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Man, Bernie Sanders is so great

Wayback in the way back I was playing softball with a group that included Matthew Perry. It wasn?t famous at the time and everybody called him Matt or Matty, nobody ever called him Matthew.

This dude, who obviously never got anywhere as big as Matty was in the group, and this guy was too:

There's a big difference between being great and being super.

Edit: it's worth noting, he won all the communist states - and Utah.

Ah yes, California paying for the south's welfare through it's enormous GDP and federal taxes. The one kind of socialism/communism this country approves of.
Mini Mike drops out endorses Biden, wow I'm very surprised Biden came back from the dead like this. I didn't see that one coming. Now what.. The guy doesn't even know where he is half the time I can't see how he beats trump unless there are enough people who or just so sick of trump they don't care if we put in a guy with dementia. It sure as hell won't be Biden driving policy it'll be back to the sell out America chicom plan again. This is disappointing. Hillary for VP Joe?
Bernie wasn't so great on Super Tuesday

he's still in better shape than he was against Hillary at this stage in 2016.

it's amazing how quickly "The Fix" coalesced against Biden.

they're going to have to pump the old man (Ie the senile old man, Biden) full of some sort of drug cocktail to keep him functional in speeches and debates.

Biden's handlers have already kept his public appearances to a minimum, and will likely continue to do so.

(that will make spartanretard happy, since Bernie's high frequent flier mileage run up by, you know... ACTUALLY CAMPAIGNING, got him all hot and bothered a couple weeks ago.)
he's still in better shape than he was against Hillary at this stage in 2016.

it's amazing how quickly "The Fix" coalesced against Biden.

they're going to have to pump the old man (Ie the senile old man, Biden) full of some sort of drug cocktail to keep him functional in speeches and debates.

Biden's handlers have already kept his public appearances to a minimum, and will likely continue to do so.

(that will make spartanretard happy, since Bernie's high frequent flier mileage run up by, you know... ACTUALLY CAMPAIGNING, got him all hot and bothered a couple weeks ago.)

I think the Dem party knows that the only candidate that actually has a chance to beat Trump is Biden. I know you love Bernie, but he has no shot winning a general election against Trump. Biden does.
Ah yes, California paying for the south's welfare through it's enormous GDP and federal taxes. The one kind of socialism/communism this country approves of.

another myth pushed by the left. California's state income and other taxes are multiple times higher than Southern states and up until 2018, they were able to deduct those when filing their federal tax returns lowering their overall tax rate and the relative amount they pay to the Federal government. The high tax blue states paid in way less to the federal government than they should have when compared to low and 0% income red states.
he's still in better shape than he was against Hillary at this stage in 2016.

it's amazing how quickly "The Fix" coalesced against Biden.

they're going to have to pump the old man (Ie the senile old man, Biden) full of some sort of drug cocktail to keep him functional in speeches and debates.

Biden's handlers have already kept his public appearances to a minimum, and will likely continue to do so.

(that will make spartanretard happy, since Bernie's high frequent flier mileage run up by, you know... ACTUALLY CAMPAIGNING, got him all hot and bothered a couple weeks ago.)

The general pundit consensuses seems to be that Bernie's comments about Cuba and Castro did him in, woke a lot of people up apparently oh hell no they said. Just goes to show ya how quickly things can change, one day, one comment and it all changes on a dime. Nov is still a long way away I can't currently see Biden beating Trump with all his Dementia but anything is possible.
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he's still in better shape than he was against Hillary at this stage in 2016.

it's amazing how quickly "The Fix" coalesced against Biden.

they're going to have to pump the old man (Ie the senile old man, Biden) full of some sort of drug cocktail to keep him functional in speeches and debates.

Biden's handlers have already kept his public appearances to a minimum, and will likely continue to do so.

(that will make spartanretard happy, since Bernie's high frequent flier mileage run up by, you know... ACTUALLY CAMPAIGNING, got him all hot and bothered a couple weeks ago.)

they did the same thing with Hillary - successfully, as you may recall. At one point they had to prop her half dead body up against a pole then carry her with her listless leggs dragging to the campaign van. And she still got the nom.

I'm not at all upset about Bernie's preferred mode of travel and you know it - I just like pointing out what a hypocrite he is and what a useful idiot you are. By the way, did you hear Bernie boarded the wrong private jet recently? You'd think by now that dumbass would know which one was his.
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another myth pushed by the left. California's state income and other taxes are multiple times higher than Southern states and up until 2018, they were able to deduct those when filing their federal tax returns lowering their overall tax rate and the relative amount they pay to the Federal government. The high tax blue states paid in way less to the federal government than they should have when compared to low and 0% income red states.

