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Internet Censorship.

Here is a glimpse of our future post trump under the chicom left

Social credit score coming to the west soon.

A video out of China shows a man being called in and interrogated by authorities for the crime of criticizing the police on social media.

The clip shows the man handcuffed to a metal chair as he is asked personal questions.
?Why did you complain about police on QQ and WeChat?? police ask the man.
He is then grilled about his screen name and activity in a group chat on the WeChat platform.

Why did you talk about the traffic police online?what?s wrong with police confiscating motorcycles?? he is then asked.

The man attempts to come across as apologetic but is then asked again, ?Why did you badmouth the police? Do you hate the police??

I?m so sorry, I?m wrong, I know, I know that now, please forgive me, I won?t do it again ever,? he states.

Under its social credit score system, China punishes people who criticize the government, as well as numerous other behaviors, including;

? Bad driving.
? Smoking on trains.
? Buying too many video games.
? Buying too much junk food.
? Buying too much alcohol.
? Calling a friend who has a low credit score .
? Having a friend online who has a low credit score.
? Posting ?fake news? online.
? Visiting unauthorized websites.
? Walking your dog without a leash.
? Letting your dog bark too much.

Back in August, the Communist state bragged about how it had prevented 2.5 million ?discredited entities? from purchasing plane tickets and 90,000 people from buying high speed train tickets in the month of July alone.

Citizens will also be forced to pass a facial recognition test that runs them through the social credit score database before being allowed to use the Internet.

The man explains that he was drunk when he made the comments and is then asked to apologize to the police.

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Bad driving, smoking on trains and walking the dog without a leash are violations here.

The rest of the shit are violations in NYC, where the next president will be from.

EDIT: Also reading anything written by PJW is a waste of time when you can just listen to his audio clips with his snarky and cool, almost but not quite Beatle way of talking.
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Bad driving, smoking on trains and walking the dog without a leash are violations here.

The rest of the shit are violations in NYC, where the next president will be from.

EDIT: Also reading anything written by PJW is a waste of time when you can just listen to his audio clips with his snarky and cool, almost but not quite Beatle way of talking.

So it's already here more so than I thought! they don't put you in one of these while asking you questions about your violation though. yet..



I can see bloomberg doing a third party thing later on down the road and take just enough votes away from Trump to put the chicom sellouts in charge. I would post his videos more but most of them aren't on youtube anymore, there new place doesn't have tags here so they show up without having to click on links and it's a PITA trying to get the links from his video site from mobile devices.
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When is PJW gonna be big enough for South Park to parody him his almost Beatle but not quite accent?

That would be kewl.
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Banned Fox News Host Accuses Twitter of Running Defense for Radical Islam

“If they’ll ban me, they’ll ban anybody.”

Fox News host Pete Hegseth, who was suspended by Twitter for posting a screenshot of the Pensacola shooter showing his Islamic terrorist motivation, has accused Twitter of running defense for radical Islam.

Hegseth was locked out of his account after he posted the screenshot along with the words, “The coward posted it just hours before his terrorist attack. This is Islamist terror. No reason to ever mince words. Saudi Arabia must be held to account.”
Hegseth was informed that he would regain access to his account if he deleted the tweet, but has refused to do so.

“I simply posted the words of the terrorist who killed three Americans in a terrorist attack, yet I’m violating the Twitter policy on terrorism and therefore I am banned,” Hegseth told Tucker Carlson, adding that he doesn’t normally “play the veteran card,” but feels it makes him more keenly aware of the “motivations” of terrorists.

Hegseth added that without the right to speak freely, “we’re gonna get the false narrative of the PC folks from Silicon Valley every single day of the week. And they banned me, and if they’ll ban me, they’ll ban anybody.”

In other news caught some of the IW show today for the first time in a few weeks, they laid out some new plans for trump events in 2020, it will be good and drive home the message trump needs to receive. Hint has everything to do with censorship and free speech this thread was ahead of the curve once again ;-)

Anyway, Happy New Year and all that Baloney
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The eldest son of US President Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., signaled support for the free speech rights of Infowars reporter Owen Shroyer after he was arrested at the US Capitol while conducting a silent protest.

