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Internet Censorship.

That Bloomberg article details facebook blocking government news sites to punish the Aussies for trying to get a handle on them.

The obvious next move for any government: set up your own national social network, and kill facebook.

Eliminate the stream of profits going to Menlo Park, CA & keep that money in your own borders.

The technology to do this is simple; the only thing you lose is the interconnected-ness of facebook, but that gets easier to swallow when they start blocking your government pages anyway.
That Bloomberg article details facebook blocking government news sites to punish the Aussies for trying to get a handle on them.

The obvious next move for any government: set up your own national social network, and kill facebook.

Eliminate the stream of profits going to Menlo Park, CA & keep that money in your own borders.

The technology to do this is simple; the only thing you lose is the interconnected-ness of facebook, but that gets easier to swallow when they start blocking your government pages anyway.

Cool. Far more sophisticated than a single number government social score.

I wonder if we could create some class of entity, like a non-profit, with extra rules about personal data.
That Bloomberg article details facebook blocking government news sites to punish the Aussies for trying to get a handle on them.

The obvious next move for any government: set up your own national social network, and kill facebook.

Eliminate the stream of profits going to Menlo Park, CA & keep that money in your own borders.

The technology to do this is simple; the only thing you lose is the interconnected-ness of facebook, but that gets easier to swallow when they start blocking your government pages anyway.

Just so long as I?m not obligated to join ... and is it too late to compel FB to observe a few basic decency guidelines?
Cool. Far more sophisticated than a single number government social score.

I wonder if we could create some class of entity, like a non-profit, with extra rules about personal data.

I think if people already knew how much data google, FB, and their ilk (esp. dumb app games like Candy Crush I see lots of idiots download) have collected on them, they'd be less worried about this. And of course all these companies willingly turn over data to law enforcement or government spooks whenever requested.

Even foreign governments... remember Zuckerberg jogging in Beijing to curry favor with teh Chinese government?


Just so long as I?m not obligated to join ... and is it too late to compel FB to observe a few basic decency guidelines?

You set up an account using your SSN, or a small business account using your FEIN. One account per person or entity. You can also register your account and not use it to keep people from impersonating you online.

Government sells ads on the site (without using your browsing history to target you) to raise funds to maintain the site, like the post office selling stamps. No profit.

Government can't censor your account! THAT would be an actual First Amendment violation! But government can enforce laws, so using the platform to violate a law would be prohibited and punishable just like any other crime. Just like mail fraud is a crime.

Echo Chamber: D's Now Dominate R's on Social Media Thanks to Mass Bannings, Algorithmic Suppression

The biggest social media sites are now leftist echo chambers thanks to the banning of Donald Trump and tons of his supporters, data from CrowdTangle has revealed.

The bias is so extreme it's downright comical.
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A Ferris State University professor has been fired after posting racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic comments on Twitter.
Physical sciences professor Thomas Brennan announced the firing on Twitter Saturday, and the university confirmed to The Detroit News the firing had taken place Thursday.
His posts included the N-word regarding Neil deGrasse Tyson, a homophobic slur, COVID-19 denial, and comments about a "Jewish mafia" and COVID-19 being a "(J)ewish revolution," according to a report from The Torch, the university's student newspaper.

Brennan also disrupted a Zoom meeting in August 2020, saying COVID-19 was a "leftist stunt" and the death rates were "exaggerated," Eisler said in his message.

This man was railroaded. His 1st Amendment rights were violated!

WHen TeH Woke Cancel Culture MOB comes for you, no one will be left two speek UP!!!1111

I wonder if he's related to these Brennans? Seems likely...
I've seen a bunch of references to 'consequence culture' recently.

That's maybe a better name for it.

Despite what people claim, it's actually remarkably easy to avoid saying racist or offensive things.

And on the off (and highly unlikely) chance one did unknowingly make a racist comment, it's even easier to simply apologize for it, instead of trying to weasel out of responsibility or make one's self the victim by whining about cancel culture.
That's maybe a better name for it.

Despite what people claim, it's actually remarkably easy to avoid saying racist or offensive things.

And on the off (and highly unlikely) chance one did unknowingly make a racist comment, it's even easier to simply apologize for it, instead of trying to weasel out of responsibility or make one's self the victim by whining about cancel culture.


One could choose the path of 98 year old Norman Lear, and create fictional characters who say bigoted shit - but the shit is actually funny. Even build a media empire. Even have a Center for Popular Culture at USC named after you.

He got award on the Golden Globes last night.

That?s the best way.
Have any of you noticed the "Inclusivity" buzzword is being used by people who will immediately Exclude anyone who points out that the moment one is Inclusive they are instantly and simultaneously using Exclusivity?

Try it sometime with a fake account that you are ok with having becoming banned...because you will be Excluded from that group very quickly.
Have any of you noticed the "Inclusivity" buzzword is being used by people who will immediately Exclude anyone who points out that the moment one is Inclusive they are instantly and simultaneously using Exclusivity?

