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MSU Football recruiting

Well most kids are going to decommit but the new coach will bring some from his class. I don?t even worry now, I will pay some attention when they hire their coach.
In the first player related news since the new HC was announced, Spartan legacy Darius Snow has entered the portal as a grad transfer.

Sucks to lose a top linebacker even if he seemed to get injured every year. Well, at least we still have Cal Halladay...
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Katin Houser entered the portal too. Curious to see if Leavitt does too since he's from Oregon and didn't get an offer from Smith when he was at Oregon state. I'm hoping that it means that Aiden Chiles is following smith from OSU.
OT Spencer Brown has also entered the portal. Normally I'd say it sucks to lose a starter on the OL early, but our OL is so bad across the board this doesn't really bother me.

It sucks to see Houser enter even though he hasn't really impressed or lived up to expectations. I would never blame him for MSU's offensive woes but other than him being the only guy with meaningful experience at the position, I can't say it's a huge loss either.

It would hurt a lot more if Leavitt left too leaving us hoping for Chiles with Kim as his backup.
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Looks like two more lineman are leaving as well - Ethan Boyd and Kevin Wigenton, two guys in the rotation but not starters. If you can't start on this offensive line, you probably won't be missed. I don't expect big leaps next season, but not because these 2 guys are leaving.

Apparently Leavitt confirmed what Gotime suggested saying that there are some hard feelings about Smith not offering him a scholarship. But Chiles, a much higher ranked recruit committed to OSU in early June of 2022. If Chiles comes w/ Smith this will be a lot less painful. Chiles appeared in 9 games this year so he has one less year than Leavitt but he sounds like he's already better than any of the 3 we played this year.

DJ uiagalelei has 1 year left but I'd be surprised if he decides to spent it in college that he'd stay at OSU (he could transfer, declare for the draft or go play for the Dodgerw who already drafted him this summer) so Chiles could very likely have the starting job for the Beavers but with most of the offensive staff coming with Smith, there's plenty of reason for him to transfer as well but not necessarily to MSU.

I doubt DJ Uiagalelei wud waste his last year on a rebuild. Does anyone know what's available or likely to be available in the portal? Because I don't think I could stomach a year of Noah Kim backed up by walk-ons.
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I won?t flip out about anyone leaving. For all I care Smith can pull a Deion and force basically everyone out and I?d be fine with it. Tear this down to the studs and start new.
Yeah, I don?t think anyone leaving would be a disaster but I think most would agree we?d be better off not having Kim or worse as our starting QB and Chiles coming is far from a sure thing. I?d also like to see guys like Hall, Rucker and some receivers stay as well.

I know some steps can be made in the portal but I hate what that?s done to college football and I feel like those guys, including Kenneth Walker are ?Rent-a-Spartans?.
But it's not all bad news - Noah Kim has entered the portal leaving only walk-ons at QB for the moment but honestly, he's the least worrisome loss of the 3. Sounds like Leavitt is a hard no based on the recruiting snub (not very forgiving for a guy who starts every tweet professing his Christian faith) so hopefully Smith brings Uiegelelei or Chiles or convinces Houser to stay or finds someone in the portal. Chiles makes more sense than the others as DJ would probably want to spend his last year at a team that's ready to win now but I wouldn't be surprised if Chiles doesn't see it that way.

According to J2x, Chiles is part of the package so he'll probably be playing somewhere else next year. My money is on dook, kansas or kentucky because that's where kids most frequently end up when he says it's a done deal. Plus, Chiles still has a bowl game to play in so I have no idea how anyone would know that - it would be really inappropriate and irresponsible of Smith to be telling people that.
It?s such a clown show that adults have to convince 18-year-old kids to play at their university with little to no assurance that these young men will live up to that commitment. But then, many coaches are just as capricious in their words and actions towards these same recruits. So, there?s that.
DT Derrick Harmon and P Michael O'Shaughnessy both entering the portal.

I didn't see this but apparently another O-lineman (Geno VanDeMark) and a few WRs (Jaron Glover, Tyrell Henry and Christian Fitzpatrick) have all entered or declared their intent to enter the portal.

According to the article that's 13 total that have entered or declared their intent to enter the portal and apparently Aaron Brule has declared for the 2024 draft.

Harmon is one Smith should probably try to retain, but he specifically thanked coach Mel Tucker and no other coaches in his announcement which to me says a lot about how he feels about MSU right now. It would be nice but not necessarily critical to retain some of those WRs as well but that could be difficult to do before we have a QB for next season.
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Some good news out of recruiting...Nick Marsh has reiterated his commitment after meeting with Smith.

Now we just need a QB that can throw to him - among a few other things on the wish list.
3 star QB Henry Hasselbeck decommits from MSU and Diron Reynolds leaving to be DL coach at Arizona State.
I thought I had already heard he was gone didn't bother checking - just saw the headline that he took the Arizona State job. Based on the performance and complete lack of progress for the DL this year, it doesn't seem like he'll be missed.