, and you know he robbed a liquor store a few moments ago. If he shot him, I call it justified.

Mike Brown was a fucking thug and his actions back it up. I'm sick of people talking about this guy like he's innocent. A fucking thug that thought he could do whatever he wanted to do. And now all of his buddies are burning Ferguson to the ground.
It reminds me of the kid in Cleveland who was killed because he was waving a fake gun at pedestrians, and put it in his pants (like a holster), took it out and waved the gun at the rookie cop. After the cop said put it down etc.

I don't get why kids just cant put their hands up, step away and say nothing when a cop asks..

This. I just don't understand.

The thing that's pissing me off are all of the protesters out there screaming "Hands up don't shoot" and also holding signs that say "No justice, no peace". Those two contradict each other, especially when they're also throwing things at police, flipping them off for no reason (before the violence got bad).
1. Well, if they're walking in the middle of the street and they fit the description of robbery suspects...yeah.
2. How else was he going to confront the individual? Stop the car and get out with his gun drawn?
3. If someone reaches into your car and grabs you around the head (as the report states) is it really a good idea to start driving? #1, you can't see. #2, if he somehow grabs your gun, you'll drive away and he has a gun to shoot at you with.
4. If that man is going for your gun and has just demonstrated that he's willing to fight you and is 6'4 300lbs and likely stronger than you, do you really give a shit where you shoot him? Fuck no. You're going to protect yourself.
5. Why would you not chase someone after you shot them after getting beat up? If he stayed in the car, what was he going to do? Run him over?
6. I don't think this is what happened in the report. I could be wrong. But the guy just beat your ass, tried to take your gun, and you know he robbed a liquor store a few moments ago. If he shot him, I call it justified.

Mike Brown was a fucking thug and his actions back it up. I'm sick of people talking about this guy like he's innocent. A fucking thug that thought he could do whatever he wanted to do. And now all of his buddies are burning Ferguson to the ground.

You have about a little evidence that "Mike Brown was a 'fucking thug'" as that jury did to indict the officer. So stop saying it like its some sort of fact.

The fact that you are trying to justify his death on the basis that "he's a f'ing thug" is absurd and irrelevant. Thug or angel, with most officers, his death never happens.

I would also point out that while most officers I know would probably do what I outlined and not what you outlined. You also contradicted yourself in the first two points. I doubt the officer had any information that he was the robbery suspect BUT if he did, then yes he absolutely should have stepped out of the car with his gun drawn.
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It's the cop's fault for putting himself in a position to have an altercation happen from a situation that didn't require it. This doesn't happen to 99% of officers and it doesn't happen for good reason. Most officers wouldn't even be in a position for a suspect to do that or for the situation to escalate in that fashion. So you are damn right its his fault.

It's always a handful of guys that have the 'incidents' in any given department. The other 100 are just fine, never hear a peep from them in 20 years, and 4-5 will have a handful of major incidents. It is no accident. It is officers being reckless cowboys and disregarding every bit of good training they ever received. There is a reason it only happens to them.

Dude, I'm the wrong guy to preach about cops to. I fully understand how bad some cops are and that most of them need re-training. A lot of crooked, racist mother fuckers. All I'm saying is that the officer in this incident wasn't in the wrong. Was it stupid to roll up on them? I Don't think so. I've had them do it to me before when I was a teenager. Rolled right up and told me to get off the street and go home because it was late at night.

Sorry that I won't take a thug's side in this situation. It's not like the cop got out of his car and shot him for jaywalking.

And this isn't directed at you but the media has to stop talking about Treyvon Martin. Totally different situations in which Zimmerman should have went to prison for a good long while. I'm sick of seeing the comparison.

Authorities released more than 1,000 pages of grand jury documents, including Wilson's testimony.

Wilson told jurors that he initially encountered Brown and a friend walking in a street and, when he told them to move to a sidewalk, Brown responded with an expletive.

Wilson then noticed that Brown had a handful of cigars, "and that's when it clicked for me," he said, referring to a radio report moments earlier of a robbery at a nearby convenience store.

Wilson said he asked a dispatcher to send additional police, then backed his vehicle up in front of Brown and his friend. As he tried to open the door, Wilson said Brown slammed it back shut.

The officer said he then pushed Brown with the door and Brown hit him in the face. Wilson told grand jurors he was thinking: "What do I do not to get beaten inside my car."

"I drew my gun," Wilson told the grand jury. "I said, "Get back or I'm going to shoot you."

"He immediately grabs my gun and says, "You are too much of a pussy to shoot me," Wilson told grand jurors. He said Brown grabbed the gun with his right hand, twisted it and "digs it into my hip."

Asked why he felt the need to pull his gun, Wilson told grand jurors he was concerned another punch to his face could "knock me out or worse."

Brown then fled, and Wilson gave chase. At some point, Brown turned around to face the officer.

Witness accounts were conflicted about whether Brown walked, stumbled or charged back toward Wilson before he was fatally wounded, McCulloch said. There were also differing accounts of how or whether Brown's hands were raised. His body fell about 153 feet from Wilson's vehicle.

