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Fister Traded, now is retiring from baseball

If those gm's didn't know Fister was available it was probably because they didn't have a prospect that DD was targeting. I read an interview after the trade that DD said he had a list of players(somewhere between 15-20 if I remember correctly) that he wanted.

I remember reading that too, but only after all the noise about GM's wishing he would have asked them about Fister.

Hard to say if it's true, or just what he said in response to the blowback over the trade.

Either way, the trade is done. the majority seem to feel we didn't get fair value, some are willing to wait and see, and some think it was a good deal.

But I don't think anyone want's Ray to fail as a Tiger, the poster who suggested that is taking it a little too personal.
All that's fine, except what we got back. And Fister was a 4 here, but a 3 or a 2 on almost any other team.

But I'll remember the "get over it" part next time you complain about a move Mayhew makes.

Its true im more of a DD apologist and a mayhew hater. because I base most of my feelings on reality and results. How can I complain when were winning every series and hes turned the team into a perennial favorite for the division/WS? Mayhew has turned the lions into crap...and theres no light at the end of the tunnel unless all 3 mega contracts play like they deserve a mega contract.
Delusional to think the DD haters don't want him to fail. Part of DD failing so you can pretend you were right along is Ray being a dud. Ergo, if you don't like DD as GM you want his moves to fail. I remember a time when I wanted the Lions to lose because I wanted Millen gone. hatred is a blinding thing and controls the subconscious.

I support one trade and am told "You'd eat horse shit if DD said it was hamburger helper." and somehow I'M the one taking it too personal? Classic.
Delusional to think the DD haters don't want him to fail. Part of DD failing so you can pretend you were right along is Ray being a dud. Ergo, if you don't like DD as GM you want his moves to fail. I remember a time when I wanted the Lions to lose because I wanted Millen gone. hatred is a blinding thing and controls the subconscious.

I support one trade and am told "You'd eat horse shit if DD said it was hamburger helper." and somehow I'M the one taking it too personal? Classic.

People here don't do that..we root for a player as much as you do. Don't think you're something special..
Delusional to think the DD haters don't want him to fail. Part of DD failing so you can pretend you were right along is Ray being a dud. Ergo, if you don't like DD as GM you want his moves to fail. I remember a time when I wanted the Lions to lose because I wanted Millen gone. hatred is a blinding thing and controls the subconscious.

I support one trade and am told "You'd eat horse shit if DD said it was hamburger helper." and somehow I'M the one taking it too personal? Classic.

I totally understand this cause that is my blind hatred for mayhew and how bad I want him gone. Its just hard to comprehend it with DD when hes turned this franchise into a perennial winner. He needs to plan for the future and we have zero minor league system. If that means your making decision that trade your quality #4 who has the value of a #2 or #3 on another team in order to get some potentially good young future arms....then I don't see a problem with it. Atleast not one that should be argued for this long when no one will know the result until these young guys get time to develop. I find it fair to bash mayhew for best, broyles, titus, leshoure, whitehead, mike Thomas, etc etc etc moves that have proven to not work out. I don't understand bashing DD for moves we have no idea how they will turn out and meanwhile our team is doing pretty darn good without the piece it lost.

The other point to take into consideration is it was pretty well documented...rumor or not...that fister didn't want to be here in the near future. We tend to forget that important piece when were discussing this...
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Good to have you posting SouthOfMackinac after mostly reading.

Thanks KC. I like this topic as you can see. I like the analysis that so many put into their posts. The breakdown of 1s & 2s was very good. Not sure I agree with all the assumptions but I love the effort.

If people could discuss without deriding others it would seem a utopia but such is modern discourse, I reckon.

I do think in some LOYAL fans hearts there is a desire for Ray to do poorly so they can further justify their disdain for DD. I think it is GREAT that we have another prospect to watch so closely (Nick C all last season) and discuss. With how down on Ray people are isn't it amazing that he is far and away our best young pitching prospect? That's DD's fault too...

I HATED the trade when I first saw it. I'm PISSED that we gave Lombo away for less than a bucket of balls when Worth was the obvious choice. DD is also the barrier that keeps Coke on this team. The guy f's up plenty (and admits to it) I don't think the Fister trade was one of 'em. It all hinges on Ray though. He needs to be a 3.5 WAR pitcher by 2016 or DD didn't get enough back.
Its possible to hate the trade and not hate DD, like I do (hes not a bad GM by any means, but I dont think he's a great one either. The lack of team depth, barren farm system, and the bullpen are testament of that.) Its also possible to hate the trade but really want Ray to do well. I really want him to succeed so that I can be at least partially wrong about the trade being horseshit.
Because you suggested we're looking to see him fail..you implied, pretty easy to see that.

I didn't suggest you or anyone discussing in this thread want him to fail. Thou protest too much. I merely asked the question. Implicated none.

We're all Robbie Ray fans here it seems. So it was a good trade! Yay...
I didn't suggest you or anyone discussing in this thread want him to fail. Thou protest too much. I merely asked the question. Implicated none.

We're all Robbie Ray fans here it seems. So it was a good trade! Yay...

You asked? Yeah okay..
Its possible to hate the trade and not hate DD, like I do (hes not a bad GM by any means, but I dont think he's a great one either. The lack of team depth, barren farm system, and the bullpen are testament of that.) Its also possible to hate the trade but really want Ray to do well. I really want him to succeed so that I can be at least partially wrong about the trade being horseshit.

I hated our slow team that ran 1 base at a time for the last 2 years then watched Fielder literally swing n miss in crunch time. meanwhile our #4 and #5 starters were used out of the pen in the playoff race anyways. Soooooo, in 1 offseason DD tried his best to change that dynamic....and as long as Davis, Ajax and Kinsler keep hitting I think we can agree that speed on the basepaths has been apparent thusfar this season. People don't talk about that as much....they just sit around and talk about "LOOGY" this and "LOOGY" that lol.
I'll admit I was puzzled and frothing at the mouth at the time of the deal. As the off-season progressed I noticed NOBODY was trading young talented pitching and that DD actually wound up with the best one. I am also in the lonely minority of being glad we have Krol as our situational lefty instead of Below, Coke or Downs...

The GM's that were puzzled by it DD already knew wouldn't trade who he wanted or he didn't want what they had (another righty)

How many players of similar quality to Fister (a top 30 SP) were traded in the off season?
How many players of similar quality to Fister (a top 30 SP) were traded in the off season?

You really think hes a top 30 SP? Really? Theres 30 teams in MLB. You think hes better than some #1s and Most every #2 in the league?
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I'm claiming exactly what happened. For whatever reason, no team saw it to be in their best interests to trade a top 100 pitching prospect this off season. There is no way to dispute that fact.

What part isn't valid? You are the one using a hypothetical as proof.

I think the point is that that is 100% irrelevant.

Top 100 prospects are traded all the time, so we know that teams are willing to trade them.

Shields, a pitcher with similar value to Fister, went for a top 100 prospect.