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Game 16 Lions @ Packers Thread

zonietigerfan said:
Hate to say it, b/c I'm a big Suh fan...but...he might want to show up for this game, eh what? I recall he came close to a sack earlier, but my gosh...you mean we're losing to their 2nd team? & I disagree with Billichek...a loss to their 2nd stringers will have a dramatic effect on the Lions: Go to NO instead of NY or Dallas & the lingering affects of losing to putzes you should be creaming. No, they gotta come back in the 2nd half or we get beat even worse than expected.

SUH is double and triple teamed all the time and gunther does nothing to try and free it up once in a damn while.
stafford had 2 gimmie tds he made questionable throws on... then the TD the refs took away from us. lol, all in all not a bad half for the O, but the D was bad.
mhughes0021 said:
TigerMud said:
The D line has been a huge disappointment pretty much all year other than 1Q in N.O. with Fairly.

well atleast someone agrees with me lol

Oh no, most here likely agree with you. As I noted earlier, Suh might want to show up...even Avril...I mean, wtf??? Now or never time.
My optimism isn't lost yet

I think the Lions go out and light them up in the 2nd half
Well, that's the problem with the "Wide 9" formation. Everyone is so spread out it's easy to get double/triple blocks on Suh. Because no one is stunting or ANYTHING.
TigerMud said:
zonietigerfan said:
Hate to say it, b/c I'm a big Suh fan...but...he might want to show up for this game, eh what? I recall he came close to a sack earlier, but my gosh...you mean we're losing to their 2nd team? & I disagree with Billichek...a loss to their 2nd stringers will have a dramatic effect on the Lions: Go to NO instead of NY or Dallas & the lingering affects of losing to putzes you should be creaming. No, they gotta come back in the 2nd half or we get beat even worse than expected.

SUH is double and triple teamed all the time and gunther does nothing to try and free it up once in a damn while.

Quite true...but I watched NS 1-on-1 a couple of times & he's playing it real cautious IMHO. God this sux. Got to win today...just have to!
I would like to kill the refs, but the Lions D has been often atrocious, their receivers just can't keep a good grip on the harder colder football going down to ground, and Staff is putting too much zip on the ball to sometimes over-compensate for the wind, IMO.
MalFunkShun said:
Well, that's the problem with the "Wide 9" formation. Everyone is so spread out it's easy to get double/triple blocks on Suh. Because no one is stunting or ANYTHING.

The Wide 9 needs to go, it doesn't work, the question is.. Is Gunther too stubborn to change it?. If he is then he needs to go also.
mhughes0021 said:
TigerMud said:
The D line has been a huge disappointment pretty much all year other than 1Q in N.O. with Fairly.

well atleast someone agrees with me lol

I do too. It seems like the only time we get a sack anymore is when the coverage locks down the receivers....which means when we play good receivers like GB, ATL, and NO have, we'll get beat up and down the field.
Romneybot said:
My optimism isn't lost yet

I think the Lions go out and light them up in the 2nd half

Me too. They've shown it all year, why doubt them now?
mhughes0021 said:
stafford had 2 gimmie tds he made questionable throws on... then the TD the refs took away from us. lol, all in all not a bad half for the O, but the D was bad.

Good points. No way we shouldn't have had a TD on the obvious catch. How the official got that wrong is truly astounding. Just that the kid is picking apart our D. I simply don't know if Rodgers could have done much better. Really don't.
MalFunkShun said:
Well, that's the problem with the "Wide 9" formation. Everyone is so spread out it's easy to get double/triple blocks on Suh. Because no one is stunting or ANYTHING.

whatever happened to suh and kvb lining up as a LB or on the line in a 2pt stance? That shit killed teams last year.
Romneybot said:
My optimism isn't lost yet

I think the Lions go out and light them up in the 2nd half

absolutely. d has to step up though.
Gunther.. Matt Flynn just threw for 280 yards against your Wide 9 in the 1st half. Get a clue buddy.
These saints records are a joke. They can be up by 30 in the 4th and still pass it a ton.

Starting to be a saints hater
Gunther tribute

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