That?s not what I?m doing, I?m all he has and going it alone, I need to keep myself healthy too. It?s too much to ask for the lions to not puncture a hole in the gas tank. But It is what it is I guess
Yeah, for the love of God, it is. It?s too much to ask the Lions for anything.
I?ve watched both my parents die.
I?ve been married twice and watched both my wives parents die.
I?ve watched pretty much all the parents of all my cousins (my aunts and uncles) die.
I?m gonna be 62 years old in less than two weeks, and I?ve watched pretty much almost every person I ever cared for in the generation ahead of me die.
What the **** does that have to do with how much the Lions suck or don?t suck?
I feel for you about your dad.
I been through it.
Every male fortunate enough to outlive his dad goes through it.
Who the **** wants to look up from ground, or down from the sky, or from wherever the ****, and realize ?oh, for the Love of God! How the **** did I do whatever I did that has resulted in me looking on from wherever I?m looking from to, actually, literally, watch my own father grievously bury me??
To me, that would be the definition of Hell.
But that?s not where you are.
You?re there, able to take care of your father, in his most precious days.
Rejoice, and exalt.
There are probably going be be plenty of Lions losses in the future to fret about.