I wasn't aware of any 'myth' pushed by the left. I just assumed it was common knowledge.

Per capita, California pays the 6th highest rate as of last year at $7,466 per person. The top 5 are Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Washington.

The rankings on states that have the most federal money spent on them per person? Virginia, Kentucky, New Mexico, West Virginia, Alaska, Mississippi, Alabama

Again, these are all 2019 numbers and rankings. The south does not pick itself up by the boot straps.
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Unless you're Trump. The cult will not be swayed.

yeah but that camp won't be 100% enough to get him re-elected. I'm concerned that there will be just enough people in the rust belt that are now complacent and no longer recall how bad things were getting prior to trump and will now put Health Care above all other concerns and allow the repodems to go right back to the chicom sellout plan. Ya you'll get your gumbit run forced inoculation death panel health care alright though yippy yeaaaaaa

Hell my electric bills were x2 higher before trump than now, thank you Trump for reversing that shut it all down plan and not putting me out on the street with massively high electric bills
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Mini Mike drops out endorses Biden, wow I'm very surprised Biden came back from the dead like this. I didn't see that one coming. Now what.. The guy doesn't even know where he is half the time I can't see how he beats trump unless there are enough people who or just so sick of trump they don't care if we put in a guy with dementia. It sure as hell won't be Biden driving policy it'll be back to the sell out America chicom plan again. This is disappointing. Hillary for VP Joe?

Maybe Trump will change the nickname from sleepy Joe to Joe Bidementia.
Maybe Trump will change the nickname from sleepy Joe to Joe Bidementia.

Can you just see how that hand off meeting would go from the WH, Biden would probably call Trump and SOB then challenge him to some push ups.
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I wasn't aware of any 'myth' pushed by the left. I just assumed it was common knowledge.

Per capita, California pays the 6th highest rate as of last year at $7,466 per person. The top 5 are Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Washington.

The rankings on states that have the most federal money spent on them per person? Virginia, Kentucky, New Mexico, West Virginia, Alaska, Mississippi, Alabama

Again, these are all 2019 numbers and rankings. The south does not pick itself up by the boot straps.

The main reason for this is the progressive tax that is supported by democrats.

I wasn't aware of any 'myth' pushed by the left. I just assumed it was common knowledge.

Per capita, California pays the 6th highest rate as of last year at $7,466 per person. The top 5 are Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Washington.

The rankings on states that have the most federal money spent on them per person? Virginia, Kentucky, New Mexico, West Virginia, Alaska, Mississippi, Alabama

Again, these are all 2019 numbers and rankings. The south does not pick itself up by the boot straps.

Well it is a myth that other states live off of "welfare" funded by CA.

per person they may get back less than other states, but they also have much higher median incomes and many more much higher earners who get a federal tax subsidy with their deduction of state and local taxes.

Alaska charges no state income tax, the rate in New Mexico goes from 1 up to 4.75%, Alabama, Kentucky & Mississippi goes from 2 up to 5%, VA is 2 to 5.75%, WV is 6%. In California, the tax rate ranges from 1 to 13.3% and at $42k in taxable income the rate is already at 8%, it jumps to 9% just $10k later. Then there are local municipality and real estate taxes, also deductible before Trump.

California before Trump wasn't paying their fair share of federal income taxes because all the low tax states were subsidizing them.
Unless you're Trump. The cult will not be swayed.

I'm not buying it, I don't think Bernie's remarks on communism did him any harm - he's been saying it for decades and it's been well documented. The morons who love him, love him because of those comments. At best, maybe some Cuban and/or Venezuelan Biden supporters who weren't planning to go the polls were motivated to vote in the primary but I think this ass kicking Bernie just took was almost entirely due to consolidation among the moderate candidates.
One interesting thing about the primary cycle and the market volatility is no one is talking about the people "voting" with their dollars.

For the most part, everyone is attributing market action to the coronavirus but the market ripped posting it's best single day in decade on Monday after Biden won South Carolina over the weekend - don't recall hearing anything positive on the health scare that would be a catalyst. Then Super Tuesday came with more fears that SC was a blip and Bernie would clean house. We even had a surprise rate cut from the fed and still we sold off. But now that the results are in and it's clear Bernie got thumped yet again, everyone wants to buy again - or was there a coronavirus cure announced and I missed it?
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