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Internet Censorship.

See how you're not talking about twitter or cable TV? That's how that BS works. Doesn't matter how you answer. Of course you already knew how it works. You do it all the time.

Accusing me of being offended is another cheap ploy. What do you think you said that's so offensive?

Nothing, that?s why I can?t help it if you misinterpret it and overreact to it.
Less than 24 hours and have already got the attention of D?Souza and Jordan. :tup:
If Spartanmack gets a sarcasm mark, maybe I need to use "SMH" That would help with tone. Or maybe I need an eyeroll mark.

...crap. I'm reinventing emojis.
Stern answered that question like he was guilty as sin for fixing the NBA lottery.