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Jeffrey Epstein matter reopened... going to get ugly

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I can’t believe I actually clicked on that Infowars link.

Never get that 5-seconds of my life back now and can’t believe how utterly stupid you’d have to be to believe the shit on that site.

I can?t believe I actually clicked on that Infowars link.

Never get that 5-seconds of my life back now and can?t believe how utterly stupid you?d have to be to believe the shit on that site.


Oh come on?seeing that photo shopped picture of Clinton in Monica Lewinsky?s dress is certainly worth five seconds.
I can?t believe I actually clicked on that Infowars link.

Never get that 5-seconds of my life back now and can?t believe how utterly stupid you?d have to be to believe the shit on that site.


Orange man bad
Oh come on?seeing that photo shopped picture of Clinton in Monica Lewinsky?s dress is certainly worth five seconds.

Exactly! I almost didn?t post it on account of it being an ?anonymous source? says so right in the article but did for that reason alone! Angry anti trump folks don?t see past my madness oh wells
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You're right tinsel, I do appreciate a nice photoshopped picture.

I also have a feeling Jay Leno is laughing his ass off, since he was telling Monica Lewinski jokes as recently as last week.
Infowars host Alex Jones was right all along about Jeffrey Epstein, Joe Rogan said Tuesday.

Discussing the billionaire pedophile?s untimely suicide, Rogan acknowledged that while Jones has been ?misunderstood? by many, he?s been absolutely on point with his analysis of Epstein pimping out young children to high profile individuals.

?I know Alex so well. I?ve known Alex for like more than 20 years,? Rogan said on his podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, subscribed to by over 6 million on YouTube. ?We?ve been hammered together so many times. That is the most misunderstood guy on the planet. ? He needs somebody to go, ?Alex, slow down. You had a real good point there.? He even agreed with me. We talked about it. I said, ?you just need like a rational journalist who?s next to you to, like, study.? He?s like, ?You?re right. You?re right. I do need that.? I go, you need someone who just balances it out. Look, he was right about all this Jeffery Epstein s?. That is a f?ing fact. Alex Jones called this years ago. Years ago.?

News of Epstein?s death, which Rogan attributes to an inside job by powerful individuals intent on keeping him from spilling secrets, has vindicated Jones on this important topic.

[Alex Jones] was saying that [Epstein and fixers] take a lot of famous people to this island and they have all these young girls that this guy hooks them up with,? Rogan added. ?He was talking about this years ago. Now, it is mainstream news. ? This is a fact, man. ? Some people don?t represent the best aspects of themselves right to people and then other people try and define them.?

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He needs somebody to go, ?Alex, slow down. You had a real good point there.? He even agreed with me. We talked about it. I said, ?you just need like a rational journalist who?s next to you to, like, study.? He?s like, ?You?re right. You?re right. I do need that.? I go, you need someone who just balances it out. Look, he was right about all this Jeffery Epstein s?. That is a f?ing fact. Alex Jones called this years ago. Years ago.?

Ann Coulter claims to have been all over this story years ago too. Most people consider her a pretty rational journalist. Maybe Alex Jones should team up with her.

Here Is the audio clip of Ann talking about the story on KABC 790 Los Angeles, on The Morning Drive, with Jillian Barberie and John Phillips. Mud has already posted this before, I think, on a link to info wars article. I was out in my car listening to this at the time it was actually aired. It?s incredibly
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The artist behind the painting of Bill Clinton wearing a blue dress and red high heels that was found in deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan mansion also painted former President George W. Bush playing with paper airplanes and two demolished block towers.

The woman who created the paintings, Petrina Ryan-Kleid, was “surprised” to learn her artwork was making headlines this week, saying, “As with most of my paintings, I had completely lost track of this piece when it was sold seven years ago.”
“So it was a complete surprise to me to learn yesterday that it wound up in Epstein’s home,” she continued.

As long as Barr opens up all of the papers from Epstein we can get to the bottom of what happened but I am sure Barr will redact all the stuff that mentions Trump and Epstein because he is Trump’s lap dog.
Tinsel Fox’s jessie waters covered the Clinton painting yesterday but yes jones was wrong about Biden his sources aren’t always right and rogan does a great impression of him LOL
I can?t believe I actually clicked on that Infowars link.

Never get that 5-seconds of my life back now and can?t believe how utterly stupid you?d have to be to believe the shit on that site.


the fact that epstein had a painting of Bill Clinton in a dress is like the least fucking interesting and most meaningless factoid from this whole affair, but because our society is full of mediocre minds, we have to hear about it, even if we don't watch infowars.
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Tinsel Fox?s jessie waters covered the Clinton painting yesterday but yes jones was wrong about Biden his sources aren?t always right and rogan does a great impression of him LOL

Rogan's impression of Jones calling himself retarded was pretty great.

these people are rotten to the core - covered up for a pedophile and child sex trafficker to protect powerful Dems and make sure they could still get interviews with Will & Kate. they claim that they couldnt report it because it wasnt all corroborated - i guess they have different standards for Supreme Court nominees. Not to mention for the last year or so they have been talking about how whistleblowers must be protected and speaking out against collusion. now, someone shines the light on them and they collude to fire the whistleblower. tell me more about how bad Fox News is...
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these people are rotten to the core - covered up for a pedophile and child sex trafficker to protect powerful Dems and make sure they could still get interviews with Will & Kate. they claim that they couldnt report it because it wasnt all corroborated - i guess they have different standards for Supreme Court nominees. Not to mention for the last year or so they have been talking about how whistleblowers must be protected and speaking out against collusion. now, someone shines the light on them and they collude to fire the whistleblower. tell me more about how bad Fox News is...

I dunno.

But here is soldier/patriot Tulsi Gabbard defending herself against horrible accusations from people who never did a damn thing defending the people of this country.

Vote for Tulsi in your Democratic primary, whatever your
party registration is.
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I dunno.

But here is soldier/patriot Tulsi Gabbard defending herself against horrible accusations from people who never did a damn thing defending the people of this country.

Vote for Tulsi in your Democratic primary, whatever your
party registration is.

i dunno, I'd have a lot more respect for her if she left the Democrat party - the most corrupt party in the history of America and it's not even close. She should run as an independent like any good Russian asset (witting or otherwise) would.
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