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Internet Censorship.

It's a theoretical slippery slope. 1 event is not a trend. And as long as the government is pushing against net neutrality, the idea of the government butting in to say who can and cannot be banned by private businesses is scarier than the idea of of companies getting overzealous themselves.

That whole private company spewll as yet to be decided it was all coordinated and largely occured concurrently, some even suggest possible mid term election Meddling idk trump is too busy trying to fight back ouster attempts right now to tackle this issue hopefully later on down the road he be able to get back to it

1 event? Wow so much than that. Bleh

Seriously try knight or shyroer for one week any week and tell me where they are wrong
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That whole private company spewll as yet to be decided it was all coordinated and largely occured concurrently, some even suggest possible mid term election Meddling idk trump is too busy trying to fight back ouster attempts right now to tackle this issue hopefully later on down the road he be able to get back to it

1 event? Wow so much than that. Bleh

Seriously try knight or shyroer for one week any week and tell me where they are wrong

I don't know who knight or shyoer are and I googled.
I don't know who knight or shyoer are and I googled.

I typically bypass the chicom search engine results and go straight to the source

Anyway the guy never sleeps

President Trump is set to issue an executive order that will ask federal law enforcement to investigate whether online social media giants have violated antitrust laws by discriminating against conservatives.

The leaked text of the executive order, the full version of which is still being finalized, vows to ?protect competition among online platforms and address online platform bias.?

Trump has previously tweeted that social media giants are, ?totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices.?

While the mainstream media still claims there is no bias against conservatives, innumerable voices on the right have been suspended, shadow banned or permanently banned for voicing opinions deemed ?offensive?.

Meanwhile, people like Sarah Jeong, who posted a series of vile anti-white tweets, and actor Peter Fonda, who expressed his wish to see Barron Trump locked up in a cage with pedophiles, were not punished. In fact, Jeong was verified by Twitter after her racist outburst became a national news story.

Meanwhile, emphasizing the clear bias against conservatives, actor James Woods was locked out of Twitter for sharing a satirical meme because it could ?impact an election?.

One wonders if this new rule will be equally enforced against leftists?
Don?t hold your breath.

The executive order is the culmination of weeks of pressure following the total deplatforming of Alex Jones and Infowars, which intensified yesterday after PayPal announced it would be terminating services with Infowars over ambiguous claims the website had engaged in ?hate? and ?intolerance?.
Read the executive order in full;


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to protect American consumers and workers and encourage competition in the U.S. economy, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. Online platforms are central to American commerce and the free flow of news and information. Whether reading news or looking for local businesses, citizens rely on search, social media, and other online platforms to provide objective and reliable information to shape a host of decisions ranging from consumer purchases to votes in elections. Because of their critical role in American society, it is essential that American citizens are protected from anticompetitive acts by dominant online platforms. Vibrant competition in the online ecosystem is essential to ensuring accountability for the platforms that hold so much sway over our economy and democratic process.
[Can expand this section, if necessary, to provide more detail on role of platforms and the importance of competition]

Section 2. Agency Responsibilities. (a) Executive departments and agencies with authorities that could be used to enhance competition among online platforms (agencies) shall, where consistent with other laws, use those authorities to promote competition and ensure that no online platform exercises market power in a way that harms consumers, including through the exercise of bias.
(b) Agencies with authority to investigate anticompetitive conduct shall thoroughly investigate whether any online platform has acted in violation of the antitrust laws, as defined in subsection (a) of the first section of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. ? 12, or any other law intended to protect competition.

(c) Should an agency learn of possible or actual anticompetitive conduct by a platform that the agency lacks the authority to investigate and/or prosecute, the matter should be referred to the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice and the Bureau of Competition of the Federal Trade Commission.

(d) Not later than 30 days from the date of this order, agencies shall submit to the Director of the National Economic Council an initial list of (1) actions each agency can potentially take to protect competition among online platforms and address online platform bias; (2) any relevant authorities and tools potentially available to enhance competition among and protect the users of online platforms.

(e) Not later than 60 days from the date of this order, agencies shall report to the President, through the Director of the National Economic Council, recommendations on agency-specific actions in response to paragraphs (d) of this section. Such recommendations shall include a list of priority actions, including rulemakings, as well as timelines for completing those actions.
Section 3. General Provisions. (a) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(b) Independent agencies are strongly encouraged to comply with the requirements of this order.

(c) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to a department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(d) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
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That whole private company spewll as yet to be decided it was all coordinated and largely occured concurrently, some even suggest possible mid term election Meddling idk trump is too busy trying to fight back ouster attempts right now to tackle this issue hopefully later on down the road he be able to get back to it

1 event? Wow so much than that. Bleh

Seriously try knight or shyroer for one week any week and tell me where they are wrong

?Concurrently? refers to ongoing events. Simultaneously is both less ostentatious and more specifically accurate in meaning.
“Concurrently” refers to ongoing events. Simultaneously is both less ostentatious and more specifically accurate in meaning.

Well technically they are still ongoing, there going after all his payment systems now trying to dry up his finds and put him out of business.
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Well technically they are still ongoing, there going after all his payment systems now trying to dry up his finds and him out of business.

You have a point. The bannings were relatively simultaneous; the state of being band is concurrent.

I think a lot more people are aware of Alex Jones since he got banned than before.
You have a point. The bannings were relatively simultaneous; the state of being band is concurrent.

I think a lot more people are aware of Alex Jones since he got banned than before.

Maybe that’s good maybe not idk if the left gets there way they are going to decide for me that I don’t have the right to buy his supplements. I’m not ok with that couple of them I really like
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This idea of regulating online platforms would be the end of any halfway decent message boards that have more than just a few users. Terrible idea. Most platforms already don't know how to deal with trolls and bullshit as it is. But tying their hands behind their backs would only make it worse. There's already freedom to create whatever platform you want and regulate it just about however you see fit. The fact that the biggest platforms appear to have a similar bias could tell you something about the things they have a bias about. That's not to say the wisdom of the crowds is infallible or that a platform's main bias isn't financial.
I googled the James Wood twitter thing.

"actor James Woods was locked out of Twitter for sharing a satirical meme because it could “impact an election”."

Are you aware he also asked people through twitter to divest of twitter stock to hit them where it hurts? Seems like a far more likely thing for twitter to get upset about.
I googled the James Wood twitter thing.

"actor James Woods was locked out of Twitter for sharing a satirical meme because it could ?impact an election?."

Are you aware he also asked people through twitter to divest of twitter stock to hit them where it hurts? Seems like a far more likely thing for twitter to get upset about.


pretty much agree with all of this.
Can you summarize? I'd rather not click random links to domains I'm not familiar with.


Don’t bother it might be too dangerous

Real.video is just the new place for conservatives now is all since the left platforms are banning the right

Internet ghettos
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Don?t bother it might be too dangerous

Real.video is just the new place for conservatives now is all since the left platforms are banning the right

Internet ghettos

Probably a Russian hijacking site.
tigermud - Are you pretty shook up by this latest arrest? I have to imagine it affects your reading material a bit.

QAnon Fan Arrested for Threatening Massacre at YouTube Headquarters

I do not follow the QAnon saga sorry. Nor does Infowars to any large extent, they had some guy calling into their show some months back giving updates on all that Q stuff but at some point, Jones stopped trusting the source for some reason and doesn't air him anymore. Not sure why or what that was all about as to why he stopped trusting the source. as for this specific guy arrested there are crazy people on all sides of the spectrum nothing new under that sun.
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