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Fister Traded, now is retiring from baseball

Sometimes it fair....it is like being in an ass kicking contest with a one-legged man.
30 teams x 5 starters = 150 MLB starters

1-30 = #1
31 - 60 = #2

61 - 90 = #3

91 - 120 = #4
121 - 150 = #5

Choose your stats!

Since 2011 (TOTAL), Fister is:

10th in WAR

12th in RA9-WAR

14th in FIP

14th in Complete Games

15th in WPA/LI

18th in Ground Balls/Fly Balls

20th in WPA

23rd in SIERA

25th in xFIP

29th in Innings Pitched

30th in WHIP

35th in Wins

35th in Strike Outs

42nd in Games Started

Let's try last 3 years away (assumes Park Neutral, 140 IP min)

19th in FIP

21st in xFIP

30th in WHIP

37th in wOBA

As I was saying Porcello and his 2nd half make him a 2nd starter also. So here we are right back where we started. Which shows he should be able to take over where Fister left off.
Sometimes it fair....it is like being in an ass kicking contest with a one-legged man.

Sbee and DurtyMRClean both forgot more about baseball than you know.

Both of these posters will walk circles around you in all around baseball knowledge
As I was saying Porcello and his 2nd half make him a 2nd starter also. So here we are right back where we started. Which shows he should be able to take over where Fister left off.

What does Porcello's 2nd half have to do with losing Fister? It is Smyly that is now in the rotation versus Fister. Can Smyly cover Fister absence? I do not think so, because he will probably be on an inning restriction.
Thats where you are wrong. Rebbiv and yourself both say the players are all Loogy's.

The trade is yet to be determined.

No backing out now. If the players have success u2 are both wrong and the trade is a success.

I have seen some call Fister a #2 starter. Holy man crush Batman. So with this logic Porcello would have been a #2 starter the 2nd half of the season.

Since Rick started throwing his curveball and pretty much ditched his slider the K's keep going up. 2014 has break out year written all over it

First, you don't know or didn't know what a LOOGY means. And what constitutes success and who gets to determine what that is?

Certainly it is possible that the 3 players turn into something. Anything is possible. But that possibility is around say 10%. You trade a #2 starter (possibly even a #1, look at the numbers) for sure things. Not no 10% possibilities that "might" work out.

You can hate me all you want, but I believe it is clouding your logic. I mean how can 90% of the people dislike this trade so much and yet it is only Thumb and I you have the issue with?
Sbee and DurtyMRClean both forgot more about baseball than you know.

Both of these posters will walk circles around you in all around baseball knowledge

No disrespect intended to either of those posters, but....NO.

And you're kind of new here, and entitled to your opinions, but when you post that kind of nonsense, you're really digging yourself a hole you can probably never get out of.
id rather have the best top 3 in the AL with a closer than the best top 4 with Rondon.
id rather have the best top 3 in the AL with a closer than the best top 4 with Rondon.

We could have had both. I think it's largely a myth that Fister was traded for salary reasons. You don't dump a $7 million SP and then sign a platoon LF for $5 million, and Joba the Hutt for $2.5 million.

It doesn't add up. People just try to use it [salary dump] as an excuse for why DD got shafted in the Fister trade.
It wasn't an either or proposition.

how do you know? lol. Lets just go get everyone then?!! I deal in bottom lines....I still would rather have the top 3 in baseball with a closer than the best top 4. You don't need a 4 if you make it to the playoffs. We just need to get there and to be honest the other teams in the division didn't do much this offseason.
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how do you know? lol. Lets just go get everyone then?!! I deal in bottom lines....I still would rather have the top 3 in baseball with a closer than the best top 4. You don't need a 4 if you make it to the playoffs. We just need to get there and to be honest the other teams in the division didn't do much this offseason.

So we couldn't get a closer without trading Fister?
Teams seldom go 3-man rotation in the playoffs. I'll take a 200 inning starter over a 65 inning close all day.
Teams seldom go 3-man rotation in the playoffs. I'll take a 200 inning starter over a 65 inning close all day.

I agree, but I don't believe we needed to lose Fister to Gain Nathan, they were completely separate transactions, as evidenced by the amount of money spent after dropping Fister's $7MM after Nathan, on Davis and Chamberlain. Those 2 players were 7.5 million at least, that alone shoots giant holes in the Fister = salary dump theory.
I agree, but I don't believe we needed to lose Fister to Gain Nathan, they were completely separate transactions, as evidenced by the amount of money spent after dropping Fister's $7MM after Nathan, on Davis and Chamberlain. Those 2 players were 7.5 million at least, that alone shoots giant holes in the Fister = salary dump theory.

Its either a salary dump orrrrr

you think we got a fair deal.

It was an awful deal.....hence they dumped his salary. Its hard arguing with you people when you keep contradicting yourselves lol.
Its either a salary dump orrrrr

you think we got a fair deal.

It was an awful deal.....hence they dumped his salary. Its hard arguing with you people when you keep contradicting yourselves lol.

Hughes do you ever get tired of being full of shit? Nobody is contradicting themselves. It's not an either/or situation. You have such a narrow perception of everything that's it's either black or white. Same with the Jackson trade rumor, you are so fixated with getting rid of Jackson that you have tunnel vision and talk in circles trying to justify every possible way even claiming things people keep disproving.

Face it, no team ever did a salary dump on a player of Fisters quality/value, as cheap as he was going to be even after arbitration, and then went and spent even more money of far lesser players (Davis, Joba), just so they could sign a player making more than any of them (Nathan $10M).

And either way it's still being suggested that several GM's would have offered far more in return. It was not about a salary dump, it was about DD being fixated on Robby Ray, which is why Fister was not shopped around for more value, because Ray was the one thing DD absolutely had to have.
Are people still trying to argue this wasn't an abysmal trade?

Listen, you think we have too many starters? Fine. Want to trade one? Sure. Want to trade Fister specifically? Go right ahead. Nobody would have any problem with any of this as long as you get an appropriate return.

Fister was a top 20 starter in the MLB, he was under team control for two more years and was going to be at a very favorable salary for those two years. They dealt him like he was a replacement level starting pitcher who cost too much money.

DD showed that he had absolutely no concept of what Fister was worth. He could have reasonably asked for Rendon in a Fister deal. Instead he got basically nothing. Trade Fister all day any day, just get premium prospects in return like a competent GM should.