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Ferguson, MO

You can add all of the angry black people that cnn and fox news gave long interviews to. It was absolute non stop demonizing of the cop and praising of Brown. Not to mention some of the black vs white specials that they ran.

There was absolutely no balance in their reporting. No black voices that urged patience and calm. The only ones who did were white lawyers or cops.

Maybe I didn't watch as long, but I did flip to CNN for a while last night because this part of it is CNN's bread & butter, and the longer interviews I saw weren't about the cop or Brown. They seemed more focused on the prosecutor.
I don't believe Al Sharpton actually cares about black and white. He's aware of it and he profits by it, but I don't believe he actually cares about the "little guy" as he puts it.

That's fair.

Even the Brown family, who is angry ad saddened, don't want the violence and looting. Not the way to do it..
Maybe I didn't watch as long, but I did flip to CNN for a while last night because this part of it is CNN's bread & butter, and the longer interviews I saw weren't about the cop or Brown. They seemed more focused on the prosecutor.

This is true. Now that the evidence is out, that's what its turned into. Funny how they keep marching out white people to explain it all. I was referring to before the announcement, but more back when this first happened.
That's fair.

Even the Brown family, who is angry ad saddened, don't want the violence and looting. Not the way to do it..

I doubt any of the people engaged in violence and looting care about what happened to Mike Brown or the Grand Jury's decision either. It's just a convenient excuse, maybe helps their own conscious.

Same with the LA riots and the King/Fuhrman, those people didn't give a shit about justice either.

Personally I still have to question how you shoot an unarmed man 6 times after wounding him.
I doubt any of the people engaged in violence and looting care about what happened to Mike Brown or the Grand Jury's decision either. It's just a convenient excuse, maybe helps their own conscious.

Same with the LA riots and the King/Fuhrman, those people didn't give a shit about justice either.

Personally I still have to question how you shoot an unarmed man 6 times after wounding him.

I agree.

With the shooting, if the dude still comes at ya..that's why there were more shots.
Personally I still have to question how you shoot an unarmed man 6 times after wounding him.

Well, the only shot that would have stopped him was the last one. If Brown kept coming, there's a reason. Besides, brown had already proven he wasn't afraid to hit a cop and take his gun. Being half Brown's size, you would have put him down in the same situation. An officer's job is to protect and that includes himself.
Anyway here's the video of that?she gets clonked right in her head.

That's crazy. Watch Fox News a bit last night and some people broke his camera. He was recording with two iPhones after that..crazy.
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29 arrests really isn't as bad as it could have been. Another report says 61.
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So the next time some guy gets busted with a trunkload of coke, he can just ask if they will skip the trail to save taxpayer money right?

We don't pick and choose what we can and can't afford to have trials for.

I'm trying to avoid this thread if possible.

However, as to this specific post (no Thumb, not attacking), I believe this option exists. If the guy gets busted and pleads guilty, there is no trial to attempt proving his innocence as long as he maintains his guilty plea and no one else is convicted of the crime instead.

Rare? I don't know the specifics, but I would think it would be rare as people would be stupid to not take something to trial on the off chance of getting off on a technicality or something. Nonetheless, in the plain context of this post, obviously they CAN save the taxpayer money. No, I highly doubt they are considering the cost savings to Joe Taxpayer, they are looking instead to strike some type of deal for lesser jail time in pretty much every case where the cops are not coercing a guilty plea due to a lack of evidence...or other motivations.

That said, I'm pretty sure Thumb was specifically replying to someone pleading Guilty to save taxpayers money.
And msnbc now has someone on saying that his wounds don't back up his statement about getting punched hard twice.ummm...lady, I got punched a dozen times in the same place wilson did. The guys who did it were bigger than I was. No injuries on the outside of my face. Inside, a broken tooth and a jaw that hurt and bled for weeks.
I'm trying to avoid this thread if possible.

However, as to this specific post (no Thumb, not attacking), I believe this option exists. If the guy gets busted and pleads guilty, there is no trial to attempt proving his innocence as long as he maintains his guilty plea and no one else is convicted of the crime instead.

