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Internet Censorship.

didn't Yao Ming spend his whole career with the Rockets? I wonder if he has anything to say about all of this and if he's allowed to say it...

I heard a blurb concerning this unfortunately ubiquitous story that Yao Ming is the Lord hi Pooh Bah of basketball in China, or something like that...

My guess is he?s going to fall in line with the other Lord hi Poo Bahs
so apparently a bi-partisan Congressional group (including both AOC and Ned Cruz) sent the NBA a letter telling them to man up on this shit & suspend their business activities in China (link)

Big government run amok! Against another big government!
so apparently a bi-partisan Congressional group (including both AOC and Ned Cruz) sent the NBA a letter telling them to man up on this shit & suspend their business activities in China (link)

Big government run amok! Against another big government!

As I recall, Ned and AOC teamed up on something else in the past.

He probably wants to fuck her.

Maybe that?s why he grew his beard.
I heard a blurb concerning this unfortunately ubiquitous story that Yao Ming is the Lord hi Pooh Bah of basketball in China, or something like that...

My guess is he?s going to fall in line with the other Lord hi Poo Bahs

and why wouldn't he? It's not like they shortened his career by several years and wore down his body by making him play year round starting a full schedule in China as soon as the NBA season ended every year. Who wouldn't feel like they owe it to the party? Thank goodness he didn't stay in the US year round where he would have just been exploited by evil capitalists.
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As I recall, Ned and AOC teamed up on something else in the past.

He probably wants to fuck her.

Maybe that?s why he grew his beard.

You could be on to something. Does he wear skinny jeans, a flannel and a wool hat in July, drink PBRs, smoke American Spirit cigarettes and bitch about capitalism at the hipster bars around DC?
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so apparently a bi-partisan Congressional group (including both AOC and Ned Cruz) sent the NBA a letter telling them to man up on this shit & suspend their business activities in China (link)

Big government run amok! Against another big government!

If this doesn't prove we need more welfare, government run healthcare, "free" college for everyone, a living wage, gun control, etc, etc, I don't know what does!

This could be the strongest case you've ever made for your agenda - and I'm saying that with a lot less sarcasm than the first sentence. A lot less, like almost none.
I heard a blurb concerning this unfortunately ubiquitous story that Yao Ming is the Lord hi Pooh Bah of basketball in China, or something like that...

My guess is he?s going to fall in line with the other Lord hi Poo Bahs

Meanwhile, I have been waiting for one of the boards literary snobs to point out that Gilbert and Sullivan?s ?The Mikado,? from where the term ?Poo Bah? is derived, is actually set in Japan, not China.
Meanwhile, I have been waiting for one of the boards literary snobs to point out that Gilbert and Sullivan?s ?The Mikado,? from where the term ?Poo Bah? is derived, is actually set in Japan, not China.

Just more proof that people who read literature don't know shit. The Grand Poobah was the leader of the Loyal Order of Water Buffalo as clearly "documented" in the Flintstones and the Flintstones predates the Mikado by at least 4,000 years.
Meanwhile, I have been waiting for one of the boards literary snobs to point out that Gilbert and Sullivan?s ?The Mikado,? from where the term ?Poo Bah? is derived, is actually set in Japan, not China.

The reference was lost on me. Maybe one of the boards other literary snobs got it?

I'm not really that familiar with opera in general, or their (Gilbert and Sullivan's) oeuvre in particular, except - and still to a limited extent - for the HMS Pinafore.
Meanwhile, I have been waiting for one of the boards literary snobs to point out that Gilbert and Sullivan?s ?The Mikado,? from where the term ?Poo Bah? is derived, is actually set in Japan, not China.

Okay, I guess I?ll have to just do it myself.

Consider what I quoted above as having pointed it out.

Japan, China, whatever-those people all look alike.
Just more proof that people who read literature don't know shit. The Grand Poobah was the leader of the Loyal Order of Water Buffalo as clearly "documented" in the Flintstones and the Flintstones predates the Mikado by at least 4,000 years.

Looks like the barely-literate couch potato crowd has their own etymology of the word.
Looks like the barely-literate couch potato crowd has their own etymology of the word.

zinger - I guess you have a hard time picking up on sarcasm.

By the way, where do you sit when you're reading Das Kapital or the communist manifesto? Same place as when you're reading leftist propaganda articles about Bernie Sanders - in the bathroom, with the water running?



America need to grow a pair again. Trump 2020 Make America have balls again! Bunch of Kowtowing sellout pussies $$$ > Chicom Totalitarianism What is occurring in Hong Kong is awe inspiring America used to stand for freedom long ago. Hong Kong the new America?
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We already have a few limitations on free speech and the free press.

That said, the first amendment embodies our most fundamental principles and surveys of this nature, or anything that calls for the first amendment to be rewritten, or calls for any additional restrictions to free speech, should be made to be against the law.
They can pry my free speech from my cold, dead mouth.
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