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Game 7: Steelers @ Lions *Sunday Night* Thread

Mediocrity or bust.

Lose a very winnable game, drop below .500, further screw up chances to win division.

Fire everyone.
Well the season is over. No way this team makes the playoffs.

Yeah, I'd say its over too. Embarrassing that the Lions are handing the division to a 3rd string qb. Stafford should be embarrassed for how cowardly he has become
Jim bob has to be fired . His offense flat out stinks and i don't give two shits about yardage . He has no feel how to call games at all. Don't get me started how bad Matt is with his audibles.
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12 plays inside the 10 leads to 3 points.

Big Play Slay with a BAD PI call (while defending Pittsburgh's #4 WR) when the Lions are trying to get off the field.

Tate fumbles the ball like he was just hit by a fucking poltergeist.

True loss. Not enough luck in the universe to get that win.
How is Stafford the highest paid player? I would have let him walk if he didn't take this team to the next level this year or take less money.
12 plays inside the 10 leads to 3 points.

Big Play Slay with a BAD PI call (while defending Pittsburgh's #4 WR) when the Lions are trying to get off the field.

Tate fumbles the ball like he was just hit by a fucking poltergeist.

True loss. Not enough luck in the universe to get that win.

Maybe he was
Hit by a fucking poltergeist that would make perfect sense!
What will the list of excuses be this week?

Really none. Just couldn't score inside the 10 yard line. Just typical Lions missed opportunities. Staff misses a throw, bad running play call, receiver can't pull it down, etc. I did hate that we didn't kick it to take the lead with 4+ minutes to go in the 3rd. It just didn't make sense not to kick it there.
Never fully understood the thought process behind punching someone in the helmet.
Oline coach needs to be fired right now. This was an embarrassment. Can't run block, can't pass protect.
Just think how lucky we are to be stuck with Caldwell and paying an average qb the most money in the league.
I small part of me almost wishes we had a really tough part of the schedule coming up so I could just mentally give up. Instead we have a bunch of winnable games and now I have to still care even though I know the ultimate end result.
I small part of me almost wishes we had a really tough part of the schedule coming up so I could just mentally give up. Instead we have a bunch of winnable games and now I have to still care even though I know the ultimate end result.

Pittsburgh was a winnable game so the outcome might still be the same.
60 years of the SoS from the SOL....50 of which I have personally watched. One of the top 10, if not top 5 worst pro-sports franchises.