Rare? I don't know the specifics, but I would think it would be rare as people would be stupid to not take something to trial on the off chance of getting off on a technicality or something. Nonetheless, in the plain context of this post, obviously they CAN save the taxpayer money. No, I highly doubt they are considering the cost savings to Joe Taxpayer, they are looking instead to strike some type of deal for lesser jail time in pretty much every case where the cops are not coercing a guilty plea due to a lack of evidence...or other motivations.

That said, I'm pretty sure Thumb was specifically replying to someone pleading Guilty to save taxpayers money.


I was replying to Mitch's idea that the GJ decided not to indict in order to save the taxpayer cost of it going to a trial.

Someone pleading guilty to a crime is not the same, as there is still sentencing and stuff. Far different from a non-indictment being handed down.
Another msnbc stooge said protesters say they were hogtied and kicked while unconscious. The cops called them monkeys and animals.

Way to spread unverified second and third hand rumors. Way to further piss off the already angry community with rumor.

Does anyone really think the cops would call them monkeys with all this going on? Really? Cuz if you do, I have a billion dollar nickel to sell you for half price. Perhaps some of those kkk members that showed up called them monkeys, but I doubt the cops would. Animals, yes. They were acting like animals. Also not sure why a cop would hogtie someone unless they were kicking.

I was replying to Mitch's idea that the GJ decided not to indict in order to save the taxpayer cost of it going to a trial.

Someone pleading guilty to a crime is not the same, as there is still sentencing and stuff. Far different from a non-indictment being handed down.

your scenario was about someone being busted with a trunk load of cocaine. a GJ would not apply.

sorry for the confusion on my part.
I know there is Freedom of Press, but they have been on the edge of inciting riots, which is NOT something protected by Freedom of Press. their slants have done nothing other than create a higher likelihood for rioting.

too bad there isn't a prosecutor with enough guts to charge one or more of the media giants with this. they are obviously doing it for financial gain as opposed to freedom of press info. yes, they need to provide the sides that are inciting riots, but the balance is what is so askew and needs to be addressed. they need to be more conscious of how their words are feeding the rioters, but that won't happen unless someone files a legit complaint.

maybe those who were victimized by the rioting should consider a class action vs the media. plenty of examples of reporting things that were simply not true, which should throw out the protections from Freedom of Press. Reporting on unverified sources just to be first with some breaking news only to find out the events never took place as reported is incompetence at best.

but I think "professional" journalism is right up there with military "intelligence".
I know there is Freedom of Press, but they have been on the edge of inciting riots, which is NOT something protected by Freedom of Press. their slants have done nothing other than create a higher likelihood for rioting.

too bad there isn't a prosecutor with enough guts to charge one or more of the media giants with this. they are obviously doing it for financial gain as opposed to freedom of press info. yes, they need to provide the sides that are inciting riots, but the balance is what is so askew and needs to be addressed. they need to be more conscious of how their words are feeding the rioters, but that won't happen unless someone files a legit complaint.

maybe those who were victimized by the rioting should consider a class action vs the media. plenty of examples of reporting things that were simply not true, which should throw out the protections from Freedom of Press. Reporting on unverified sources just to be first with some breaking news only to find out the events never took place as reported is incompetence at best.

but I think "professional" journalism is right up there with military "intelligence".

