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Internet Censorship.

Dingleberry is way behind the 8 ball on this
What he finally had enough only after they fact checked a tweet? Dork

Karen Trump


Poor Donald...

The only thing they can do, and I don't know if Trump himself has this power, is find the "fact checking" is actually providing editorial content then label them as news sources rather than mere platforms or forums or whatever they call themselves. that subjects them to libel, but I fail to see how he could just shut them down by presidential fiat.

I'm all for piercing the "platform" veil and calling them what they are. If Jack wants to be a content provider, he needs to be held to the same standards and have the same liability everyone else does.

You mean the same standards MSNBC and Fox News go by? Because I don't think they have to worry too much if that's the case.
You mean the same standards MSNBC and Fox News go by? Because I don't think they have to worry too much if that's the case.

The standards they are subject to. Since you bring it up, are the standards the same for slander and libel? It?s probably more appropriate to compare them to NYT or online news sites.
Trump will accomplish nothing with today’s executive order he waited too long to act

Remember how this started now right? First they came for infowars..., blue gave me a hard time for that if I recall.how’s that look now going on two years later.. if they can do it to Bill Hicks they can do it to you.


Trump didn’t act until they came after him, blow hard orange clown, too late bud!

Anyone else watch the history channel Grant series that concluded last night?
Now does everybody know what happens next?

No not that!

WW with the chicoms looms...IF....trump wins in NOV if he does not, back to the chicom sell out path and America slowly crumbles into chicom style authoritarian jack boot rule

Lion for a day or lamb for a lifetime?
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The standards they are subject to. Since you bring it up, are the standards the same for slander and libel? It?s probably more appropriate to compare them to NYT or online news sites.

An excellent question that I do not have the answer to.
Trump didn?t act until they came after him, blow hard orange clown, too late bud!

Come after him? Are you serious?

They didn't censor him. They didn't delete his post. They didn't say he lied.
They didn't even correct his post. They simply posted a link with actual information about the subject he was word vomiting all over.

He's angry that Twitter is giving people the actual information about how the country he's supposed to be in charge of is run. How dare they mess with his disinformation, bullshit spewing pipeline?
Let us, for just one moment, put aside the legal argument of this executive order and it’s constitutionality and instead look at the larger picture at hand.

In light of everything that’s happening in this nation right now- the ongoing pandemic, the incident in Minneapolis, etc- the President of the United States decided that what most required his direct and immediate personal intervention... is some nonsense involving Twitter being mean to him.

bUt tHe eCoNoMy


Holy Shit! the don is going to have a meltdown when he finds out
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Remember how this started now right? First they came for infowars..., blue gave me a hard time for that if I recall.how?s that look now going on two years later.. if they can do it to Bill Hicks they can do it to you.

Infowars still exists, doesn't it? I can't make you post eleven warriors stories and you can't make any other platform post Infowars stuff. It's a tough problem - but forcing private entities to repeat speech they don't want to repeat is no less scary an idea than the stuff you worry about.
Unite the country? All of his support is rooted in dividing people and vilifying the others.

He certainly vilifies his opposition which is mostly him punching back in ways his Republican predecessors never did but the country was divided well before Trump came along. The idea that he’s responsible for that or that he’s made it worse is nonsense.

No one will ever unite progressives with any non progressive person, ideas or policies but he’s made progress uniting people in more important ways like the fact that he garnered bigger minority support than any Republican POTUS candidate in decades. Getting minorities off the Dem plantation is far more meaningful and useful to the country than compromising or trying to find common ground with the hard left.
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He certainly vilifies his opposition which is mostly him punching back in ways his Republican predecessors never did but the country was divided well before Trump came along. The idea that he?s responsible for that or that he?s made it worse is nonsense.

No one will ever unite progressives with any non progressive person, ideas or policies but he?s made progress uniting people in more important ways like the fact that he garnered bigger minority support than any Republican POTUS candidate in decades. Getting minorities off the Dem plantation is far more meaningful and useful to the country than compromising or trying to find common ground with the hard left.

I said it's where his support comes from. I didn't say he started it.
He certainly vilifies his opposition which is mostly him punching back in ways his Republican predecessors never did but the country was divided well before Trump came along. The idea that he?s responsible for that or that he?s made it worse is nonsense.

I just turned on CNN because they were the only station that seemed to be covering the press conference in Minneapolis where the prosecutor was laying out the case being brought against Derek Chauvin, then Jim Acosta came on later and I remembered why I almost never watch them anymore.

The subject of the ?looting/shooting? tweets came up and Acosta referred ?incendiary tweets made in the past.? Now - I agree Trump has made communications that I see - and people like Ben Shapiro, who likes Trump?s policies, as nevertheless needlessly hostile and detrimental to Trump?s efforts - but it?s an OPINION. Shapiro is editorial journalist - I thought Acosta was a reporter? WTF? Bring on a guest to give their opinion; reporters should stick to the facts.

So I?m going disagree with a caveat - my opinion is Trump has made it worse, but the TDS crowd has also jumped on the making it worse bandwagon.
I said it's where his support comes from. I didn't say he started it.

I said started it OR made it worse. It’s also not true that his support comes from it. It primarily comes from people fed up with establishment, career politicians.
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I just turned on CNN because they were the only station that seemed to be covering the press conference in Minneapolis where the prosecutor was laying out the case being brought against Derek Chauvin, then Jim Acosta came on later and I remembered why I almost never watch them anymore.

The subject of the “looting/shooting” tweets came up and Acosta referred “incendiary tweets made in the past.” Now - I agree Trump has made communications that I see - and people like Ben Shapiro, who likes Trump’s policies, as nevertheless needlessly hostile and detrimental to Trump’s efforts - but it’s an OPINION. Shapiro is editorial journalist - I thought Acosta was a reporter? WTF? Bring on a guest to give their opinion; reporters should stick to the facts.

So I’m going disagree with a caveat - my opinion is Trump has made it worse, but the TDS crowd has also jumped on the making it worse bandwagon.

When we have an entire political party that has done nothing but try to undo an election starting the day after (before actually), committing serious crimes exactly like the ones they’re accusing Trump of doing I have a hard time seeing how Trump’s tweets or whatever even put him in the same universe when it comes to being divisive.
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Infowars still exists, doesn't it? I can't make you post eleven warriors stories and you can't make any other platform post Infowars stuff. It's a tough problem - but forcing private entities to repeat speech they don't want to repeat is no less scary an idea than the stuff you worry about.

Only thanks to them having enough resource and backing to go their own way and built their own platforms most won?t be able to do that