On Friday, Trump Jr. liked a tweet from Newsmax anchor John Cardillo, who took issue with the fact that Shroyer was approached and arrested by Capitol police, despite other anti-Trump protesters being allowed to protest in the exact same location.


Following his arrest on Thursday for silently protesting Big Tech censorship at Capitol Hill, Infowars? Owen Shroyer has been released from jail and his charges have been dropped.
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A Democrat Congressional committee is demanding YouTube censor videos that contain “climate misinformation” as part of a new purge that would basically eliminate skepticism about man-made global warming from the platform.

In a letter sent to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on the Climate Crisis claims that YouTube has “been driving millions of viewers to climate misinformation videos every single day.”

It demands the following list of action items which would in essentially purge the video platform of most content that dared express skepticism towards the official global warming mantra.

Chicom takeover just a Bernie 2020 Victory away.

House Democrats voted against an amendment on Wednesday, which would have stopped the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) from demanding credit bureaus evaluate Americans? credit scores based on religion, politics and other aspects.

The failed amendment would have prevented the CFPB from forcing private credit score companies to ?make use of information related to political opinions, religious expression, or other expression protected by the First Amendment, whether obtained from a social media account of a consumer or other sources.?

The CFPB, established by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) during the Obama administration, would have the legal authority to force credit agencies to assign numbered scores to citizens directly reflecting the information gathered.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said if the Senate passes the bill without the proposed amendment, the CFPB would be granted ?unchecked authority on credit score modeling, without any built-in measure to stop potential abuse of power or violation of our Constitutional rights.?

The system would resemble Communist China?s ?social credit system,? which bans citizens from traveling or living in certain areas if they do anything the state disapproves of.

?There is a terrifying parallel to the practices of China?s communist regime, which seeks to control the actions of their population with a social credit score. This kind of oppressive practice is antithetical to American freedoms and ideals,? McCarthy noted.

Also, because the CFPB does not answer to the president, current bureau head Kathy Kraninger would have the power to demand credit agencies judge Americans based on anything from how much candy someone purchases to what news outlets they share on social media.

The amendment was a part of Rep. Ayanna Pressley?s (D-MA) Student Borrower Credit Improvement Act, or Comprehensive CREDIT Act of 2020, which aims to stop credit agencies from downgrading people?s credit scores based on medical expenses or unpaid student loans.

Breitbart explained how the amendment wouldn?t have hindered the bill?s main goals, writing, ?The amendment banning the CFPB from including First Amendment expressions in its ?credit rehabilitation? ? in ways such as improving someone?s credit for ?good? speech or excluding them from the program for ?bad? speech ? would not have significantly limited the scope of the Comprehensive CREDIT Act.?

It?s imperative for this information to be shared across the internet and for Americans to call their Senators and let them know We The People do not approve of a Chinese-style credit system.
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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned America’s governors about China’s attempt to influence them in foreign and economic policy matters, saying the Communist government is attempting to shape U.S. policy by suppressing free speech and assessing how friendly each governor is to it.

Speaking at the National Governors Association meeting in Washington on Friday, Pompeo said the Chinese government has assessed every single governor on their attitude towards China with the labels “friendy, hard-line, or ambiguous.”

“They’ve labeled each of you friendly, hardline or ambiguous,” he said, citing a report by a Chinese-backed think tank. “I’ll let you decide where you think you belong. Someone in China already has. Many of you indeed, in the report are referenced by name.”

The only thing they can do, and I don't know if Trump himself has this power, is find the "fact checking" is actually providing editorial content then label them as news sources rather than mere platforms or forums or whatever they call themselves. that subjects them to libel, but I fail to see how he could just shut them down by presidential fiat.

I'm all for piercing the "platform" veil and calling them what they are. If Jack wants to be a content provider, he needs to be held to the same standards and have the same liability everyone else does.
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