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Game 4: Lions @ Vikings Thread

Tough NFC North win on the road...which is always a good win.

But...the offense needs to figure their passing game out.
Conflicting feelings here. Happy that we got a W and moved to three and one. Minnesota is a tough team and we just beat them on the road. Also, does it show that we are improving that we can play a shitty game against a good team and still get a W?

On the reverse side. We played like absolute crap. Our offense is terrible right now. JBC is a pussy and his offense is even more predictable than last year's.
Well in theory it allowed the Lions to attempt a pass without any risk, the incompletion has no impact because the clock was stopping regardless at the end of the play.

But since we have no balls I guess it didn't matter.

Ya stafford cant complete passes...so they had nothing to worry about :D
OC getting fired maybe?

No chance. Caldwell loves these games. This is clearly their game plan week to week. There going to go with the don't make a mistake, conservative offense most weeks and let the defense do their thing.

I don't always like it either but it's getting them W's. Today I was ok being on the conservative side and the offense just looked out of sync all day. But yes, I think we were too conservative.
A win is a win, but there's a ton of room for improvement. Playing like that with a 7 point lead isn't usually going to work out like it did today.
I had no issues either. This was a Defensive ball game, and Minny's defense is damn good as well so I wasn't surprised the offense had trouble.

The way I look at it, what good is a great offense if your defense can't stop shit? I'll gladly trade a great offense for a great defense.
Lots of room for improvement gutless play calling jim bob Caldwell need to grow a pair..glad they won though today dropping to 2-2 after last weeks tough loss would have really sucked
I had no issues either. This was a Defensive ball game, and Minny's defense is damn good as well so I wasn't surprised the offense had trouble.

The way I look at it, what good is a great offense if your defense can't stop shit? I'll gladly trade a great offense for a great defense.

Doesn't have to be one or the other. Great defense with an offense that can at least put the game away with a measly fg over the final 6 drives. Our puttz of an OC has a lot to do with that. Use some creativity to pick up a couple first downs. We don't have to just lay on a one score lead, extend that shit
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Team deserves to be 3-1 aftrr getting last week's game ripped from us .. Defense deserves it for sure !!!!
Tru win for Minnesota though. Multiple missed DPI calls and Dalvin Cook injury.

Damn it, I tried not too go to the tru win schtick......I just couldn't help myself!!
Tru win for Minnesota though. Multiple missed DPI calls and Dalvin Cook injury.

Damn it, I tried not too go to the tru win schtick......I just couldn't help myself!!

True loss for both teams. Didn't look like either team wanted to win.