Try it sometime with a fake account that you are ok with having becoming banned...because you will be Excluded from that group very quickly.

So exclusive to arguing over absolutes and extremes? I can live with that.
So I guess Donald Trump spoke out against "cancel culture" at CPAC, and then a few minutes later said any Republican that holds office that disagrees with him needs to be voted out of office.

Yep, best president since Regan
The main issue I see with cancel culture is the chaotic unfairness of whose unpopular (or worse) behavior goes viral and whose doesn't. It's not that it's usually wrong, but how many beloved classic rock icons were known to have groomed underage girls and nothing happens (for example)?
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The main issue I see with cancel culture is the chaotic unfairness of whose unpopular (or worse) behavior goes viral and whose doesn't. It's not that it's usually wrong, but how many beloved classic rock icons were known to have groomed underage girls and nothing happens (for example)?

But you are talking about absolutes and extremes here...for some the concept of pedophilia is deemed acceptable depending on variables they have applied to not make it an absolute or extreme and your view is one that is not being Inclusive of people who have a natural pedo mental state and therefore deserve the right to act upon their pedo predisposition without any consequences because that is just who they are as a person and deserve to live the life they are naturally predisposed to experience.

Well, that's what some on the Extreme Left are proposing these days. Your (and my) view of pedophilia is outdated and needs to be replaced by one that is more accepting that these individuals have a mental illness and simply cannot help themselves, and as long as the interaction is mutual and unforced, there are those who believe it should be acceptable.
So I guess Donald Trump spoke out against "cancel culture" at CPAC, and then a few minutes later said any Republican that holds office that disagrees with him needs to be voted out of office.

Yep, best president since Regan

Not saying I agree with Trump - I haven't seen the comments or what he was referring to (disagrees with him about what), but being voted out of office isn't the same as being cancelled. It's not even close to the same thing.
But you are talking about absolutes and extremes here...for some the concept of pedophilia is deemed acceptable depending on variables they have applied to not make it an absolute or extreme and your view is one that is not being Inclusive of people who have a natural pedo mental state and therefore deserve the right to act upon their pedo predisposition without any consequences because that is just who they are as a person and deserve to live the life they are naturally predisposed to experience.

Well, that's what some on the Extreme Left are proposing these days. Your (and my) view of pedophilia is outdated and needs to be replaced by one that is more accepting that these individuals have a mental illness and simply cannot help themselves, and as long as the interaction is mutual and unforced, there are those who believe it should be acceptable.

We shouldn't be talking about absolute and extremes as much as we do. I get what you're pointing out and maybe I should have contrasted it with something less extreme, but to me, cancel culture means focusing on these extremes, randomly picking one, and having it go viral with soapboxing/outrage. The example I picked is one I think we discussed here before, maybe on the music thread? But with cancel culture being a facet of our polarization, we grind the whole operation to a halt worrying about extremes when we could just agree on good middle ground and when it comes to what crosses the line into extreme territory, just say we know it when we see it.
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We shouldn't be talking about absolute and extremes as much as we do. I get what you're pointing out and maybe I should have contrasted it with something less extreme, but to me, cancel culture means focusing on these extremes, randomly picking one, and having it go viral with soapboxing/outrage. The example I picked is one I think we discussed here before, maybe on the music thread? But with cancel culture being a facet of our polarization, we grind the whole operation to a halt worrying about extremes when we could just agree on good middle ground and when it comes to what crosses the line into extreme territory, just say we know it when we see it.

And I am in complete agreement with you, which is why I was bringing up the Inclusivity mantra that the Left is using as a means to carry out anything they desire...because how can you argue against people who are for Inclusivity? If you argue against them you are immediately a racist, sexist, blah, blah, blah...as opposed to actually supportive of Diversity, Equality, and more...but Inclusivity I draw a line at because IT draws a line. The world is too chaotic and complex for that line.

Treat each unique person as an individual and not part of a group is what I try to do. But the moment I disagree with someone from a group, I am labeled as being Not-Inclusive-Enough...as opposed to having the right to have a negative view of an individual regardless of any group(s) to which they belong.
And I am in complete agreement with you, which is why I was bringing up the Inclusivity mantra that the Left is using as a means to carry out anything they desire...because how can you argue against people who are for Inclusivity? If you argue against them you are immediately a racist, sexist, blah, blah, blah...as opposed to actually supportive of Diversity, Equality, and more...but Inclusivity I draw a line at because IT draws a line. The world is too chaotic and complex for that line.

Treat each unique person as an individual and not part of a group is what I try to do. But the moment I disagree with someone from a group, I am labeled as being Not-Inclusive-Enough...as opposed to having the right to have a negative view of an individual regardless of any group(s) to which they belong.

Haven?t you guys learned by now never to talk to anybody off of this board about anything?
Pretty much thinking that I would be excluded from certain groups, just after I was ostracized for refusing to join them.