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Is anyone else getting sick of marshawn lynch?

Response to what? I've been responding post after post. Your calling a black male, who grabs on his balls, made a couple minor mistakes a thug? Never mind the fact he makes an honest living, gives back to communities, has his own charity, works a full time job and provide for his family. Let's ignore the model side of the black male and focus on a couple minor mistakes he's made and label him a "thug". That my friend is racism.
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Yeah sure. When someone doesn't have a response it's always "closest racist." You keep rooting for skittles I'll be on the side of the good people, black and white.

Now it makes sense why he used eminem. He's trying to make this a white and black thing. It's obvious who the racist is. Considering we are talking about a player who is black. But didn't really judge him on being black. Simply the controversial shit he does.
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Response to what? I've been responding post after post. Your calling a black male, who grabs on his balls, made a couple minor mistakes a thug? Never mind the fact he makes an honest living, gives back to communities, has his own charity, works a full time job and provide for his family. Let's ignore the model side of the black male and focus on a couple minor mistakes he's made and label him a "thug". That my friend is racism.

Hey buddy guess what. I'm a white guy. And if I break the rules at work and my bosses punish me for it. And I did it again anyways. I'd be fired. Does he have to talk to the media? No. But he has complete disregard for any rules and has shown he doesn't give a **** despite the fact that he is extremely privileged to be in the position he is. He is hardly a model citizen.
You know what's really puzzling. Johnny manziel gets hated on too for being an idiot. But he's white? I'm confused?
Response to what? I've been responding post after post. Your calling a black male, who grabs on his balls, made a couple minor mistakes a thug? Never mind the fact he makes an honest living, gives back to communities, has his own charity, works a full time job and provide for his family. Let's ignore the model side of the black male and focus on a couple minor mistakes he's made and label him a "thug". That my friend is racism.

Minor? Gun charge is minor? DUI is minor? Tell that to the next person who gets run over by a drunk. H&R minor?
Hey buddy guess what. I'm a white guy. And if I break the rules at work and my bosses punish me for it. And I did it again anyways. I'd be fired. Does he have to talk to the media? No. But he has complete disregard for any rules and has shown he doesn't give a **** despite the fact that he is extremely privileged to be in the position he is. He is hardly a model citizen.

Simmer down kid...I didn't call you a racist, I called Mitch a racist. You weren't the one to call or label Lynch a "thug". You have valid points on Lynch and why somebody might not cheer for him, but to call him a thug is different.
Minor? Gun charge is minor? DUI is minor? Tell that to the next person who gets run over by a drunk. H&R minor?

Yes minor...Things a lot of us have done, been around or live by. Plenty of white people have done similar things but we don't label them thugs...Lynch made mistakes, and because he's black you labeled him a thug. That's racism and makes you a racist.
Look at your guy's views right now and how you are labeling a hard working, honest living, black man a thug. And we wonder why so many unarmored black men are being killed by police.

It's MLK day, you owe it to the man to look at yourself in the mirror right now.

I just looked in the mirror. I saw a white man who never had a felony gun charge or a hit and run.
Mitch, with out knowing you, I'm sure you have black friends in your life. Get a long with black people at work and probably don't judge a man by the color of his skin. Hopefully you'd be just as quick to help a black man in need as you would a white. I'm assuming your judge a person by character not skin color.

I was trying to prove a point by calling you a racist. You used the word thug in a controversial way. It was easy for you to judge and label Lynch a "thug" but at the end of the day, he's far from one. Just like you probably are far from a racist.
Mitch, with out knowing you, I'm sure you have black friends in your life. Get a long with black people at work and probably don't judge a man by the color of his skin. Hopefully you'd be just as quick to help a black man in need as you would a white. I'm assuming your judge a person by character not skin color.

I was trying to prove a point by calling you a racist. You used the word thug in a controversial way. It was easy for you to judge and label Lynch a "thug" but at the end of the day, he's far from one. Just like you probably are far from a racist.

I'm judging him by his crimes..
It's all minor, Tom. We've all done it - lol.

I never said we've all done it...But I'm sure most of us have either done, been around or had a friend go through similar things.

Honest answer here. If your best friend left a bar, had a few too many drinks, hit a parked car and made it home safe. Would you consider him or her a thug? Probably not, cause that is not a thuggish act. It's stupid not thuggish.
I'm judging him by his crimes..

Well if we're judging by crimes I guess Jim Issay, Lindsey Lohan, Justin Bieber, and Lance Armstrong are all thugs too?
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Would you like a standing ovation???

You left out DUI

of course not...just because I haven't done those things doesn't mean I deserve anything. I left out DUI because I had one when I was 20.
Well if we're judging by crimes I guess Jim Issay, Lindsey Lohan, Justin Bieber, and Lance Armstrong are all thugs too?

If they hit a woman and DUI, gun charge then yeah.

Lohan and Beiber :lmao:
of course not...just because I haven't done those things doesn't mean I deserve anything. I left out DUI because I had one when I was 20.

When Lynch gets a DUI he's a thug...But let me guess, when you look back at yours, you were a 20yr old kid who made a mistake?