This is what the media wants and after their gross negligence in mishandling the story up til now, they almost have to find stories of racist cops because their narrative all along has been that everything is the fault of the racist cops and not the "peaceful" people of Ferguson. First, they rushed to tell us Mike Brown was executed while surrendering - did anyone really believe that (besides MC)? Then the riots were a result of an overly aggressive militarized police force, not the otherwise peaceful citizens of Ferguson. Now their first story has completely blown up and it's clear the "gentle giant" nonsense they've been peddling was completely false and the evidence suggests the cop was defending himself against a very large, hostile and violent man - what to do? Did they admit they were wrong, print any retractions or apologies? Of course not. They're sticking w/ their narrative. And now that they clearly can't blame the cops for the riots that erupted last night, instead of reporting what a bunch of despicable animals these rioters and looters are, they're just dying for story lines that can make the cops look like the bad guys.
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Wow. That press conference. WTF? Did we just go to church or did we watch a press conference that was supposed to provide information?
This is what the media wants and after their gross negligence in mishandling the story up til now, they almost have to find stories of racist cops because their narrative all along has been that everything is the fault of the racist cops and not the "peaceful" people of Ferguson. First, they rushed to tell us Mike Brown was executed while surrendering - did anyone really believe that (besides MC)? Then the riots were a result of an overly aggressive militarized police force, not the otherwise peaceful citizens of Ferguson. Now their first story has completely blown up and it's clear the "gentle giant" nonsense they've been peddling was completely false and the evidence suggests the cop was defending himself against a very large, hostile and violent man - what to do? Did they admit they were wrong, print any retractions or apologies? Of course not. They're sticking w/ their narrative. And now that they clearly can't blame the cops for the riots that erupted last night, instead of reporting what a bunch of despicable animals these rioters and looters are, they're just dying for story lines that can make the cops look like the bad guys.

Remember how pissed off the protesters were when the video of Mike Brown robbing that store was released? Damn, you would have thought they dredged up a school suspension from the 5th grade by the reaction. Immediately the media went into overdrive to condemn the police for releasing it, despite being the ones who asked for it.

People need to get over this race shit. I know too many minorities who are successful to believe the whole "Cops are out to get me and society wants to hold us down" garbage. It may be hard to get out of the ghetto, but it's that way for white people in poor areas, too.

Cops are most likely not going to hurt you unless you give them a reason. Don't give them a reason. It's that simple. If you comply with requests and feel like you were discriminated, you can file a complaint after the fact. I'm done listening to this boo-hoo, woe is me crap that the media is selling.

And btw, they are blaming the cops for what happened last night. Apparently, they didn't do a good enough job protecting the people. Ironic, eh?
Remember how pissed off the protesters were when the video of Mike Brown robbing that store was released? Damn, you would have thought they dredged up a school suspension from the 5th grade by the reaction. Immediately the media went into overdrive to condemn the police for releasing it, despite being the ones who asked for it.

Yes, it was kind of the exact opposite they did w/ the Zimmerman case where the only picture you ever saw of Trayvon was over 5 years old - him as a happy, innocent looking child. They never published any of his own social media photos of him w/ tattoos, smoking weed and wielding a pistol.

People need to get over this race shit. I know too many minorities who are successful to believe the whole "Cops are out to get me and society wants to hold us down" garbage. It may be hard to get out of the ghetto, but it's that way for white people in poor areas, too.

We live in a largely post racial country but that doesn't sell papers, generate clicks or Nielsen ratings. Is there racism in this country? Of course and I don't think it will ever go away completely but w/ the media stoking the flames finding/manufacturing racism where it isn't, further progress will be difficult. Cops kill about 400 people (total of all races) per year. Black males kill other black males at the rate of over 5,000 per year. It's telling that the media focuses on cases like this - nobody cares about the real problem - not Al or Jesse, not Rahm, not the President, not Congress.

Cops are most likely not going to hurt you unless you give them a reason. Don't give them a reason. It's that simple. If you comply with requests and feel like you were discriminated, you can file a complaint after the fact. I'm done listening to this boo-hoo, woe is me crap that the media is selling.

And btw, they are blaming the cops for what happened last night. Apparently, they didn't do a good enough job protecting the people. Ironic, eh?

Yep. First, it was too much force that caused the violence, now it's not enough police presence to stop it. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
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Cops kill about 400 people (total of all races) per year. Black males kill other black males at the rate of over 5,000 per year.

I've seen this point a few times and it's kind of surprising to me. There's a really big and important difference between the 5,000 murders that everybody agrees is a crime and the 400 deaths that are sanctioned by the government. Do you really think there's an equivalence here?