Thousands of people rallied in other U.S. cities, including Los Angeles and New York to protest Monday's decision, leading marches, waving signs and shouting chants of "Hands Up! Don't Shoot," the slogan that has become a rallying cry in protests over police killings across the country.
You have about a little evidence that "Mike Brown was a 'fucking thug'" as that jury did to indict the officer. So stop saying it like its some sort of fact.

The fact that you are trying to justify his death on the basis that "he's a f'ing thug" is absurd and irrelevant. Thug or angel, with most officers, his death never happens.

I would also point out that while most officers I know would probably do what I outlined and not what you outlined. You also contradicted yourself in the first two points. I doubt the officer had any information that he was the robbery suspect BUT if he did, then yes he absolutely should have stepped out of the car with his gun drawn.

I have little evidence? How about a video showing him taking shit from a store and then strong arming the clerk and intimidating him. And within a few minutes, reaching inside a car and trying to fight a cop? That fits my definition of a thug regardless of race.

And yes, the report says that Wilson saw the two in the middle of the street and told them to get out of the street. There was an argument between them. Again, why is he arguing with a cop when he's clearly in the wrong? and then he noticed the cigarillos and that the two were matches for the robbery call he'd heard earlier. So yeah...I think there's evidence he knew.
Dude, I'm the wrong guy to preach about cops to. I fully understand how bad some cops are and that most of them need re-training. A lot of crooked, racist mother fuckers. All I'm saying is that the officer in this incident wasn't in the wrong. Was it stupid to roll up on them? I Don't think so. I've had them do it to me before when I was a teenager. Rolled right up and told me to get off the street and go home because it was late at night.

Sorry that I won't take a thug's side in this situation. It's not like the cop got out of his car and shot him for jaywalking.

And this isn't directed at you but the media has to stop talking about Treyvon Martin. Totally different situations in which Zimmerman should have went to prison for a good long while. I'm sick of seeing the comparison.

I'm not taking the "thugs side" so much as I am taking the anti reckless cop side. I don't care about who Mike Brown was as a person whether he was some angel or devil or somewhere in the middle.

This is bad police work, and it doesn't matter who the victim was. Officers like that are a danger to their community and by letting them get away without so much as a slap on the wrist puts everyone at risk.

To be honest, I think although race plays a large part in this whole ordeal I don't even think that's the biggest issue. I think mistrust towards officers of this particular ilk exist among many groups. Obviously it is far more prevalent in the african american community and not without good reason.

Authorities released more than 1,000 pages of grand jury documents, including Wilson's testimony.

Wilson told jurors that he initially encountered Brown and a friend walking in a street and, when he told them to move to a sidewalk, Brown responded with an expletive.

Wilson then noticed that Brown had a handful of cigars, "and that's when it clicked for me," he said, referring to a radio report moments earlier of a robbery at a nearby convenience store.

Wilson said he asked a dispatcher to send additional police, then backed his vehicle up in front of Brown and his friend. As he tried to open the door, Wilson said Brown slammed it back shut.

The officer said he then pushed Brown with the door and Brown hit him in the face. Wilson told grand jurors he was thinking: "What do I do not to get beaten inside my car."

"I drew my gun," Wilson told the grand jury. "I said, "Get back or I'm going to shoot you."

"He immediately grabs my gun and says, "You are too much of a pussy to shoot me," Wilson told grand jurors. He said Brown grabbed the gun with his right hand, twisted it and "digs it into my hip."

Asked why he felt the need to pull his gun, Wilson told grand jurors he was concerned another punch to his face could "knock me out or worse."

Brown then fled, and Wilson gave chase. At some point, Brown turned around to face the officer.

Witness accounts were conflicted about whether Brown walked, stumbled or charged back toward Wilson before he was fatally wounded, McCulloch said. There were also differing accounts of how or whether Brown's hands were raised. His body fell about 153 feet from Wilson's vehicle.

Thousands of people rallied in other U.S. cities, including Los Angeles and New York to protest Monday's decision, leading marches, waving signs and shouting chants of "Hands Up! Don't Shoot," the slogan that has become a rallying cry in protests over police killings across the country.

Thank you. I'm a bit too pissed off to think rationally right now. Watching Ferguson burn right now is maybe one of the saddest things I've ever seen.
Always people looting and starting fires .. they talk about peaceful protests and then try and get stuff for free. Fuckin' losers.
Always people looting and starting fires .. they talk about peaceful protests and then try and get stuff for free. Fuckin' losers.

Did you see what someone spray painted on one of the buildings in Ferguson?


Thank you. I'm a bit too pissed off to think rationally right now. Watching Ferguson burn right now is maybe one of the saddest things I've ever seen.

Indeed, I hope they catch some of those assholes burning it down wouldn't be surprised if there mostly out of town provocateurs...perhaps the one thing that would still be foggy is at some point he turned around and..fog, idk I can't pass judgement I wasn't there and I wasn't on the jury so...idk Can't we all just go to Mars.... and start a rock collection
Indeed, I hope they catch some of those assholes burning it down wouldn't be surprised if there mostly out of town provocateurs...perhaps the one thing that would still be foggy is at some point he turned around and..fog, idk I can't pass judgement I wasn't there and I wasn't on the jury so...idk Can't we all just go to Mars.... and start a rock collection

I'll go with you, buddy. It's a happier place than here. Maybe that's where big foot lives.