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Internet Censorship.

For example if you post something on FB about hydroxychloride the ministry of truth will flag it and promote narrative based tags. If you persist. Suspensions bans will follow.

Welcome to 1984 it has arrived

Hydroxychloride seems to be a thing but I don’t know what it is and I don’t know if it’s the same as hydroxychloroquine - when I look them up everything is very “sciencey” (“sciencie?”) and hard for me to understand.
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Hydroxychloride seems to be a thing but I don?t know what it is and I don?t know if it?s the same as hydroxychloroquine - when I look them up everything is very ?sciencey? (?sciencie??) and hard for me to understand.

Thanks for pointing out the mistake it?s a difficult word to get right
it was clearly hypocritical for the liberals to accuse Trump of being an authoritarian as he repealed Obama's executive overreach by unwinding his executive orders.

Executive orders are bullshit. No argument there.

Ultimately my final conclusion after completing the journey through the rabbit hole is that Steve Quayle is probably correct

Q is a giant controlled opposition psyop

And Ephesians 6:12 says it all

I'm not smart enough to know what that means.
I'm glad that despite the absolute ruination of that line by the far right, the movie still holds up. Curious to see what they do with part 4, especially since it's widely known they stole the script for the first 3.

most overrated movie since Pulp fiction.
Most overrated = Avatar. It's difficult to not forget about Avatar, but Avatar is treated like one of the greatest movies ever, and it's just a stupid beige ball of a movie. I can't quote a single line from it, but it's getting its own land at Disney? A billion dollar budget for 4 sequels? Why?
I wish I could take a pill to forget the Matrix so I could experience it fresh again. The 1st watching of it was one of the best movies watches ever. It just kept getting crazier and more inexplicable, and then there's a compelling explanation for it. Not like Lost (and everything since) where the crazy stuff doesn't get an explanation or Vanilla Sky where the crazy stuff is pointless.
Most overrated = Avatar. It's difficult to not forget about Avatar, but Avatar is treated like one of the greatest movies ever, and it's just a stupid beige ball of a movie. I can't quote a single line from it, but it's getting its own land at Disney? A billion dollar budget for 4 sequels? Why?

I forgot about Avatar - and Black Panther. I suppose the order of most to least overrated among those 4 is debatable, but they're all overrated. Neither the Matrix or Pulp Fiction was nominated for best picture (rightfully so) while both Avatar and Black Panther were, which is a joke but I'm not sure best picture nomination is a very useful standard.
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I forgot about Avatar - and Black Panther. I suppose the order of most to least overrated among those 4 is debatable, but they're all overrated. Neither the Matrix or Pulp Fiction was nominated for best picture (rightfully so) while both Avatar and Black Panther were, which is a joke but I'm not sure best picture nomination is a very useful standard.

so basically if Breitbart or Daily Caller called the movie "liberal agitprop" or some term like that, it becomes "the most overrated movie ever" in your book. Big surprise...
I wish I could take a pill to forget the Matrix so I could experience it fresh again. The 1st watching of it was one of the best movies watches ever. It just kept getting crazier and more inexplicable, and then there's a compelling explanation for it. Not like Lost (and everything since) where the crazy stuff doesn't get an explanation or Vanilla Sky where the crazy stuff is pointless.

It was a good movie.

I read somewhere that the Wachoski ... uh... siblings... ripped off some other works for the plot, but I have to say, notwithstanding that, it was a crazy and enjoyable flick.

The 2nd and 3rd ones were bad. Makes me think they didn't have a lot of original ideas between the two of them. The dialogue in 2 and 3 also gives "Top Gun" a run for its money in the "Worst Movie Dialogue Ever" category. I remember sitting in the theatre and listening to some of the pseudo-intellectual babble on the nature of mankind in #2 as torture.
Drum beat
Does this bother any of you orange man bad folks at all in any way shape or form?


yes it bothers me.

it also bothers me anyone could consider google or facebook "leftist" but I remember -thinking back to 2004 - that there were people who consider George W. Bush "too liberal" because he wouldn't endorse lynching gay people or sending all Muslim Americans to concentration camps, so I guess that's a whole other issue & it's going to be tough to find common ground here.
Sure. Orange man bad AND consolidated media power bad. Orange bad man never really fought it. Complaining about it was part of how he used it.

Would have been interesting if he actually tried to use the FTC as they were intended to be used - to fight consumer fraud, anti-competitive business practices, and monopoly power.

Of course, that would be heresy in tje Church of the Freemarket, which insists those things are not possible, cannot exist (or if they exist, "the market" will root them out and so at least they cannot persist) and the FTC is therefore useless big government socialist facism, etc etc
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Sure. Orange man bad AND consolidated media power bad. Orange bad man never really fought it. Complaining about it was part of how he used it.

He had too many swamp creatures around him. The swamp was a lot deeper than anyone could have imagined and Q was a passivity string along operation run by the swamp creatures.
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